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Ruled by a King and his feudal lords, the kingdom is located on the eastern shores of the Arresadi River and is a center for trade and commerce. With all major water and land routes passing along its borders, it is historically the wealthiest nation in the region. Though a recent generations long famine plunged them into a near constant state of war, they are recovering both economically and militaristically.


Ruled by a King from a central province. The Kingdom is split in three, the Duchy ruled by the Archduke, the Demesne ruled by the King, and the County ruled by the Earl. All provincial rulers and their vassals have sworn fealty to the King.
Duchy Demesne County Mza Mant Wisy
Kingdom King
Province Archduke Heir Earl
Shire Baron Preceptor Viscount Triumvir
Fief Lord Margrave Thane Minister
Estate Gentleman Landgrave Landman Under Minister
Aristocrat Unlanded Scribe Marchman Junior Minister


Among the ruling class the custom is to greet each other with a bow or inclination of the head. The deeper the bow the more respect is being shown, meanwhile women curtsey. Clothing depends on the weather, but tunics and doublets are common. Hose is preferred for the legs, but trousers can be found as well. Shoes come in great variety, from silk slippers to leather riding boots. The brighter the color the wealthier the wearer. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and gray are the most popular colors. Black is expensive and white is hard to keep clean, usually worn by clergy. Purple is so rare it is reserved for the highest nobles and royalty.    Most common jewelry worn is the ring. Mostly fingers and toes, but ears and navels are pierced as well. The material of the jewelry has meaning as much as the placement. Gold is for royals, silver for nobles, copper for freemen and yeomen, and steel for the lower peasants. The most expensive are bracelets, armlets, necklaces, and tiaras. Anklets represent servitude. Common jewels are amber, pearl, coral, jet, crystal, and diamond. More expensive imported jewels include rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and topaz. Finger rings have different meanings depending on the finger worn. Pinky is for affiliations, ring finger for marriage, middle finger for spiritual balance, index finger for power, and thumb for wealth. On the toes rings are worn from the middle to the big toe and mean fertility, fidelity in love, and masculinity respectively. Girls have their ears pierced once they are old enough to wed. Navel piercings are worn by those selling their bodies.   Most common pet is the cat, especially in cities and towns. Farmers and shepherds also keep dogs. Nobles keep hawks, falcons, and hounds for hunting.   Popular art comes in many forms. Whether ceiling murals, stained glass and mosaics, carvings in the walls, statues and monuments, hanging tapestries, or illuminated manuscripts they are all vibrant and full of life. Topics range from religious, political, military, to a rising romantic trend. Most literature is songs, poems, histories, legal or medical texts. Old legends still persist and take many forms, singers and musicians abound. Bass, alto, and piano are performed by stringed, percussion, brass, woodwind instruments, and singers alike. From the traveling troubadour and jongleur to large choirs and orchestras, entertainment is highly sought after. Smaller scale entertainment includes board games like chess and checkers, dice games like knuckle bones and hazard, and card games like tables and kings. On the larger end there's archery, horseshoes, wrestling, hammer throw, and game ball. While the wealthy entertain themselves with feasts and banquets, jousting and dueling, and horse racing.

Public Agenda

To protect and maintain its citizens and holdings. Secure roads and borders from bandits and invasion. Build, maintain, and secure bridges and ports. Provide courts for high justice. Ensure provinces maintain birth/ death records and citizen rolls. Enforce construction standards on defensive structures. Mint coins and catch counterfeiters. Ensure doctors and priests make their rounds. Guard against disasters such as famine, fire, flood, and disease. Provide a mill, either wind or water. Provide grounds and security for fairs.


Wealthiest kingdom in terms of jewels, silver, gold, and other precious metals. Largest professional military, with moderately well equipped soldiers. Large exporter of local and exotic fabrics.


Founded several generations ago by a trio, two brothers and a sister. The oldest being the first King. They conquered surrounding lands and subdued their warring neighbors during the summoners war to form a new kingdom that would rival the empires of history.

Demography and Population

Over half the population of the Kingdom is Arres, with about a third Mauri, and the remaining mostly Einjar. Murasan do live within the borders of the kingdom but are not counted among the citizenry.


