History of Skeigham

The Age of Beginning

The ancient times, when the gods arrived in the Ethorial lands and brought with them their people

  • At least 6000 years before the Ruling of Coexistence
    Colonizing of the World of Skeigham
    Era beginning/end

    The first people appear in the world

    Additional timelines
  • Circa 6000 BR
    The Dashee teach magic to the mortals
    Diplomatic action

    Welcoming the new arrivals in the world, the Daschee decide to share their understanding of the vast magic of this world with the followers of the Six.

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  • Circa 6000 BR
    Zecod becomes Student of the Daschee
    Diplomatic action

    Eager to learn, the still mortal Zecod goes to study with the Daschee, together with his loyal group of followers.

  • Circa 5500 BR
    Dashee's Warning
    Political event

    The Daschee warn the other ancient races of the danger the mortal's reckless use of magic could pose. They get no support for any radical actions, however.

  • Circa 5500 BR
    The Theft of Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Most of the Dashee disappear from the world, taking with them large amounts of magic from the areas where the mortals live.

    More reading
    The Daschee's Theft
    Additional timelines
  • In the centuries after the theft of magic
    New generations change
    Cultural event

    The mortal races witness their offsprings changing, adapting to the new, magically poor lands. They have less longevity and their features change. They would develop into very different species, formed through nature and after the image of the six.

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  • 5100 BR

    The mortals begin to spread away from the imperium of the gods
    Political event

    The Imperium of the gods starts to split, due to colonization in new areas and disagreements between the gods. The new cultures will develop into the different species - humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs.

  • 5100 BR

    Beginning of the Search

    Vitukua embarks on his search for the legendary Dragons

  • 5095 BR

    The Minari split from the Followers of Vitukua
    Population Migration / Travel

    Easy discouraged from the search, the Minari leave the expedition and settle down.

  • 5087 BR

    Vituka searches the Desert
    Discovery, Exploration

    On his quest for the Dragons, Vitukua reaches the eastern Deserts

  • 5023 BR

    Turning north
    Population Migration / Travel

    Vitukua's search turns north, the Legari split away.

  • 5019 BR

    Arrival in the North
    Discovery, Exploration

    After crossing several hostile mountainranges, Vitukua and his followers arrive in today's Laraethien

    Larania Forest
  • 5015 BR
    Encounter between Elves and Dragons
    Diplomatic action
  • 5015 BR
    Vitukua Acends into Godhood
    Religious event

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  • 4920 BR

    Creatures of Shadow start attacking the lands
    Religious event

    In what was later called the Shadow wars, mysterious foes raised against the world and opposed the newly ascending deities and their followers.

The Age of Separation

The four races separate, spreading all across the Ethorial lands

  • 4700 BR

    The major religion changes
    Religious event

    Sabes rises into godhood and together with Apac they become the glorious leaders over the gods and mortals alike.

  • ca. 4500 BR
    Zecoria is founded

    The oldest surviving human nation, will later become Baradolia

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  • 4254 BR

    The Brenari seperate from the Minari

    Lead by an adventorous spirit, the Brenari take to the sea.

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  • 4252 BR

    The First Elves settled on the Brenari Islands

    Descendants or rather a splinter group of the Minari arrived in the islands of Bren, driven by their sense of adventure

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  • 4250 BR

    The second wave of Elves settle in El-Ethien
    Cultural event
  • 4200 BR

    A war between the sentient species

    Humans, Elves, Drwaves and Orcs engage in the first interspecies war.

  • 3700 BR

    Magical Discovery
    Scientific achievement

    Humans and Elves find new ways of using magic

  • 2900 BR

    A hero appears
    Cultural event

    This hero defeats the evil God Zecod

  • 2500 BR

    The Larania Elves encounter the Ice Dragons
    Cultural event

    In their search for Vitukua, the Larania meet several representants of the Ice Dragons, which they recognize as envoys of their god Vitukua.

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  • 2000 BR

    The golden age of magic and art of the elves
    Cultural event

    The elves are the most dominant species, being paramours of Art, Magic,Spirituality and science. Even some gods are living among the Elves, favoring them over all.

  • ca. 600 BR
    Zecoria becomes Baradolia

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  • 600 BR

    The Second Era of War between the sentient species
    Military action

    Humans and Orcs, aided by Dwarves first rise up against the elitists Elves and then turn against each other in a series of many global wars.

  • 0 BR

    The Ruling of Coexistence
    Religious event

    The Gods rule the end of racial wars and hate. Several bloodthirsty leaders are judged. The favor of the gods turns toward the humans, first to turn to the gods with piety to end the wars.   At the same time, the Gods retreat from the world and their influence becomes less direct.

The Age of Ethoras

The Human kingdom Ethoras is ruling the know world, blessed by the gods

The Time of Unrest

After the destruction of Ethoras chaos, migration, fear and conflict break out all over the world.

