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The Revolution War

The Revolution War between Iovana Rava and King Alund was not only the shortest war in Ivendarea's recent history - it was also a story of betrayal among friends and immense losses: physical, spiritual, and ideological.

The Conflict


An open conflict had never been the intention of either side of this later war, Nyr and Assadin. Balancing on the thin line between peace and war in the form of Iovana Brestine's peace treaty for centuries, the overall prelude to this conflict was much longer than the war itself. Several factors and elements played a part in the escalation of the conflict, starting at such things as unequal chances in everyday life based on ethnicity - which were actually forbidden according to the peace treaty, but tolerated to not cause conflicts - to fighting in the streets and civil disobedience.   The one event that set the ball rolling and sealed the grim fate of thousands was the assassination of kng Ulden in Saratheas. The chain of events that led to this crucial point in the development of the conflict begins many months prior.  

Iovana Rava allies with the resistance on the mainland - aided by Aella and Pirc Panthil'y

  Rava of Panthil, crowned fairly recently after her mother had stepped down from the throne, wanted justice for those of her people who still suffered under Assadin rule on the Ivendarean Mainland. While her mother Brestine's peace treaty should have prevented an unequal treatment of Nyr and Assadin in all walks of life, reports reaching Rava from the mainland proved that the opposite was the case. Discrimination against her people was regarded normal and necessary by many, and a resistance movement had begun to form to demand a more strict reinforcement of the peace treaty. The current government under king Ulden seemed to treat the document more as "rough guidelines" than a legally binding contract. While Ulden was not the first Assadin king to act this way, his politics were certainly the most backwards and of an "Assadin-first"-mentality that hadn't been as strict and discriminating almost since Zerenda's times.   While in theory the peace treaty was still in place - despite obviously not being taken seriously, most likely even violated by Ulden - Rava was in a dilemma. The document prevented her from legally entering the mainland, her doing so would be considered almost a declaration of war and a breaking of the treaty. So while Ulden's violations would justify an intervention from Rava's side, she had no means of verifying personally that the allegations were true without violating the treaty herself. She felt powerless and had lost trust in her mother's judgement concerning the situation on the mainland, her blind trust that the Assadin would honor their word after having murdered hundreds, if not thousands of Nyr during their invasion.   During these trying times for Rava, two of her childhood friends came to speak to her. Pirc and Aella Panthil'y, siblings and the offspring of an old but no longer powerful noble family of Maan Garth. They disclosed to Rava that they had connections to the resistance movement on the mainland and offered to be Rava's eyes and ears there, delivering a message of hope to the people who thought their Iovana had forgotten them and finding a way to restore order and peace. Unlike Rava, the siblings were no members of the royal family, neither successors of the Iovana's throne, so they were allowed to travel freely between mainland and Maan Garth. It seemed like the perfect opportunity and chance to learn more about the true situation on the mainland, and so Rava put her trust into Pirc and Aella to be the messengers of hope in an attempt to reinforce the peace treaty's conditions more fiercely again.   Not long after their meeting Pirc and Aella set sail, becoming Rava's eyes, ears, and voice on the mainland. Their plan was, together with the resistance, to undermine the government in a guerrilla-like war, sabotaging officials and the king alike, striking, protesting, resisting order in an effort to create political pressure, bringing justice back into a state of balance, and making sure the peace treaty was kept in place. For the most part, the resistance wanted to rely on a method of peaceful resistance, as anything else could have escalated the conflict quicker than what was necessary. As long as no Assadin blood was shed, no Nyr blood would need to be shed, was their reasoning.   The plan was of course connected to a huge risk, but Rava agreed nevertheless - it was still less risky than her travelling to the mainland herself in an attempt to set things right.    

