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Commonly called lesser giants, these people are a hardy bunch, they stand head and shoulders above the other races of man. A simple people of mostly shepherds, hunters, gatherers, miners, loggers, and skilled craftsmen, they are matriarchal and very close to the natural world. Very optimistic as a people, they always look forward to the upcoming good.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Prefix: mor, baeg, svad, jks, gle, ki, flag, svu, vis, rautt, grerg, grerjut, apumn, svartur, apsingular, graen, blom, kut, geal, smi, krunsk, trjrr, am, reg, ma, thum, plu, kve, jft, vo, vogn, ind, mun, alp, la   Root: ann, ant, ald, berth, carm, den, emm, gild, jol, lind, mal, min, wulf, hil, baed, reish   Suffix: a, e, u, ae, eid, ia, is, ta   Connective: n, d, j, a, e, g   Examples: Anne, Bertha, Wulfe, Mordena, Svuminta, Malinjeid, Lareish, Jftdenae

Masculine names

Prefix: mor, baeg, svad, jks, gle, ki, flag, svu, vis, rautt, grerg, grerjut, apumn, svartur, apsingular, graen, blom, kut, geal, smi, krunsk, trjrr, am, reg, ma, thum, plu, kve, jft   Root: ken, carl, ald, ans, ful, roth, gus, pep, hel, wid, lan, nan, ven, dain   Suffix: ar, ur, in, im, en, ill, olf, o, av, us, ig   Connective: n, d, j, a, e, g   Examples: Ken, Carl, Dain, Morwid, Baegful, Thumven, Rothgar, Gusdav, Pepin, Grergusdolf, Visfulno, Blomvenur

Family names

prefix- sk, kh, ei, th, sig, har, lo, wo, feo, gar, kal   suffix- th, ski, ska, r, ov, ova, ild, ald, urd, nor, an, rad, mund, laug, port, stan, run, end   middle- ae, nd, j, au, ng, ov   connective- n, d, j, a, e   Three syllables ie: Sigovend, Garaenor, Haraumund, Thaenauport

Other names

Mic- daughter of...   Nic- son of...   Mag- husband of...   Mug- devotee of...


Common Etiquette rules

When meeting a new person they stand still to allow themselves to be seen. Once acknowledged they embrace in a hug, commonly used to check for hidden weapons. Their favored expletive is "Vak sjo olv hagdur," meaning "beasts of the garden."

Common Dress code

With a tall stature and milky white complexion, their blue and green eyes stand in stark contrast to their reddish blonde hair. Their clothes made with sturdy and coarse fabrics to match their demeanor, women mostly wear pants and a tunic with fur pelts to keep them warm. Men wear kilts and tunics to facilitate ease of movement. The kilts and furs are dyed in the colors of their tribe. They mark their skin with patterns before a battle and make a permanent tattoo if they survive it. Clan leaders and elders have tattoos of authority as well.

Art & Architecture

Nearly every tool and weapon is worked with designs of fierce creatures or protective charms. Every piece of art has a use besides its beauty. They play music on large drums, carved bone horns, and sing poems about epic conflicts, the Gods, and their histories. Most of their people live in long houses with timber walls and pounded earth floors. Benches run along the walls to support the weight. They keep some animals outside the front door in attached pens or tied to stakes while others are inside in the back. Side benches are used as beds and craft spaces. The hearth fire is centered in the house. The walls and pillars are carved with intricate designs and patterns.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Men wear their hair long and their mustaches full. They can only grow a beard if they've been in combat. If they ever run from a fight they must shave the left side of their face and live with the shame of cowardice.   Women keep long hair in a single or double braid.   Years counted by the winters and begins on the solstice.   Family lineage is counted by the mother because its the only parent one can truly be certain of.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Once a child survives their first Winter the family plants a seed in the communal garden. This is their planting day. A song of joy and familial renewal is sung.

Coming of Age Rites

Twelve winters after their planting day children become youths and are expected to help tend the communal garden. They take turns meeting the families responsibilities to the community.    When youths become adults, 15 for both boys and girls, there is a noon feast in the communal garden where the new adults have their hair braided for the first time and sing the songs. Fruit and vegetables are served from the sacred garden and all new adults go out on a hunt. That night the community feasts on what they have caught.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead are buried in the sacred garden to provide nutrition to the sacred fruit and vegetables. They use the produce to feed the community on feast days. At the funeral a token of theirs is provided by their family and it is burned in a pyre as an offering.

Common Taboos

All white animals are bad luck because they cant be seen in the winter.   Going out on the new moon is for those with ill intent.   The blood moon is an omen of darkness to come.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty is in the strength and usefulness of something. Pale skin to better hide in the winter, light eyes for better night vision, large frame to better carry heavy loads.

Gender Ideals

Society is matriarchal. While men make up the bulk of soldiers, priests, craftsmen, and workers, women make the decisions.

Courtship Ideals

When a girl wants a boy she, or her mother, goes to the boys mother and they negotiate. Once terms are set the girl is free to court the boy and all other girls should leave him alone.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is arranged by the families. Women make the decisions, raise and teach the children, and control the assets. Men feed and protect the family, and make or acquire any items his wife might need.

Major organizations

Druid Circle, Mountain clans, and Forest clans


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