Aerie O-1

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Written by skairunner

The Aerie O-1 is the first dedicated Spaceborne Warning and Control System (SWACS) fielded by the Jovian Orbital Guard. Its hull is pockmarked with integrated radio dishes and broken up by countless masts and antennae. Large, bulky, and packed full with sophisticated electronics and sensors, it is capable of precisely identifying and tracking objects in space as small as a mot and thousands of kilometers away. It can also calculate the speed and direction of tracked objects, giving its operators total knowledge of the environment.


  It was introduced alongside the Jovian Cyklopes SSF-9 as the Guard's next generation of military spacecraft, designed with an eye towards the most common missions it would be carrying out alongside the Cyklopes: anti-piracy.   The most common type of pirate attack attempts to intercept victim cargo carriers on their deceleration burn. Early anti-piracy was reactive, focusing on tracking the cargo carrier after it was captured. Thought by some to be the golden age of modern space piracy, countless high value hijackings were successfully undertaken, and many pirates, including the notorious Lexi Lazarus, made their names during this time.   The Orbital Guard quickly discovered that it was easier to prevent pirates from boarding in the first place. Station traffic control tracking systems were sporadically used, but only the largest space stations had the range required to detect pirates. Most space stations rely on Voluntary Indication of Position (VIP) systems instead of direct surveillance of spacecraft, except for when close to the station terminal.   The first SWACS were existing civilian spacecraft that were modified with sensor dishes similar to those on stations. Despite this rudimentary design, they quickly proved the value of the concept. The limited range was no longer an issue as the platform itself could be relocated, and the increased surveillance on the space of operations proved deadly for pirates. Successive designs were trialed and fielded, though none of them were purpose-built hulls.   Despite these successes, piracy was still a major problem, particularly in less-trafficked space. Following pressure from key stakeholders, the Jovian Senate approved a large budget for Project Eyes in the Skies, which would later become the Aerie O-1.


Development of the Aerie was relatively smooth. Two manufacturers were tapped for the project, Magnomight Systems for its expertise in space surveillance technology and Jupiter Stella for the platform itself. Both companies are headquartered directly on Jupiter, which some observers critiqued as a move that would alienate Jupiter's moons regardless of intentionality.   Although the unprecendented size and scale of its sensor suite was considered a high risk factor, previous experience with SWACS coupled with the advantage of a custom-designed hull allowed design compromises to be kept to a minimum. After the initial few deployments, the most pressing issues were ironed out.   The true issue with the Aerie was neither price nor design, but personnel. The increased surveillance capabilities were matched by an increase in staffing requirements. The higher expertise required to operate the Aerie's systems strained the Orbital Guard training pipeline to its limit, and they were forced to bring on civilian contractors on many Aeries. Even now, some decades since the introduction of the Aerie there are more craft mothballed than deployed, and Aeries deployed to low-risk areas are run with a skeleton crew.

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Speed 3/7
Mobility 2/7
Sensors 7/7
Toughness 3/7
Owning Organization
Current location
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
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Dec 2, 2023 15:18

Can't have too many eyes in the endless vastness which is space...

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Dec 2, 2023 19:25

This is where I would put an eye emoji, but emoji are forbidden. So you'll have to imagine it instead.

Dec 2, 2023 19:47

I imagined it.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Dec 3, 2023 11:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor Aeries, being mothballed. I kind of love them though. Look at those sensor stats.

Dec 3, 2023 12:20

The Orbital Guard needs to figure out how to train people faster and better so they can really strut its Aeries!

Jan 7, 2024 14:36 by Jared Richardson-Rushin

I absolutely love this, Solaris is so vast and I love getting more vignettes. So much detail in an article about a spacecraft, its origin and history the ramifications of it and the people involved. Also the more I see mention of Lexi the better lol.

When you’re writing you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. - James A. Baldwin

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Jan 10, 2024 12:44

Lexi Lazarus is an amazing character and I just had to shout him out.

Jan 7, 2024 16:44 by Aster Blackwell

I finally have the time to read your vehicle articles and this is a great one to start with! So much detail and thought put into it... I'm really blown away.

Jan 10, 2024 12:44

Thanks so much for reading! I am happy you appreciate the details :D