Erraia's resistance movement grows - then has to take a big loss

  On the mainland, Pirc and Aella contacted a Nyr individual named Erraia who had become a central figure of the resistance movement. She was born and had grown up on the mainland, witnessing the injustice first hand in everyday life.   Yet, Erraia's ways were always peaceful. She was seen as a voice of reason, and so her means of achieving justice were in the interest of Rava. When the rumors spread that the Iovana supported Erraia - even though from afar and not officially - the movement around her started to grow faster and faster, hundreds coming to the village Erraia lived in at that time to hold assemblies and exchange news from all over the country. Soon the village turned into an unofficial rebel capital, and so king Ulden got wind of the situation, too.   Ulden sends soldiers to investigate and with the orders to dissolve any assemblies that are currently taking place, if necessary with force and making arrests. Assemblies that weren't properly announced and sanctioned had been prohibited by law for a while, even before Ulden seized the throne, and it was not unusual to have these types of illegal assemblies be dissolved - not that there would have been any means for Erraia and her resistance of course to ever receive a permission to legally protest.   The assembly the soldiers encountered though was much bigger than they had expected, and to dissolve it and discourage further assemblies, it is said that they decided to set the village's food supplies on fire. The spring months had been dry though and summer was about to begin, so the fire didn't remain under control of the soldiers, spreading surprisingly fast and almost destroying the entire village. The government later of course denied that the soldiers started the fire, blaming the dry weather and a careless worker who didn't watch a campfire or had a smoke, but this is largely believed to be untrue.   During the tragic event not only buildings and supplies were destroyed, unsuspecting people got caught in the flames and lost their lives. Others were injured or died during attempts of salvaging whatever they could from the fire, and even more losses were to mourn during the attempts of putting out the fast-spreading flames. Erraia, Pirc, and Aella were able to escape the main place of assembly only just, aiding as best as they could during the rescue process, but many of Erraia's friends and followers as well as civilians not even involved in the resistance lost their lives that day.   The tremendous act of violence, no matter if intentional or not, unleashes the revolutionist's wrath and they drive the soldiers out of the town with all means necessary before the flames are even put out, and not few are struck down by the magic, arrows, and blades of those oppressed who lost their loved ones.   It is clear to the resistance that from now on things would only get worse and escalate more. During the aftermath of the fire and the murder of many of the soldiers who caused it, Aella reminds the resistance that there is a way to end the conflicts once and for all: cut off the head of the snake. Ulden and his predecessors have been trampling the peace treaty under their feet for decades, trusting that the Nyr wouldn't dare to fight back to avoid further conflicts. But enough was enough. If Ulden and his family were no more, Zerenda's bloodline would end and Rava could become the rightful ruler of all of Ivendarea once again, like her grandfather used to be.   In their state of utter despair, looking at their burnt down homes and torn apart families, their culture and rights treated with no respect, Erraia and her followers decide that the time of peaceful resistance is over.  

Aella, Pirc, and Erraia plan the assassination of king Ulden and his family

  A plan is developed quickly, as Aella and Pirc in particular press that it needs to be carried out quickly, before Ulden has time to plan his next moves, too. The three are already on their way to Saratheas, prepared to strike, when Rava first hears about the fire and the plans to assassinate Ulden.   The rebels plan is nothing she would have agreed on. Even if Ulden and his government didn't deserve it, there had to be a peaceful solution. His family, particularly his children, were also only innocent bystanders that had no say in their father's decisions. No matter how much Rava loathed to see her people suffer, and even if the fire wasn't an accident, it did not justify killing innocents to take back the throne.   Against her family's and council's advice Rava decided to set sail to the mainland immediately, in an attempt to stop Aella, Pirc, and Erraia with her own hands if necessary - and also in an attempt to speak to Ulden before they could, warning him of what was coming, about not wanting the violence to escalate between their peoples. She sent several messages ordering the rebel leaders to not carry out their plan, uncertain if they would reach them in time.   Erraia, Aella, and Pirc arrived in Saratheas before Rava. On the 1st of Athlah in the year 463, in the middle of the night, together with a small group of their more militant followers they infiltrated the Palace of Saratheas. Several guards were killed along the way to the king's private chamber, the rebels taking their place and slowly attempting to take over the whole palace.   Ulden was killed in his sleep by Erraia, medical records speaking of violent trauma and more than a dozen stab wounds caused by an enchanted, flaming blade. Verania, Ulden's wife, was not sleeping at his side that night, which caught the infiltrators off guard. She came hurrying into the room when she heard the noises of her husband getting murdered. Fleeing the scene as soon as she realized what was going on she was followed by Aella and Pirc who manage to injure her severely, but the commotion attracts the attention of the guards. The situation escalates into a fight between guards and rebels, and in the chaos the queen and her two sons can be escorted to safety. Soon the whole palace is on full alert and the city guard is called for assistance, and so Aella and Pirc decide to flee, disappearing into the night. Erraia, finding herself yet again in a desperate situation, has no intentions of fleeing and instead decides to set an example, become a beacon of hope for her people. She sets Ulden's room on fire, the flames quickly spreading throughout the whole wing of the palace which takes massive damage. Erraia had planned to be consumed by the flames herself, but guards manage to seize and arrest her, taking her out of the palace under great struggle and suppressing her magic.   About a dozen other rebels are arrested, while a large portion manages to flee together with Aella and Pirc. Those who escape are wanted for murder, conspiracy to murder, and other crimes. Erraia and the remaining rebels are temporarily locked up before receiving a trial to remember.   Rava actually arrives on the mainland, under highest security measures to make sure her presence is not revealed until she stands in front of king Ulden. Only a day away from Saratheas she hears about the assassination and has no choice but to return home as quickly as possible - and begin to prepare for the worst.  

