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The Order of Sons of the Duchy, House of Mumin, in Cuar Grispefalla

The Order of Sons of the Duchy, House of Mumin, in Cuar Grispefalla, commonly known as the Order of the Ram, is a noble institution founded as a military society approximately two centuries passed in Japudes, Duchy province, of Adinerado. It was formed to protect merchants and envoys on land routes on their way to trade along the Adi River. Its members have been known to the common man as the Ram Knights, having a small, pledged military membership, serving as a defending military order for the protection of the realm.  


The knights wear red surcoats with a golden goat, granted by Duke Clispir in the year 1187. The coat of arms representing the Cavalier is shown with a red border around the charge. All lower ranks have no border, but a cadence on the sinister side of the upper half. Their commanders have a horse bust cadence within the charge. Bannerets have a helm cadence, Companions have a spur cadence, Bachelors have a sword cadence, and Squires wear the charge on the field, alone.   Donning heavy armor consisting of a bascinet helm with aventail, cuirass with a hauberk underneath, pauldrons, couter and vambrace, steel mittens, hose and chausses, cuisse, leather boots, and greaves with poleyns affixed. Occasionally with sabatons attached. Commonly carrying tear shaped, medium, steel plated wood, boss gripped shields.  


At age 14, County born pages are made a squire and assigned a Duchy knight to serve and learn from directly. Caring for armor and weapons, tending the horses, relaying messages, announcing arrivals, and any other chore the Knight deems fit. During this time squires also learn the art of falconry, hawking, and hunting. Their combat training is also formalized at this point. They learn to use all the various weapons at a knight's disposal as they care for their masters' weapons, even acquiring some of their own, and learn to joust with the quintain.   After having proven himself capable, no earlier than age 21, he is knighted and swears allegiance to the Archduke. Upon being knighted he is given a sword and spurs, representing his rank of bachelor knight, and is allowed to wear the appropriate cadence in the charge. He will then serve at a castle or manor as a sword, hunt, gate, and horse master for no less than one year each. Once this service is completed those who are first born sons will return home to serve their fathers as heir to his title and lands. Second born sons can become Companion knights and be given a castle or manor to protect as a Castellan or Bailiff respectively. They officially enter the College of Knights at this point.


This knightly Order is led by a Cavalier of the Duchy. It has seven Battalions led by Commanders, each having two Banners led by Bannerets. Further having three Companies each, led by Companions. Each having ten Platoons led by Bachelors. Made up of three Squads led by Squires. All of whom are from noble families. Each Squad consists of either eight spearmen or horsemen, or twenty bowmen. The usual platoon breakdown is one squad of bowmen accompanied by two of spearmen or horsemen.

Public Agenda

It is their duty to defend the Duchy, the noble courts, and all their lands. They come to the aid of the citizenry when called upon and defend them from threats at home and abroad.


While they are not landed gentry, their property is extensive. They have horses, armor, weapons, and servants. They have an abundance of Coinage due to the toll roads they administer and protect, and dock fees collected from river commerce. Though they allow tolls to be paid in services rendered and barter as well. They have three two masted, square rigged, clinker made ships to patrol the river. They own a fleet of covered wagons and mules to pull them. In those wagons, along with their standard gear, they carry their siege equipment. Battering rams, trebuchet, ballista, belfries, and sapping picks and shovels fill their stores. Each knight has his own hounds, hawks, or falcons for hunting. They operate out of a citadel in Japudes and pay rent to the Arch Council.


The fraternity that preceded the Orders formation was formed in the year 940 in Ierde Atallu by merchants from Emusyo and Yaflanfalla. After the capture of Ierde Atallu they took over a hospital in the town to take care of the sick and began to describe themselves as the Hospital of Isemdrel of the Arres House in the Night. Soon Duke Pergis III approved it and the Order started to play an important role in river protection, controlling the port tolls of Ierde Atallu and Cuar Grispefalla, under the control of House Mumin. After Arresi forces were defeated in Studpreox, the order moved to Ioje Onglucsa in 970 to help defend the south-eastern borders of the Duchy against the Einjar. After the founding of Adinerado they once again moved their headquarters, this time to Japudes.

Our wrath is almighty

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Ram Knights, Order of the Ram
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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