Nyr Species in Ivendarea | World Anvil
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A People Divided

The Nyr are Ivendarea's natives, a people that lived in isolation for a long time but has an inherent thirst for exploration and knowledge. While not all Nyr are inclined to the further development of their magical abilities, they all have an innate magical potential within them and are perfectly adapted to Ivendarea's magical peculiarities. This makes Nyr mages the most powerful in their homeland, and they have an easier time acquiring new magical skills.   Known to stick to themselves, the Nyr are tightly connected to each other, within their communities, and to their land. Originally consisting of a large variety of different ethnic groups and tribes the population has become more homogeneous ever since the nation was united by their first ruler, Iovana Neron. Still, depending on which region one travels to, remnants of these original tribes and their unique traditions can still be found cherished and celebrated today, as traditions are held on to tightly, and the Nyr are very proud of their cultural heritage and history.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Looking at sex and gender, the Nyr's situation is not only pretty unique but also hard to pin down. There is no distinct differentiation between various biological sexes or expressed genders as it is often practised in other cultures. Nyrval, the Nyr's native language, has a multitude of words expressing a large variety of social genders and biological sex characteristics, including a person's social status. There are numerous pronouns and other terms expressing how people see themselves in terms of sex, gender, whether they want children or already are parents (or not), and more, in a variety of combinations.   Most of these terms are difficult or sheer impossible to translate into any other language in a simple manner, as they express abstract concepts unique to the Nyr. This poses a slight problem sometimes when speaking or learning other languages with vastly different ideas of gender. With Ivendarea becoming more open to the outside world and when speaking in foreign languages, an individual might use words and pronouns of the foreign language that fit themselves the best, even if they don't apply 100% to reality. A person might call themself "woman" in Trade, because they share some physical characteristics or have the social status associated with a different culture's views on what a "woman" is - but in fact the Nyr in question might actually rather look like what the other culture would refer to as a "man" instead. This can now and then cause some confusion or surprises in everyday conversation.   Overall the Nyr population has relatively low birthrates compared to other intelligent species, but this is compensated through their very long lifespans of approximately 950 years. On average families have one or two children. Pregnancies without complications last a year, and usually only one child is born at a time. Twins or even triplets are extremely rare, and it is sadly likely that only one of the children is born alive, despite all medical accomplishments and efforts.   Nyr are theoretically capable of procreating with Assadin, Aapha, and Jali, but a pregnancy even occurring is very rare - the proof in the form of children of such mixed heritage exists though. But, even while such unions are possible and can produce offspring, they are less common and in some communities even looked down upon due to historical social tensions between the different groups, particularly the Assadin and the Nyr.   Mixed children with a Nyr parent will often show the distinctly pointed ears and have a more dull or pale skin tone compared to the other parent. The dark sclera of the Nyr's eyes are usually not inherited, but the vibrant iris colours can be.

