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As the name suggests, Westpoint is a city situated on a tongue of land in the north-west of Ivendarea. From simple beginnings as a tiny fishing village it has now become a huge trade hub and Ivendarea's biggest harbour after the destruction of Maan Ganyr. Among Ivendarea's cities it has a unique history and standing: nearly as old as Maan Ganyr it was soon known to be the home to a variety of different cultures, and therefore a special location on the otherwise very isolated and homogenous pensinsula of Ivendarea.


The inhabitants of Westpoint come from a great variety of different ethnicities and social groups, drawn to the outer fringe of Ivendarea because the harbour is a portal to the world - and it is remote from the political tension more intense and present in the south and center of the coutry.   Species Distribution:
36 % Nyr
22 % Aapha
19% Jali
18% Assadin
5% others
  Largest Ethnic Groups: Nathras (Nyr), Wylaai (Nyr), Kitu (Jali), Kessem (Assadin), Kunae (Assadin), Aapha   Dominant Professions:
Trader, Fisherman, Shipwright, Navigator, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Ropemaker, Harbourworker, Banker


The city is shaped like a crescent and surrounded by a 3 meters tall and 10 meter wide mound, that is patrolled day and night by guards on horseback or chariots. Five gates lead into the city, tunnels dug through the mounds, also heavily guarded and sealed at night. Westpoint puts a huge emphasis on security, because large sums of money are exchanged on a daily basis and rare goods arrive that could be sold for a small fortune on the blackmarket. Also, the ships arriving each day, are regularly checked for smuggled wares and stowaways.   Guard towers along the main roads as well as smaller garrisons deeper in the districts are a common sight. The Royal Forces also own a training ground for new recruits in the city and young soldiers can sometimes be seen enforcing the city guard when particularly risky deliveries arrive or important visitors travel to Westpoint.

Industry & Trade

Westpoint is a major trade hub, and most of its residents are in some way involved in the trading business, be it as trading company owners or workers, craftsmen turning imported raw materials into tools or artwork, simple farmers or fishers earning some additional money by offering their wares on the grand bazaars, tavern and inn owners catering to sailors and merchants, or bankers keeping the money of the merchants safe or lending young entrepeneurs the gold they need to start their own businesses.   Main Exports:
Fish specialities, Ceramics, Weapons, Herbs, Cheeses, Honey   Main Imports:
Silk, Clothing, Spices, Raw Metals, Dried Meats


Westpoint stretches along the coast for over a mile and can be divided into severl districts with their own specific structural characteristics.   The biggest district is the huge Harbour District, as long as the coastline within Westpont's territory itself. More than a dozen navigation along the coast manage the incoming and departing ships. Derricks of all shapes and sizes load and unload the ships, and hundreds of workers transport the wares along the broad harbour road. Wagons on iron tracks, similarly how they were used in mines, helped with the transport of particularly heavy loads, and those traders who could afford it hired mages as harbourworkers, for a particularly secure levitation transport of particularly fragile wares.   Large warehouses surround the Central Plaza district, which lives from its many open and interior bazaars, and most of main roads and markets are paved to ensure a fast and secure passage for carts and carriages. Each of the 5 roads leading into the city sooner or later end at the Central Plaza.   The Shipyard District is technically part of the harbour district, but its shipyards actually lie behind the navigation towers and are accessible from the other side. When a ship is transported to the drydock or back to the water, some of the navigation towers can actually be moved to the side. They were built on castors and tracks particularly with the shipyards operating behind them in mind.   The Champion's District is one of the smaller districts pf Westpoint, but also considered one of the most exciting ones, particularly for the younger residents and visitors of Westpoint. It is where the Royal Forces have their training grounds and barracks - located on old arena grounds. Said arena is actually still in use to this day, during the week its where young recruits can train - and during the weekends and special celebrations regular citizens can prove their prowess in battle. Sometimes even chariot races are organized and local business sponsor a considerable amount of gold as main prize. Originally the arena was constructed for showing off exotic animals and have them fight each other and against fearless warriors or punished criminals - but this practise has been discontinued centuries ago. The Champion's District is also surrounded by inns, taverns, and other establishments with the sole purpose of entertainment, passing time, and celebrating potential victories.   The Forge is the second largest district and could be divided into a variety of sub-districts, but the boundaries between them are fluid. The Forge is dominated by chimneys of potteries and blacksmiths, it's home to some carpenters and the biggest ropemaker of the city.   In the Outskirts of the city, a district growing against the outside fortifications of the city, live the workers, families, farmers, and other simple folk who keep the engine that is Westpoint running. Housing is simple and functional, some live in poverty, but generally it is said that anyone who is truly willing to can find a job in Westpoint.   Finally, the nobles and richest of Westpoint live in the Rise, a district inbetween the harbour and markets, getting its name from it's slighty raised position in comparison to the harbour district next to it.
Alternative Name(s)
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: by Anders Jildén


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