  • 1290 AR

    The council of Legiladi loses its power

    After decades of constant infighting and changing councils, the period of instabillity leads to a triumphverat of power and pius people, leading the nation into a theocrathy.   The three leaders call themselvs the @Dragons of Vitukua

  • 1353 AR

    11 Ronok

    Begin of the Tulip War
    Military action

    The kingdom of Klingquell declares war on the neighbouring kingdom of Milnfurt over the rising prices of Tulips.

    More reading
    The Tulip War
  • 1353 AR

    25 Ronok

    War of Tulip ends
    Diplomatic action

    More reading
    The Tulip War
  • 1355 AR

    Creation of "About the nature of magic"
    Artistic creation

    After talking for months with one of the last dragons, the elf Zylanon writes down his encounter with the mighty creature and the insights he gave him about magic.

  • 1370 AR

    The legendary explorer Gunnar Rundthorn maps the wilderness of the south

    Encountering an almost feral tribe of orcs, Gunnar is the first to establish a landbased trade route to the Port of Gems in the south of Rathram.   In doing so, he defeated a mighty being guarding this route.

The Age of Exploration

1380 AR 1595 AR

Nations spread out, the unknown lands are explored to the deepest and a struggle for the richest riches of the world emerges

  • 1380 AR

    1393 AR

    Strong colonization efforts from Baradolia
    Diplomatic action

    Baradolia sends group of millitant settlers to the Brenari Islands to slowly regain control over the Archepelago

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  • 1393 AR

    1 Gazezu

    Beginning of the Colonization Wars
    Military action

    Seeing the continuing settling as a slow invasion, Bren declares war on Baradolia.

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  • 1393 AR

    12 Fermoni

    Affeiand enters the Colonization Wars
    Military action

    Called as support for Bren, Affeiand declares war to Baradolia

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  • 1393 AR

    25 Atruno

    Affeiand drops alliance with Bren
    Diplomatic action

    First on the side of Bren, Affeiand soon realizes that control over the Brenari Islands would give a huge advantage for trade and military. The war becomes a three-way-conflict.

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  • 1393 AR

    14 Zommos

    Bartona declares war on Baradolia
    Military action

    Bartona and Bren forge an alliance. The conflict with Affeiand is not in the open yet.

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  • 1396 AR

    11 Atruno

    Sea battle of Gantum
    Military action

    Affeiands changed allegiances cost them dearly

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  • 1400 AR

    The economy in the human countries begins to decline
    Political event

    Due to some harsh winters, workforce is dwindeling and the economy needs to find ways to better work with fewer workers. Beginning of employing magically talented craftsmen in the western Kingdoms.

  • 1400 AR

    5 Hamina

    First Black-Powder cannons
    Discovery, Scientific

    Being able to be operated by non magical personel, Black Powder Cannons drastically changed the amount of powerful ships a naval fleet could build up.

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  • 1400 AR

    19 Vitukua

    Bartona and Affeiand pull out of the war
    Diplomatic action

    Being wastly inferior to the many canon-laden ships of Baradolia, both Bartona and Affeiand quickly negotiated a truce with Baradolia.

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  • 1401 AR

    19 Gazezu

    Bren surrenders
    Diplomatic action

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  • 1401 AR

    21 Gazezu

    The Kingdom of Bren is disbanded
  • 1401 AR

    22 Gazezu

    The Brenari Islands become a colony of Baradolia
    Political event

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  • 1411 AR

    2 Hamina

    Birth of Duke Jerhannes Conchetti
    Life, Birth

    The Duke Jerhannes Conchetti, later suspected to be an Ethoressian spy, is born to the Baradolian noble family of Conchetti.

    More reading
    Duke Conchetti
  • 1430 AR till 1457 AR
    Second Blue Steel Inquisition
    Military action

    Led by zealos Bluebound, the aim of the Second Blue Steel Inquistion was to gain control of the dwarven council, that was led by heretics in the view of the Order. Included forceful "recruiting" of new members by infecting them with Blue Steel Taint

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  • 1430 AR

    The Leader of the Bluebound turns himself mindless
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    In an attempt to make himself able to act in the best of the order, the current leader puts himself into a mindless trance, casting aside all doubt as well as morality - with no way of being wakened of the trance other than by himself.

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  • 1436 AR

    Deadly Manquette of Trandit
    Life, Death

    Many nobels die in an attack during a Manquette using poisonous gas.

  • 1450 AR

    Birth of Theodor the Strict
    Life, Birth

    The future great king Theodor the strict is born in the kingdom of Weißenquell in Sevelang

  • 1465 AR

    21 Fermoni

    Death of Duke Conchetti
    Life, Death

    Duke Jerhannes Conchetti dies of a sickness and possibly natural causes.