Comprised of four distinct provinces occupying the majority of Renscroprec, southeast of the Aressadi river from mountains to the coast of the Sostaut Sea, and the recently acquired Mauri lands west passed the rivers southern shores. It is by far the single largest state.


Each individual province has their own military orders with both land forces and a navy. The Kingdom as a whole only has a navy, the Order of the Anchor. With scores of ships that can sail the river, its tributaries, and the open sea, they have naval supremacy over the entire region.

Foreign Relations

At relative peace with established trade rights to the neighboring Arres western duchies and eastern marches. The Mauri tribes, who were perceived to have taken advantage of them during their time of need, have since been subjugated and turned into a vassal state. No official relations exist with the The Einjar peoples as their homeland is too far away, but trade with their settlements does take place.

Agriculture & Industry

Maize is planted in spring, beans planted after the yield, and winter wheat planted last. With legumes and canola rotated in to boost the yield. Whole maize ear can be used as livestock feed, but the cob must be removed for human consumption. Entire community takes part in husking festivals.   Cloth and banking are where the real profits are. Wool is most common, collected from sheep and treated at the merchants home, taken to a weaver, and then a fuller. It can be dyed at any point in the process. Linen from flax, cotton imported from the south, and silk from the Murasan are popular. Merchants use profits to buy other products at the fair and immediately resell to pledged customers, break into smaller lots, warehouse until markets rise, and send out for finishing. They then invest profits in real estate to gain rent, likely to their own employees, in forests for timber rights, fishing rights in a stream or pond, and eventually become a money lender when they can pay for the table license.   Once a table is acquired from the local noble he can start lending money as a pawnbroker. Interest rates vary from 6% to 20%. Lend someone money to build a house and their family will be paying rent for generations. Buy goods at discount with promise to pay remainder, with interest, at next fair. Nobles borrow to wage war and equip armies, and merchants have been known to be knighted for services rendered.   The most profitable mines in the kingdom are those of silver and gold, more than any other.

Trade & Transport

Trade routes follow the river south east and go by land north west. River ships capable of carrying several tons make their way down river, while wagon trains make the return trip as merchants take their goods to market. Once at the mouth of the river at the Sostaut Sea a merchant can continue on ship along the coast in either direction. To go out to the many islands of the sea a different ship is required.


The quality of education varies from place to place, but in all areas students are learning at the age of 7. This is true for both boys and girls. Where they learn is what varies. The wealthy send their sons to the high courts and their daughters to the Church of the Great Mother. The poor mostly rely on the church, they teach academics Monday through Friday mornings and religious studies on Sundays after mass. Until the age of 14 they learn the basics of language and etiquette. After which point they can choose a career path.   At age 14 some students begin the studies of higher learning, starting with the liberal arts. Most major cities have universities and many monasteries offer similar programs. Firstly they learn the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. They learn the knowledge of things, an understanding of those things, and finally to express ones views on those things. After completing this three year course a student is granted a bachelors degree. Then they learn the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, harmonics, and astronomy. This is to learn numbers in the abstract, numbers as they relate to physical space, numbers as they relate to time, and numbers as they relate to both space and time (motion). After this four year course a student is granted a masters degree.    The practical arts are only taught in specific academies or by masters in guilds. Law, medicine, and war are taught at the royal academy. Sartrix are trained at Banupte. And every major city has guilds regulating certain industries. The most common and most powerful are masonry, carpentry, glazing, and smithing. Every profession can be governed by the guilds if there are enough of them in an area. One can begin their formal training at the age of 14, with nothing more than a formal education in language and etiquette.   The creative arts are taught by masters on a one on one basis, these studies are reserved for those with a wealthy parent or patron. The poor can be taken in by a master if they have great talent. The leading fields are painted canvass, woven tapestries, written epics, statues, and painted pots. The younger one starts, the better.   The performing arts are taught by masters in a classroom setting, these studies are most commonly left to the freemen and yeomen. Anyone who can afford the fees is welcome. Acting, singing, and playing instruments are the highest forms of the art. Juggling, acrobatics, and the like are viewed as lesser and require less of a financial commitment to learn. The younger one starts, the better.


