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Emus Falla


  1. Duke: Leader of the country, and head of the royal family.
  2. Baron: Leader of a barony, head of one of the nine great noble families.
  3. Lord: Leader of a lesser noble family, serves the barons or duke directly as administrators of their land.
  4. Gentleman: Member of any noble family, serves at all levels of government.
The noble families each have representatives in the Great Assembly, chosen by the heads of said families. The city councils also elect representatives to the assembly. Among other powers, the Great Assembly makes all laws, declares war, regulates intercity and foreign commerce, and controls taxation and expenditures. The laws are enforced by the Order of the Tulip, a group of knights who swear loyalty directly to the duke and his household. They command at all levels within the army and town guard. Cities maintain their own guard and can choose a knight to lead from the Order of the Tulip. Magistrates chosen by the duke interpret the law and hear claims and grievances on his behalf from a courthouse in a city. Every city has three magistrates appointed to serve for a week at a time. Any who wish to have a case heard must make the trip to the city that covers their jurisdiction.

Public Agenda

To protect and maintain its citizens and holdings. Pave, repair, and secure roads from bandits. Dig wells and sewage/ drainage ditches. Build, maintain, and secure bridges and docks. Provide courts for high and low justice. Maintain birth and death records for their citizen rolls. Enforce construction standards on homes. Ensure skilled labor jobs are filled (carpenter, smith, weaver, glazer, etc.) Guard against disasters such as famine, fire, flood, and disease. Provide water or tread mills. Provide and secure fairgrounds.


Copper and Iron mines on the frontier, and Western hardwood forests all around.


Their armies are comprised of a banner for each noble family. With each supporting town having to provide a company for the banners. Villages will contribute men for platoons and squads to the companies.


The church of the great mother serves this country's religious needs from their major towns and cities. From there the clergy spread out and minister to the masses, taking temporary residence among smaller chapels in the towns. Pilgrimage to the monastery of the truth is not uncommon.   The Ban Fellowship has a single guild hall in the furthest city up the river, and all their members reside within.

Agriculture & Industry

Great farming estates produce wheat, oats, millet, and various other grains. Red and black beans, cauliflower, sprouts, broccoli, radishes, turnips, carrots, apples, pears, pumpkins, squash, gourds, green and red grapes, bell and sweet peppers, various berries, and more feed this region and the neighboring ones.


Formal education in cities and towns begins at the age of 7, a public school system teaches the basics of language, numbers, and etiquette. At 14 years old they enter the workforce. In rural areas either the church or the mayor hosts daily lessons.


Roads paved in cobble stone connect the major cities and towns, all surrounded with stone walls and square towers, with two stone bridges spanning the Plogreble River. A winding, terraced, stone walkway leads up the cliffs that separate the majority of this dukedom from the rest of Renscroprec.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Any coinage will be accepted, so long as it has the right weight. The Dinar is most often represented in their commerce. Bartering and credit take up the bulk of their actual trade.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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