Ecology and Habitats

Given the large range of temperatures comparing Ivendarea's icy north and subtropical south, the Nyr are adapted to a grand variety of climates at first glance. Notably though, there seems to be a natural "attunement" to Ivendarea's inherent magic that is unique to the Nyr and might explain their comparatively easy adaption to the country's different climate zones, while they struggle with similar climates on other continents.   While the same individual seemingly isn't overly bothered by the cold of Canwyl's ice-covered gardens, if they travel a few miles further north to the Darthonian border, their clothing will suddenly not feel suitable anymore to combat the cold, despite there being no difference in temperature.   Similarly, the hot humidity of Maan Garth's jungle might be bearable to them, but a trip to a similar jungle on Drua Shye or Atrana could be sheer impossible to endure for the same amount of time they last in the humidity and heat on Maan Garth.   The reasons for this strange phenomenon are still unexplained, yet it is undeniable that no matter how far the Nyr travel, they are basically non-existent as permanent residents on other continents. They always return back home, as if Ivendarea was the magnetic north pole to their inner compass, seemingly unable to exist without their homeland and its strangely unique magical currents.   Not only are the Nyr particularly attuned to Ivendarea's magic, they also treat their homeland and nature with a lot of respect. Due to wide-spread religious believes the Nyr practise lifestyles that allow them to live in harmony with nature as best as possible, trying to not unnecessarily interfere or destroy the land's wild and untamed beauty. Villages, towns, and cities alike are often integrated into their natural surroundings, complimenting each other, and using materials predominantly found in the area. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part an effort is made to create sustainable living spaces. Wood is not a common building material, at least not from trees chopped down for the purpose of building - unless there really are no other options and it is an emergency. Instead driftwood or the wood of trees that fell in a storm or were struck by lightning are used. Where needed they are reinforced with glass, resin, or metal, and recycled almost religiously when a building using wood is torn down. An exception are the Veerali, an ethnic subgroup of the Nyr at home in the southern marshes and jungles on the nation's mainland. But even though they predominantly live in wooden buildings, their homes are alive, consisting of trees shaped by magic in their growth into spherical rooms, bridges, and other constructs. The Veerali don't interpret this interference with the trees as harming the environment, but rather finding new ways to be even closer to nature than other peoples.   A lot of Nyr settlements are also characterized by a variety of waterways, they have advanced systems for fresh water in all houses and for sewage, and make use of rainwater as well as deep wells. Water has a strong spiritual connotation for them, symbolizing life, rebirth, and a connection to the gods. Having clean water close by and cleaning it again after use to reuse it is therefore not only necessary for survival and well-being, but also essential for religious practises. Nothing should be wasted or destroyed, everything is part of life and an eternal cycle.