    More reading
    Duke Conchetti
  • 1467 AR

    King Theodor of Weißenquell follows his father
    Political event
  • 1468 AR

    Invasion of Sevelang
    Military action

    Baradolia and Rhomedan declare war to the kingdoms of Sevelang and begin a coordinated invasion.

  • 1472 AR

    Theodor the Strict becomes the Defender of Sevelang
    Political event

    Uniting the kingdoms of Sevelang during the ongoing invasion by Baradolia and RHomedan over the past few years, Theodor became the de-facto leader of all of Sevelang.

  • 1472 AR


    Battle of Grabsee
    Military action

    During the battle of Grabsee ('grave lake' formerly Blausee 'blue lake'), Theodor the Strict achieves a great victory against the united armies of Baradolia and Rhomedan.

  • 1473 AR

    Theodor the Strict is crowned Great-King of Sevelang
    Political event
  • 1473 AR

    Founding of the Lost Company

    Desperate because of a long oppresion by Baradolia, Brennian citizens rise up and turn pirates to fight for their freedom.

    More reading
    Lost Company
    Additional timelines
  • 1473 AR

    Founding of Golden Privateers

    A group of Sellswords realizing that Bren ultimately has the richer resources decides to partake in the uprising against Baradolian occupation.

    More reading
    Golden Privateers
    Additional timelines
  • 1473 AR

    Founding of Gazezu's Skulls

    During an uprising against Baradolian Opression, some pirates and smugglers band together against their fleets.

    More reading
    Gazezu's Skulls
    Additional timelines
  • 1474 AR

    Founding of the Dead Guards

    Desillusioned by the merciless occupation of Bren by Baradolia these deserteurs are the first to join the uprising of the pirates, declaring themselves as dead to their country.

    More reading
    Dead Guards
    Additional timelines
  • 1474 AR

    Founding of the Hunters of the Green Lagoon

    In an effort to protect a specifically holy island from the troubls of war, a crew made up of only Brenari Elves rises up and joins the fight against Baradolia

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  • 1478 AR

    Founding of the Black Executioners

    By delivering the current heir of Baradolia to Bren, this renegade crew earned their place among the Brennian Pirates and effectively ended the Liberation War

    More reading
    Black Executioners
    Additional timelines
  • 1480 AR

    Advancements in magical Craftsmenship lead to the founding of Magical Guilds
    Scientific achievement

    Thise achievements include the magical tempering of metal, the storing of magical energy and the invention of the first magical clockwork. Guilds watch enviously over new inventions and keep themeselves strictly organized.

  • 1483 AR

    Founding of the Venemous Rovers

    Seeing the destruction caused by the liberation war, these Brenarie elves and Affaeiand fanatics band together to protect the islands through millitaristic means.

    More reading
    Venomous Rovers
    Additional timelines
  • 1484 AR

    Founding of the Bloody Raiders

    Part of a Bartonan Raiding Troup joins the conflicts within the Brennian region, partially coerced by Baradolian promises. They will later join the Pirates of Bren

    More reading
    Bloody Raiders
    Additional timelines
  • 1485 AR

    Founding of the Deepwater Damned

    Trying to redeem the actions of their captain as a sellsword working for Baradolia, this now independent crew starts interfering in the covert phase of the War of a thousand weeks

    More reading
    Deepwater Damned
    Additional timelines
  • 1485 AR

    Founding of the Redsea Raiders

    Witnessing unrest rising during the covert part of the War of A Thousand Weeks, a crew of former sellswords starts a quest for justice among the Islands of Bren.

    More reading
    Redsea Raiders
    Additional timelines
  • 1486 AR

    Founding of the Unlucky Bastards

    Seeing opportunity in the covert phase of the War of a thousand weeks, a group of smugglers bands together to hurt Baradolian's weapon trade

    More reading
    Unlucky Bastards
    Additional timelines
  • 1488 AR

    Founding of the Sunken Swords

    While tensions curing the covert parts of the War of A Thousand weeks rise, several fishermen abbandon their homes to oppose Baradolia.

    More reading
    Sunken Swords
    Additional timelines
  • 1490 AR

    An intrigue to remove the Holy Emperor of Keandra fails
    Political event

    As a result, the Clans of Thiem leave the Domain of Keandra and travel south, where they found a nomadic society

  • 1491 AR

    Founding of the Deepnight Delvers

    By uncovering the malicious purposes of many covert actions by Baradolia in the covert part of the War of a Thousand Weeks, a group of deserters allowed Bren to declare open war against Baradolia.

    More reading
    Deepnight Delvers
    Additional timelines
  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Malicious Mermaids

    As the open phase of the War of a Thousand Weeks breaks out, this crew abbadonds the Deepwater Damned to do as they please and protect what they seem worthy of their protection.

