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Mza Mant Wisy

The only lands occupied predominantly by Mauri. It is a protectorate of Adinerado, these lands are no longer allowed to manage themselves. The leadership for these lands come from the College of Nobles and span all the kingdom nobility.


There is no provincial head of state, merely a gathering of a baron, viscount, and preceptor. The land is organized into three shires, each of which is further divided into fiefs, and then estates.


The territory doesn't have its own military. They rely on the rest of the kingdom to provide defense. The people are still subject to being called upon for the levy.


No official religion is endorsed by the Triumvirate, nor by Adinerado itself. Both the Church of the Great Mother and the Ban Fellowship have a presence in these lands. The Mauri themselves worship their ancestors at communal shrines.

Agriculture & Industry

Great farming estates produce oats, millet, barley, and various other grains. Green and broad beans, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, yams, beets, apples, pears, peaches, purple grapes, hot peppers, various berries, and more feed this region and the neighboring ones. cotton made cloth is popular and produced at large scale.

Trade & Transport

Trade routes follow the river to the sea and up the coast, then return by land. River ships capable of carrying several tons make their way down river, while wagon trains make the return trip as merchants take their goods to market. Larger ships allow for trade with islands in the Sostaut Sea. All trade is regulated by Adinerado and must first go through one of their merchants.


The quality of education varies from place to place, but the poor mostly rely on the church, they teach academics on weekday mornings and religious studies after mass. Until the age of 14 they learn the basics of language and etiquette. After which point, they can choose a career path. Their elders keep their cultural heritage alive with stories told around the hearth fires.


Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Palace economy
Common coinage is that of Adinerado. There are four denominations regardless of material: usually steel, copper, silver, and gold. The dinar (1), tudin (2), thrudin (3), and denier (4). The value of the metals is .05 for steel, 1 for copper, 20 for silver, and 320 for gold.
Legislative Body
The baron, viscount, and preceptor make a triumvirate that make the laws within this territory.
Judicial Body
Magistrates appointed by the triumvirate serve in every major town to ear mid to low crime cases. High crimes are heard in Demesne.
Executive Body
The triumvirate appoint knights to enforce their laws from among the kingdoms many military orders. The shires each have their own Order of Knights appointed to enforce the laws.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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