Biological Cycle

The typical Nyr's life expectancy is roughly 950 years, but rare individuals have reached ages of 1100 and beyond. Ageing in general is curious for the Nyr, as it isn't necessarily a linear process.   Infancy lasts for about 5-10 years, where children learn to speak, to walk, and to slowly be able to take care of themselves. In this period they are particularly vulnerable and therefore constantly cared for by family and community. They are treated as rare and precious because as mentioned before, birth rates are low and children are considered a gift, not taken as granted. In this phase a child grows very fast in comparison to the growth rates of their bodies throughout the rest of their lives. Particularly during the first five years the Nyr's metabolism works immensely fast. It is taxing for them and for those taking care of them alike.   Following this stage of infancy is a long period of childhood: curiosity and personal growth. The young Nyr are shaped by their surroundings and grow into individuals with unique personalities. They are intensively taught, no matter if by family, private tutors, or at public schools with other children their age. Individual care, encouragement, and support of naturally given talents and interests is key, but an education in general life skills and history is considered just as vital. Hitting puberty at around 45-65 years of age, some young Nyr become sexually active around this time, but it will take a lot longer for them to become sexually mature and being physically able to procreate. This is the final phase of their childhood and their bodies growing and changing significantly on their way to adulthood.   At an age of roughly 70-75 years, depending on the individual and their personal development, the Nyr consider one of their own a fully grown adult. Reaching this milestone in their life is celebrated enthusiastically, usually by the whole community, and one of the most personally significant religious rituals is held at this point in life too: the Vath'eran.   A time of exploration follows during the Nyrs' young adulthood; morals and believes taught during their childhood solidify, change, or crumble entirely as they venture out into the world, usually for the first time on their own. At an age of 150-200 years the Nyr become sexually mature, and this is when most individuals wishing to procreate actively begin looking for potential partners to found a family together. Having children is not an essential part of Nyr culture, and while some wish to have a family of their own, a lot also devote their lives to their communities, to research and teaching, or to personal endeavours, and they never settle down or have permanent partnerships. All are valid ways of life that are equally supported.   Fertility starts to decrease again at an age of roughly 450-500 years, and pregnancies become less likely and more risky. At this age most Nyr have found a purpose in their life that they follow with great dedication, they become more calm and a little less adventurous, often returning to their old communities or settling down elsewhere in a new home.   At 600 years of age the Nyr's eyes begin to change: the colour of the iris becomes more dull, light colours paler, dark colours darker - this marks the point at which an individuals starts to reach old age, showing actual physical signs of aging. With the reaching of young adulthood at around 70-75 years up until the age of approximately 600 years the physical ageing process of the Nyr is extremely slowed down compared to infancy, childhood, and puberty. As mentioned, ageing isn't a strictly linear process for them as compared to most other species. It can actually be very hard to differentiate between a 150 year old and a 600 year old individual at first sight. What sets them apart from each other is their knowledge and wisdom, their achievements, and their social standing, not necessarily their appearance.   With the change of the iris colour, the first hint of ageing, other signs will appear sooner or later, too. Some individuals earlier than others will start to develop significantly more wrinkly skin, their hair might turn grey or white over time, height might slightly decrease and diverse pains and ailments of old age might show themselves sooner or later. The Nyr's mind though will usually stay awake and sharp up until very old ages of 800 years and older - some even manage to stay physically active, seemingly unfazed by ageing altogether.   Most commonly Nyr that grow this old actually drift off and die peacefully in their sleep, their bodies simply giving in after almost a millennium of work, life, and dreams fulfilled. Rarely they are plagued by illness - such things tend to cause death much sooner. It is general belief and a proven tendency that individuals surpassing the age of 900 years are less likely to get ill - their bodies went through so much already and survived, no sickness can truly harm them anymore if they truly are at peace with themselves and this world.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A community in Nyr society - be it a family, a religious group, a village, a city - always sticks together and supports each other. This mentality dates back to the times when the Nyr still lived together in clans before the nation was united, fighting against each other and the wild and unrelenting nature of Ivendarea. Community meant survival, being alone was dangerous. Children in particular, since they are rare, often enjoy a very sheltered within their community - as some would say from personal experience, even to levels of feeling restricted. The concept of the lone wolf fending for themself is largely unknown in most of Nyr society.   While there is a noticeable class-divide between different parts of society, it is perceived as less strict as in more authoritarian communities. Still, at the very top of the social ladder stands the Iovana, the monarchical ruler, and their family and council. While the Iovana is regarded as the head of the nation who decides over Ivendarea's future in their perceived best interest for the people, they are not above the law and can actually be removed from their seat in the name of the gods by the religious order of the Avon Julanor. Also, while the royal family is treated with a lot of respect and enjoys various privileges, they also have the responsibility to care for the people in political, religious, social, and many other regards, or can very quickly lose the support of the community.   Contrary to the belief of outsiders from other nations, those on top of the social hierarchy aren't usually all more wealthy than the rest, they only have more privileges for the price of many more duties for the community. Following the religious and social practises of Soul-Shaping devoutly, the Iovana as well as any other wealthy citizen uses their influence and income to further the development of their community. Education is important, as are achievements as an individual and a group, and the more educated a person is the better is their social standing. Financial wealth can open doors to such education, but amassing it during one's lifetime for personal gain is frowned upon. Those who are financially well-off are expected to either directly give to the poor or create institutions to help those in need. They support the temples, or fund scholarships to name a few examples - basically to open the doors to education for those who can't open them themselves.   Members of religious and other political institutions also enjoy a lot of respect and a higher standing in their community, but of course in return they are also expected to support the less fortunate even more so.   A person's time in this world is limited, no physical goods can be taken to the next life according to the practise of Soul-Shaping, as conceptualized by the prophet Aman. Compassion and knowledge on the other hand actually can survive the cycle of rebirth and permanently shape a soul for the better. Doing good in this life and supporting the community stabilizes a soul, attuning it to a peaceful life of harmony in and with this world. A stable soul in return makes a rebirth and the remembrance on one's past lives more likely and effortless - and the more stable souls are reborn into a community, the more at peace this community will be, according to this theory, as more knowledge and wisdom survives the cycle of rebirth, too. Giving back to the community and enabling others to achieve higher education amongst other opportunities therefore serves the people as a whole, potentially across several lives lived. This would at least be the ideal situation.   It has always been common practise for a Nyr community to dismantle a corrupt government and put someone else in their place that is considered more capable, should the need arise. In nine out of ten cases this even goes without violence of any kind, and the former leaders are assimilated back into the community as "regular" members. It is a rare occurrence to cast someone out of the community entirely, and it always causes an outrage. When it happens, something severe and unforgivable has to be the cause.   A recent example would be the banishment of Aella and Pirc from Maan Garth for the role they played in the The Revolution War - causing the death of hundreds, the loss of an ancient city, and the beginning of the worst period of political instability since Zerenda's Conquest. It was a decision harshly criticized regardless, as the siblings' family is deeply rooted on Maan Garth and they did indeed fight to abolish a corrupt and violent government. Iovana Panmorn who banished them was accused of acting selfishly and blaming them for the loss of his partner more than the loss of the lives and war. Others agreed that the situation was just though, as the rebel movement led by Aella and Pirc in itself seemed like a corrupt and violent institution that did not represent the people's believes or values as a whole.