The kingdom has paved roads crossing its entirety, mostly running alongside rivers, to facilitate the movement of both goods and its armies. Walled cities dot the coasts with protected docks and harbors, and remote castle towns protecting the frontier. There are several major bridges operated by the kingdom to protect river crossing, water mills along the river, aqueducts to bring water to the major cities too far from the shore and sewers to dispose of the water after. The royal court exists for high justice, to maintain birth and death records, supervise the minting of coinage and catching counterfeiters, and to provide grounds for fairs.
Founding Date
Year 1157 of the 7th Age
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organizations
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Common coinage is the dinar. There are four denominations regardless of material: usually steel, copper, silver, and gold. The dinar (1), tudin (2), thrudin (3), and denier (4). The value of the metals is .05 for steel, 1 for copper, 20 for silver, and 320 for gold.
Major Exports
Food sent out to foreign lands include black, red, and green beans, peas, olive and olive oil, red grapes, black currant, almonds, oranges, turnips, radishes, wheat, oat, barley, red onion, tarragon, oregano, thyme, kale and lettuce, apples, plums, cherries, and raspberries.   Wool and linen are sent across the world, both as clothing and as armor. Bows and arrows are highly prized, though tightly regulated. Diamonds, potions of various effects, and alchemical constructs are rare and expensive. Tobacco is sent out to all corners of the map.
Major Imports
Much is brought in to feed the people of the kingdom. From Fortunado comes chick peas, white and yellow beans, beets, hops, and brussel sprouts. From Prengrunan comes figs, pears, green grapes, carrots, gooseberries, parsnips, cabbages, yellow onions, brown beans, horseradish, aparagus, and persimmon. From the Einjar tribes come goat milk and cheese, butter, lard, honey, mead, walnuts, hazel, root and tuber vegetables, broad beans, mustard, white vinegar, figs, pears, millet, avocado, white onions, apricots, and peaches. From the confiscated lands of the Mauri tribes comes wheat, green grapes, lemon, eggplant, spinach, sesame, mint, and saffron. From across the Sostaut Sea in the Mauri homeland comes okra, dates, strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, avocado, yams, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, and squash. The Murasan that can be traded with provide rice, rice wine, white and green tea, ginger, mangoes, bananas, and honey melons. Shark and whale come in from the sea people, and all manner of exotic birds.   Iron, linens, sapphires, and rubies come in from Fortunado. While Prengrunan provides emeralds, topaz, and scant else. The Einjar provide good wool, and artisan made crafts. The Mauri provide pearl and corral from nearby and cotton from afar. The Murasan bring silk and porcelain.
Legislative Body
The High Council, made up of nobles sent from across the kingdom, writes laws for the kingdom overall. Duchy sends nobles with expertise in transportation, commerce, labor, and agriculture. County sends nobles with expertise in treasury, justice, diplomacy, and espionage. Demesne provides expertise in education, health, and the law itself. The College of Knights provides experts in defense, veteran affairs, and the interior. The Church provides a religious expert, and the Ban Fellowship provides a Vita expert. The King ultimately decides on whether a law is passed or not by decree.
Judicial Body
Magistrates are appointed to noble and royal courts to adjudicate the laws of their rulers.
  • Royal courts adjudicate High crimes punishable by mutilation, confinement, and/or death.
  • Noble courts adjudicate Mid crimes punishable by fines, serfdom, mutilation, or confinement.
  • Lower courts adjudicate Low crimes punishable by fines, serfdom, or mutilation.
If a noble is brought to court they face a triumvirate of magistrates, each holding equal or higher rank than him.   Royal courts convene semiannually, around the solstices, and Noble courts do the same at the equinoxes. Lower courts convene the day of a full moon. Those awaiting trial can be confined in a cell within a tower, under the watchful eye of the constable or marshal, until they are brought before the magistrate.
Executive Body
The King has highest authority within the kingdom to enforce the law. Followed by the Archduke and Earl, then the individual cavaliers.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
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