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Household spirits that help with chores and pull pranks. Mischievous natured ones can become malevolent if offended. Can be banished by giving them a gift of clothing, religious paraphernalia, and occasionally moving residences. But some of them will simply follow to your new home. They require offerings of either food (milk and honey) or a days wages for a laborer per full moon. They say that if you know their true name you can command them to do your bidding.


Flujsa are in the darkness of the night, the wilds of the frontier, and the dangers of the unknown. If you stray too far from society and its protections, they will get you.
  • Browncap- standard house spirit, can shape shift and become invisible.
  • Bluecap- lives in mines and caves. Help the workers by warning of danger, but mischievous ones can sometimes lead them into it instead.
  • Redcap- lives in old ruins. Throws rocks at those who enter their caves and crushes them. Soaks their hats in the blood of their victims. Carries a long pike and has elongated features.
  • Greencap- live in forests and woods. They lure unsuspecting youth into the trees and devour them whole.

Historical Basis

The stories of these mischievous little creatures are based on real creatures that, mostly, haven't been seen in ages. Browncaps were the Alfsir before they left this world with the Gods. Bluecaps is what the Beasts were called before they were discovered by religion. Redcaps were the Arasir before they were forgotten. And Greencaps were the Verdure before they were tamed by civilization.


From the Oxdinspic to the Elado, everyone has heard the tales of Flujsa in one form or another. Since the appearance of the Murasan two generations ago, it is believed that these old beings have returned to plague the world once again.

Variations & Mutation

The Einjar people refer to Flujsa as Klovo, and view them as spirits of nature angered by mans interference.

In Literature

There are stories in literature and religious doctrine of heroes driving the flujsa back to the darkness from which they came.

In Art

Old towns and villages bare the flujsa in its name, songs and tapestries of long ago tell the tale of their defeat, and more recent paintings tell of their resurgence.
Telling / Prose
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