Facial characteristics

Although not related or to be confused with the Jali, natives of Drua Shye, the Nyr share their pointed ears. In comparison though the ears of the Nyr are quite long and flexible to a degree, giving them excellent hearing, and, particularly to be observed in younger individuals, can even express emotion by underlining the individual's facial expression.   Probably the most outstanding feature of the Nyr are their eyes. The pigmentation of the sclera ranges from pure black to medium grey, and the iris can appear in a great variation of vibrant colours. From blue, grey, purple and red to yellow, orange, green, or brown, any colour or colour-combination seems to be possible. Usually, when the iris is of a brighter colour, so is the sclera, and vice versa with dark tones. The pupil of the eye is slightly oval and vertically-aligned with rounded tips. Contrary to common belief though the Nyr don't have particularly great vision in dark surroundings, despite their unique eyes. It is more likely that in ancient days certain eye colours were attributed specific characteristics, or they showed the affiliation with certain tribes and family lineages, strengthening the sense of purpose and community in hostile and dangerous natural surroundings and conditions. Red eyes have been attributed to descendants of Iovana Neron for a long time, and while they are common among members of the royal family, they are no longer unique to them. It is true though that for example on Maan Garth one will look into golden or yellow eyes more often than elsewhere in Ivendarea.   The most common haircolour is black in both dark and more fair skinned individuals, but brown, red, and blond tones appear naturally, too, descending in frequency in this order. Some Nyr, about 30-45% of the population, are also capable of growing beards and/or display a more dense development of body hair in general than others.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of the world's Nyr population resides in their native homecountry Ivendarea. The Nyr are perfectly attuned to the magical and natural conditions on the peninsula, and while there are small percentages of Nyr among the permanent population of other continents and nations, the majority usually always returns back home from any journeys or expeditions they undertake sooner or later.   Across Ivendarea, Nyr can be found in any of its many different climatic zones, from the icy north to the hot and humid south, in plains, forests, swamps, and at the slopes and tops of mountains. Even at sea the Nyr feel at home, venerating water as something almost holy, and having developed a quite lively culture around sailing and spare-time activities carried out in and around bodies of water.

