
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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In cytherocentric orbit, the crystal seed farms shimmer like fine gossamer mesh. These veils above Venus have long been the primary source of astral crystal, but as mining operations expand through the Asteroid Belt the status quo shifts.

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Crystal Technology
Spacecraft Kallisti Aerospace ( Sunderer SF-1 · Sunbreaker SF-2 ) · Jupiter Stella ( Aerie O-1 · Cyklopes SSF-9 ) · Heretic GA-7 · Dragonfly Carrier · Airdocks
Telepresence Interlace ( Super Wide Access Network ) · Remote Projection ( Remote Personality Cache/Display )
Other Bosonic Clock · Gateway Portals · Gravity Plates · Personal Computer
Materials Astrallite · Aurorite
An illustration of the mesh-like astrallite farms over Venus
Veils of Venus (Detail) by Annie Stein
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