    More reading
    Malicious Mermaids
    Additional timelines
  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Lurking Shadows

    As the War of A Thousand weeks breaks out into the open, several farmers and fishermen band to gether to start fighting dirty when defending their homes. Most of them get ultimately shunned by their families and develop into a dominant but desperately dirty fighting pirate force.

    More reading
    Lurking Shadows
    Additional timelines
  • 1492 AR

    Founding of the Haunted Fighters

    As the War of A Thousand weeks breaks out into the open, local merchants ris up and join the Sunken Swords in the fight against Baradolia

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  • 1492 AR

    Founding of Teranus' Terror

    As the War of a Thousand Weeks breaks out into the open, this crew decides to fortify their position around the island of Teranus, ultimately becoming the ruling / occupying force there

    More reading
    Teranus Terror
    Additional timelines
  • 1495 AR

    Founding of the Haunted Seahawks

    During the all open phase of the War of a thousand weeks some mutineers decide to spread their own idea of militaristic justice.

    More reading
    Haunted Seehawks
    Additional timelines
  • 1498 AR

    Founding of the Sunset Serpents

    Seeing an opportunity to carve out their own empire during the War of a Thousand Weeks, this group of pirates starts to stirr up trouble against Baradolian troups.

    More reading
    Sunset Serpents
    Additional timelines
  • 1499 AR

    Founding of the Shimmering Skulls

    Towards the end of the War of a Thousand Weeks a group of smugglers define it as their duty to protect the trade routes of the independent islands.

    More reading
    Shimmering Skulls
    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AR

    Founding of the Wildsea Fury

    After the War of a Thousand Weeks ends, many pirates go rogue. To avoid being swept away by other crews, they losely band together in this unstable alliance that will fortify over the years.

    More reading
    Wildsea Fury
    Additional timelines
  • 1508 AR

    Founding of the Red Sirens

    A group of resolute women is tired being left behind and decides to take matters into their own hands, as the Bellpepper Conflicts arise. They form a formidable privateer crew

    More reading
    Red Sirens
    Additional timelines
  • 1509 AR

    Founding of the Iron Hammers of Treos

    By capturing several skilled smiths and engineers from Baradolia, a crew of pirates starts to rapidly gain a technological advantage.

    More reading
    Iron Hammers of Treos
    Additional timelines
  • 1509 AR

    Founding of Tjorben's Crew

    As tensions with Baradolia grew again, a group of pirates split from Gazezu's Skulls.

    More reading
    Tjorben's Crew
    Additional timelines
  • 1513 AR

    Founding of the Darksea Beasts

    In the midst of the Bellpepper Conflicts a small fleet bands together to protect ruins of unknown age. This will inspire them later to go on the search of (and trade with) ancient artifacts.

    More reading
    Darksea Beasts
    Additional timelines
  • 1520 AR

    Founding of Coppersea Sharks

    Towards the end of the Bellpepper Conflicts some pirates see the opportunity to band together to hunt down Baradolian fleets.

    More reading
    Coppersea Sharks
    Additional timelines
  • 1521 AR

    Founding of the Savage Snappers

    Following the gruesome destruction of Zianan Harbour, this crew bounds together at the end of the Bellpepper Conflicts and leaves their sellsword ways to exact revenge on those responsible.

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  • 1527 AR

    Theodor the Strict dies at age 77
    Life, Death

    It is rumored, that an assassin from Baradolia poisoned Theodor.

  • 1552 AR

    Founding of the Council of Quality

    As a direct succession to the Manedcoin engraving on items, the Council of Quality decides the awarding of high quality products with the Manedseal

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  • 1560 AR

    A passage over Apacs Sword is found

    An explorer found a passage over the mountains north of Ethoras, leading over the mountain range called "Apac's Sword" and subsequently builds a trade route over it, connecting Ethoressi with Amber Bay.

  • 1578 AR

    17 Ronok

    Gurk the Leon was Born
    Life, Birth

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  • 1590 AR

    A hero appears

    This human hero managed to defeat an evil necromancer - the first of humankind - and locked him away in a pocket of a dimension completely unknown by everyone, even the gods. The hero wants to say it wasn't on accident since he interrupted the ritual of the necromancer, but it totally was.

  • 1592 AR


    The Heir to Rhomedan disappears
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The rightful heir to the throne of the Imperium Rhomedan disappears under unknown circumstances. With him, the Tear of Lirini gets lost as well.

  • 1594 AR

    22 Hamina

    First victim of Umberity the Thiry
    Life, Crime

    The first victim of what was later called the Counting Killer or Umberty the Thirty would disappear.

    More reading
    Umberti The Thirty

Age of Innovation

1596 AR and beyond

More and more inventions accelerate the life of mortals, changing it completely forever