Average Intelligence

Knowledge and wisdom are some of the most valued traits in Nyr society, a drive to learn, explore, and study is inherent to their people. Of course not everyone is smart or intelligent to the same degree, but knowledge isn't purely about cognitive skills. The community encourages a child's naturally given leanings, talents, and interests. Highly intelligent professors are just as rare among the Nyr as they are amongst other peoples, but due to the culturally inherent stimulation of natural talents and curiosity from an early age on, Nyr are known to have an above average percentage of renowned inventors, scientists, artists, mages, and athletes.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Nyr's first names usually have a strong symbolic connotation, often linked to the day of their birth, the hopes and expectations of their family, special cultural circumstances, or events of historical significance haven taken place on their birthday.   Sometimes a child is named in honor of a living ancestor, but not by giving them the same name, as it would imply they are similar people in terms of personality and ambitions. Instead a name with a similar meaning is chosen usually to honor the relative. It is not common on the other hand to give children the names of deceased ancestors, unless there are adamant signs and evidence confirmed by a priest that the child in question is actually their revered ancestor reborn - but even then it is rare to give them the name they carried in a past life.   Once a child reaches adulthood they get the chance to accept or deny the name that has been given to them and in the latter case pick a new one. This happens as part of the the coming-of-age ceremony held in the local temple on the young adult's 75th birthday, the so-called Vath'eran. In cases where someone is particularly unhappy with their given name before they reach adulthood, a new name is chosen and used earlier. The Vath'eran makes the name-change official, and in 90% of the cases where a name gets rejected by its bearer during their childhood, this is common practise. Reasons as for why one might reject their name are many. It could be that they dislike the name's meaning, their family's wishes and expectations for them, or they feel that the name doesn't fit they way they wish to be perceived by others.   Since their Nyr express gender a lot less strictly than some other cultures do, due to getting into contact with the outside world certain names have become more commonly associated with specific perceived physical traits, leading to accidental misgendering of individuals caused by their names.   Last names are not nearly as important in Nyr culture as in other nations, since lineage and belonging to a certain family branch or clan of old have little importance nowadays. What matters more are past lives lived and the deeds done in the current one. Following the ancient clan tradition from times before the kingdom was founded though, Nyr carry so-called "homenames" as their "last name".. A homename shows allegiance to the community an individual was born into, and the most common homenames today are based on the names of towns and cities: Panthil'y, Saratheas'y, Canwyl'y, Fandyl'y, and so on. In ancient days, homenames were based on the regions the family's tribe was at home, e.g. "Sylaristrea'y" - "of the Skyreach Mountains", or "Iven'y" - "of the Green River", as this was the time before most big cities existed and the far scattered settlements had permanent names.   The "y" attached to the name of the birthplace in this case can be translated as "of". It is also possible that a homename changes over the course of a Nyr's life, for example when someone loses or gives up their connection to their birthplace. In a traditional ceremony celebrating new beginnings and the cutting of old ties the name change is made official, the homename becoming relevant to the location where the individual found their new home.   These naming conventions lead to some of the following situations: Breella Panthil'y is named in honor of her grandmother Brestine Canwyl'y, who is still alive as her granddaughter is born. Breella means "the shimmering one", Brestine "the shining/magnificent one".
Panmorn Panthil'y and Adoven Panthil'y are related to each other, but not to Aella Panthil'y. Adoven and Aella are both born in the city Panthil into different families. Panmorn was actually born in Saratheas but found his new home in Panthil, therefore deciding to change his homename. In return, Brestine Canwyl'y is the mother of Rava Panthil'y, so despite being related they don't need to be carrying the same homename.

Major Organizations

Aman'a Valeethi   The main religion of the Nyr, centered around and to some degree founded by Aman who joined the ranks of the gods after living the life of a rebel, traveller, scholar, visionary, and religious leader.   Omrai Omvalis   The "Voice of the Voiceless", or "The New Rebellion" is an underground network with the overarching goal to dismantle Assadin rule over Ivendarea. With their beginnings as a small resistance movement they have grown into a respected yet feared organization amongst all Ivendareans, uniting even Nyr and Assadin against them.   Avon Julanor   The "Eyes of Julanor" are a magical and religious order devoted to the god of Justice, Julanor. Secretive and powerful they even have the power to remove the Iovana from their throne, should the need arise, while usually they investigate high-profile crimes, conspiracies, and strange magical occurrences.   Royal Academy   This Ancient institution of learning and knowledge is located in the heart of Saratheas and, despite all tensions, is adamantly neutral ground in terms of politics.   The Old Ivendarea   The nation how it had been founded by Neron, before Zerenda's Conquest.   The New Ivendarea   The nation today, under the rule of Zerenda's successors on the mainland and an Iovana on Maan Garth in wait to retake the throne. Tensions are strong particularly in recent years during the aftermath of the The Revolution War.

