Eddies WAWA 2024


So, World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards... fun times, right? I had the chance to read so many articles (23.03.24) to this date and I am not even through the first category? How to choose, how to judge? Quite impossible, one vote for every category is... tough.
But you know what? I am going to make it harder a bit. But not for me, but for you. Have my articles I have submitted to various categories. And don't fret, there are only three of them. :)
    Please consider reading them and if they appeal to you, give them one of your precious likes. And if not, I hope you had a good time with them.   Yours, Eddie  

WAWA Round 1: My shortlists


The Red Judge

Down below you find my shortlist for the various categories. I want to explain a bit how I picked out the articles below out of the already top articles out there. I chose the very traditional number Seven (7) to be my number for the shortlist entries. It shall be a lucky number and grant the shortlisted articles luck and prosperity.
Once the Awards are over - so after the 18th of May - I will highlight my votes for every category with a golden border and a golden box-shadow to make them look even prettier and more sparkling. I will also do this for Round 2 of the Awards, after the Awards are over.

1) You are right out, if...
For the first round I skimmed through every article of each category. Meaning I opened all of them in a tab and sorted out articles which were only an information dump like "this character has these stats and that's it". If your article is just a wall of text without even basic paragraphs, you are out as well. Same as the information dump. I know of The Humbug with Pariash Tide who is doing so much with just Freeman. I don't mean this.   This is just scratching the surface, so lets move on.
2) Second iteration
The second iteration focuses more on content and how it is appealing to the eye. This means formatting, usage of the sidebar and a good flow to the eye. Then I read through the text, admire the images and give a few points based on an internal scale I made for myself. Like selfmade art is naturally getting one point more than AI art, which is the default. You don't lose points if you have no art at all, so don't worry about this.   Sections, titles, maybe an introduction or a premise are good starting points, but no requirement. As said, appealing. Links to other articles or more child articles are always good, so I know there is a "train of thought" which I can easily follow. And last but not least if the criterias come together and the article feels good, it gets into the next stage.

3) Close to the list
To be getting closer to the shortlist the article in question has to feel like a good meal, a hug or a terror so deep that it is rattling at your core, trying to destroy the cage where your core is kept for security reasons. Which means the story about the character, the concept, the settlement or whatever was a treat. Then we go over presentation, overall flow of the article itself. And I have to say, the search for even the shortlist was hell. I mean, I had 15 articles after the second iteration and it was details, small things, nothing larger than a sandcorn, which made me put them on the shortlist or not. Which appeared to be a problem later down the line.
4) Shortlisted
It appeared that I had to do a round 3.5 since I still got too many articles and damn, it was choosing between one diamond and the other. I had two problems here: diamonds in article-form and personal bias. Of course I wanted my friends to win (EVERYONE DESERVES AN AWARD, FOR THE NAME OF THE EDDIE!), but it felt unfair to all the others, so I threw in something I call "Author Diversity". Which means if Anvilitie ABC already has one or sometimes two articles in my shortlists, I considered the gem from Anvilitie XYZ and swapped places.


Hearts & Minds



Rise of Nations



Wondrous Nature



Strenght & Honour



Pillars of Progress



Myth & Legends



Best article


Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Mar 25, 2024 13:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck with WAWA, Eddie! :)

Mar 25, 2024 23:03

Thank you kindly. :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Mar 28, 2024 21:29

Good luck! There are so many great articles so choosing a shortlist is indeed difficult.   Happy to hear you enjoyed Au'Rhelion and Ahog'Reon's tale!

Mar 28, 2024 21:30

Thank you, I did indeed and yes, it was biting on stone sometimes because you guys write so much damn good stuff :D

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Mar 28, 2024 21:33

Thank you for including me in your shortlist for Hearts and Minds! Good luck with your entries :D

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Mar 28, 2024 21:34

It was a really cool article about Selkies and their small tradition, it was a real treat. And thank you, good luck to both of us.^^

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Mar 28, 2024 21:48 by Mochi

I'm honoured to have made your shortlist for Wondrous Nature! <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Mar 28, 2024 22:41

No problem <3

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Mar 29, 2024 05:46

Thank you for slecting my article in your shortlist and good luck with the awards! <(^-^)>

Mar 29, 2024 13:23

You are more than welcome. :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Apr 8, 2024 17:39

Thanks for including my Deities and the Eternal Reef on your Shortlist, among so many other amazing entries!   Best of luck with your entries as well!

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