Beauty Ideals

Long, natural hair often worn in braids is regarded the most beautiful in many parts of nyr society currently. In a way it symbolizes the connection to one's own roots, traditionalism, commitment, and patience, all highly valued qualities especially by older generations.   A trend is surfacing amongst the youth though, especially rebel-sympathizers on the mainland and the politically interested young adults on Maan Garth, where overall the hair is kept long, but parts are shaved off bald. It is a way of demonstrating rebellion not only against the current political situation but against the old ways and tradition in general that rely on order and discipline. A similar trend had occurred during the Invasion War, when long hair was cut short for practicality or to symbolize a sacrifice for one's home nation.   Still, keeping some parts of the hair long shows a still present connection to the people and home country, only a disagreement with some parts of the nation's current state.   Body jewelry and piercings are also popular, as they are a means of individual self-expression in times where assimilation is a common topic in everyday conversations. They are beautiful enhancements of the body, and the painful process of obtaining them shows power of will and independence. Symmetrical designs or those with religious connotations are considered particularly beautiful and have been the most popular for a long time.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Vath'eran is without a doubt the most important and wide-spread ritual known to the Nyr. It marks an individual's step into adulthood as well as it is a means of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.   Depending on where the Nyr live on the nation's ground, a variety of different festivals are observed particularly tied to the beginning and end of seasons, which dates back to the times even before the nation was founded.   The ritual of Soul Bonding is also inherent to Nyr culture no matter the surrounding communities, and it is rare to observe. It takes place when at least two individuals want to enter a relationship that goes beyond their current life - usually when they believe to have found their soulmate(s). The souls of the participants are magically tied to each other forever, which brings with it an inexplicable and deep feeling of connection and understanding with one another. But it can also end tragically, especially in the case of a premature death of one of the partners, as the survivor(s) will experience the loss to a much greater intensity over a much longer period of time than usual.


Thousands of years ago the Nyr roamed the lands of Ivendarea as tightly knit tribes that lived partly nomadic, partly as settled down farmers in all corners of the nation. Waging war with each other for territory and resources from time to time, it was Wylaai leader Neron who first noticed similarities in the different groups' believes, stories, and social practises, suggesting a strong link of spiritual nature between all Nyr, no matter their clan-affiliation.   Neron and his council of supporters and advisors founded the nation of Ivendarea over the course of several decades, building bridges, communicating between leaders, and uniting the people. The Nyr and Ivendarea began to prosper and it didn't take long until new settlements and organizations were established to run the young nation.   Roughly 2000 years after Neron's death Ivendarea had become a nation of explorers, while at the same time enjoying its solitude and wealth. This was when Aman was born, who would later not only become the centre of a cult that eventually developed into Ivendarea's official religion, but whose thirst for knowledge drove them as far as to converse with the gods themselves - eventually joining their ranks. Tales of a mortal rising to godhood spread further than the Nyr would have ever dared to imagine, and more of the outside world became aware of the secluded nation.   A long period of peace followed Aman's rise to godhood as their teachings began to spread and more and more of the Nyr joined the Aman'a Valeethi, Aman's students and followers. It was also a period of great change in politics and law, as Aman's Teachings preached the importance and significance of one's own soul's health and balance. Practises like the death penalty, that were still in place at the time, could do such permanent damage to a soul that it could prevent it from ever being reborn again. Rebirth though, and eternal growth and learning are essential to a life of harmony. The justice system experienced a general overhaul, and the former capital of judgement and justice, Saratheas, became a center of belief and learning instead.   About 5500 years after Aman's ascension, war struck the Nyr for the first time since ancient days - but not from within. Zerenda, warrior prince of the far away nation of Astairus, had come to conquer the fertile lands of Ivendarea on behalf of his father.   The Nyr - peaceful explorers, scholars, scientists, artists - were not prepared for the attack in any way, and despite fighting back with all they had, they were no match against the first devastating wave of warriors arriving at Ivendarea's eastern shores. The city of Beldran fell within weeks, and Zerenda's forces marched on to the nation's capital where Iovana Fannyel was slain, his partner and child only barely escaping.   From a prospering nation the Nyr's society began a rapid descent into chaos after Iovana Fannyel's death, as something like this had never occurred before. No one was sure how to act or what would come next. Zerenda made the mistake of underestimating the Nyr's willpower though, getting too comfortable when for a few years no-one fought against his conquering of Ivendarea's eastern half. A few years though mean little to the Nyr, so while Zerenda was sure he had already won, the Nyr in fact only recovered after his first blow, prepared to remove the intruder. Against any later of Zerenda's advances they put up massive fights and an unexpectedly strong resistance.   When Saratheas fell into the hands of the invaders all hope rested on the new Iovana Brestine, Fannyel's child, who eventually managed to secure the nation's peace again. Brestine's Peace Treaty led to the interesting situation of having two different Ivendarean rulers present at once: an Assadin monarch on the throne in Saratheas, and the Nyr's Iovana in Panthil. While officially all of Ivendarea was subject to the laws made in Saratheas, Panthil and Maan Garth had a special standing and enjoyed more freedoms in the name of upholding the peace.   Not believing in the occupation to last forever, given the short lifespan of the Assadin in comparison to their own, the Nyr decided to humor Zerenda and engaged in what they perceived as a waiting game. Their hope was that Brestine herself would eventually be able to take back the throne as soon as Zerenda's bloodline died out, that even if not Zerenda himself, his successors would see reason and give up on the throne out of free will.   It all came differently though. A rebel organization began to form, calling themselves the Omrai Omvalis. Believing their own Iovana had forsaken them, leaving the people under a foreigner's control, they began to lead a revolution against the Assadin rulers on their own. Their efforts eventually escalated into the Revolution War, but instead of removing the Assadin from Ivendarea for good, the results were devastating. The Nyr lost even more of their territory, the ancient city of Maan Ganyr fell, and Maan Garth was completely split off of the Ivendarean Mainland entirely out of the sheer need for survival. After the war, the Omrai Omvalis were hated by both the Assadin and their own people, as they were seen as the main cause for the beginning of another era of unrest, and the destroyers of a hard fought-for peace.   Today the Nyr are a people of contradictions more than ever. Explorers who never stray too far for too long, deeply divided in their own nation especially in regards to politics, while at the same time standing together stronger than ever to keep their culture and traditions alive under the rule of the most recent Assadin king Leoros.

Historical Figures

Neron - first ruler and founder of the nation of Ivendarea
Aman - scholar and prophet who rose to godhood
Brestine - the "Queen of Peace" who ended the bloody conflicts brought on by Zerenda's conquest with her peace treaty; she is still alive today and a member of Iovana Panmorn's council, but more legend than person meanwhile
Erraia - former rebel leader and founder of the Omrai Omvalis; she was executed in Saratheas which turned her into a martyr
Rava - the "Rebel Queen", daughter of Brestine, who played a major role in the Revolution War and fell in Maan Ganyr shortly before it was destroyed; her death led to the loss of the war and was the incentive for her husband and successor Panmorn to completely cut off Maan Garth from the outside world with a magical barrier still in place today

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Nyr and the Assadin

  To speak of "tensions" between Nyr and Assadin would be an understatement. The Assadin of the far away continent of Atrana came to the country not as explorers but as conquerors, violently seizing power a little over 500 years ago. To the Assadin this is a long time, as their lives are much shorter than the Nyr's. In return there are Nyr still alive today who witnessed the conquest with their own eyes, participated in the fights, and lost loved ones to Zerenda's army. Many were resentful towards even signing a peace treaty, and while most are convinced that Assadin rule won't last forever, the uncertainty of their future causes even more tensions. Those Nyr born under Assadin rule are deeply divided, on the one hand knowing the stories of their elders and the suffering caused by the invaders, on the other hand holding on to the shaky peace with all their might, not wanting another outbreak of war. Branded traitors of their own people by "assimilating" into the Assadin way of life they feel like they belong to neither group. Most Nyr are convinced a true peace can only come when a Nyr is the sole ruler again. Their hatred isn't even directed at those Assadin who followed their ruler into a more hopeful life on the peninsula, their own homeland torn apart by civil war. They are free to stay, but as guests of Ivendarea, community-members, not as rulers.   An important differentiation has to be made though between the different sub-groups of Assadin and their particular relationships with the Nyr. The Kessem, originally of the now purged nation of Astairus are Zerenda's people and descendants. The Kunae, also considered Assadin, but an ethnic subgroup from a tiny nation highly dependent on the Kessem, came to Ivendarea basically as work slaves who only slowly began to gain their independence here. While both groups are considered conquerors by the natives, the Nyr have a little bit more sympathy with the Kunae, who face similar discrimination in a variety of walks of life as the Nyr themselves.  

The Nyr and the Darthonians

  The Darthonians (or as they call themselves, the "Aapha") share a long political relationship not always free of difficulties, but never marked by violence. Ivendarea's northern neighbors are renowned seafarers and inventors. They were the first outside nation getting into contact with the isolated Nyr, and they themselves lived a very isolated life in their nation of snow and ice. Particularly in cities like Westpoint and Canwyl there is a large percentage of Darthonians among the population, with families almost as old as the nation of Ivendarea itself.   Tensions have begun to grow between the peoples only fairly recently with the marriage of king Leoros and princess Therstina of Darthonis. The politically motivated marriage brought up the question, why no Iovana of the Nyr had ever considered marrying a Darthonian royal to closer tie the nations together. Also, while both Nyr and Darthonians had been treated equal by Assadin rulership so far, ever since the union Darthonians have begun to receive advantages over their Nyr peers, creating more and more of a social divide in the less homogeneous communities where both groups are present.  

The Nyr and the Kitu

  After the Darthonians, the Kitu were the second group of outsiders to land on the shores of western Ivendarea. They are a subgroup of the Jali, sharing a strong natural magical inclination with the Nyr they immediately felt welcome and at home. A marginalized community in their own homeland Drua Shye they began to thrive in Ivendarea, but compared to the Darthonians they are a small group without much political influence and also not too keen on the Assadin rulers.
850 - 1100 years
Average Height
170 cm
Average Weight
70 kg
Average Physique
Reaching a mean height of 170 centimetres tall and weighing a little over 70 kilograms according to latest statistics, the Nyr are within the average size range when looking across all the different modern Ivendarean peoples.   Certain ethnic groups, such as the Sylai and Wylaai tend to be taller than average, and the Gaanar and Veerali are the shortest.   Balance of body and mind is very important in particular to religious Nyr, therefore physically challenging training and games are a common spare-time activity to keep the body in good shape and the senses sharp. This being said though, not everyone is as fit or active as others, and physical health and feeling well in one's body is considered a lot more important than having defined muscles or being physically strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Nyr's skin colour ranges from pale to dark grey tones, lighter colours being more common in the north and center of the nation, darker tones more widespread in the south and on the island Maan Garth. Often the skin isn't of a pure grey but usually has purple, green, blue, or brownish undertones.
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