King Alund declares war against Rava and Maan Garth

  Prince Alund, the oldest of Ulden's sons and 21 at the time of his father's death, seizes the throne on the 3rd of Athlah, only days after the assault. His first action as king is announcing the sentence of Erraia and the remaining rebels in custody: death by hanging.   Erraia's last fateful words as she is executed in front of the palace of Saratheas are "long live Iovana Rava", and upon hearing this, Alund rightfully realizes that this rebellion is spread much further than across two or three secluded villages in the forest. A week after the attack on the palace he declares war on Rava and Maan Garth, deciding that the peace treaty has been broken by the rebels.   He is convinced that as long Maan Garth has its unique and separated standing, as long as there is two Ivendarean monarchs opposing each other, there can't be peace. The rebellion had its root on Maan Garth, Alund suspected, and in what the island stands for: Nyr independence, the old Ivendarea without the Assadin, and end to his bloodline. To him, Maan Garth is the symbolic gallows his family and future children are led towards, the Iovana and what they stand for being his judge and hangman at once. As long as Maan Garth was independent and the Iovana still had their unique standing, the end goal would not be a peaceful nation; it would be a nation without the Assadin and many more conflicts and bloodshed would follow.   Iovana Rava in the meantime fights with all she has to hold on to the shaky peace. She arrived back on Maan Garth just in time to learn about the declaration of war, Alund blocking all of her attempts to communicate. News of Nyr fleeing Saratheas and other major cities out of fear of retaliation are spread, and there is no sign of Aella and Pirc.   Rava is given the option to surrender herself to Alund, which would mean her certain death and the end of Maan Garth being the home to thousands who had been able to escape Assadin rule until now. It could mean the death of her mother, her husband, her two young children. Rava decides to not surrender and to fight Alund with all she had and all the soldiers willing to follow her, in an attempt to buy time for her people and potentially end the conflict between their peoples here and now, once and for all.


Immediately after the declaration of war Alund started to mobilize his troops. His plan was to bring the Royal Forces to Maan Ganyr, where a huge harbour was already preparing for their arrival. Military ships were readied and brought in from other harbours along the west coast. From Maan Ganyr they would set sail to Maan Garth, conquer Panthil, and wipe out Rava and her government as well as capture her family. Specialized forces were sent to scout for rebel hideouts in the area around Maan Ganyr and Erraia's hometown, to clear them out. And anyone who should stand in their way, associated with the rebels or aiding them in any way, was to be taken prisoner as well or killed, should they resist the arrest.   Alund focused on versatile infantry troops, but he also brought along siege engines that could be used on land and ships alike. Since he was still very young he trusted greatly in the tactical knowledge of his generals, and he made sure to bring soldiers versed in tactics suitable for battles at sea, should they encounter Rava's forces in the Thorn Straits. His army started marching on the 20th of Athlah, a few days later than planned, but equipped for all eventualities - or so Alund thought.   Rava didn't have nearly as many soldiers at her disposal as Alund. Most of them were volunteers without military background, but they all were willing to give their lives for the protection of their home, and not few were excellent sailors. Rava had the support of her people both from Maan Garth but also those in and around Maan Ganyr, waiting for her arrival. Rava also prepared for a battle at sea, and originally she had not planned to join her troops on the battlefield, but rather coordinate the fight from afar. Only a few days before her ships set sail she went to the temple for advice and potentially a moment of enlightenment, and in a Prophecy conducted by one of the priests she received the vision of flying above the temples of Maan Ganyr in the shape of a dragon. She interpreted this vision as a sign to join her warriors, fight together with them.Through decades of training she actually was able to take the shape of a dragon, she was a powerful mage - she herself could make up with her powers for the comparatively low number of soldiers on their side of the battlefield. Her abilities were also a well-kept secret - Alund wouldn't be prepared for a fight against a dragon.   Rava left Maan Garth with a battalion of ships on the 18th of Athlah, and they arrived on the mainland before Alund had even started marching. Rava used this to her advantage on the battlefield, and Maan Ganyr, the city with the highest percentage of Nyr inhabitants after Panthil, welcomed them with open arms in preparation for battle and revolution. Those of Alund's ships that had already arrived or were to be prepared at Maan Ganyr's harbour were taken hostage or destroyed, their crews surrendering with their leader nowhere to be seen yet. It was a first small victory for the Nyr and they were hopeful for the battles to come.


Maan Ganyr

  The temple city Maan Ganyr was the main battlefield of the war. Rava's troops had more than a week to learn about the location's topography before Alund's troops arrived - and some of the local Assadin who had been living here for long even joined their "true queen" to fight off Alund's troops. The majority of the civilians who couldn't fight fled to other communities, so civilian losses were actually very low in this particular war.   Maan Ganyr itself lies on a big plain area and is a true labyrinth of bigger and smaller temples and buildings, towers, and gardens, as well as subterranean chambers and tunnels that the rebels used to their advantage. The weather was moist and hot, the battle taking place during the summer months, which was exhausting for both sides. During the last weeks most of the fighting actually took place at night, and not during the day - a few soldiers had actually died from utter exhaustion, and so the worse light conditions at night were accepted in return. The occasional strong rain and thunderstorms made the disturbed ground muddy and slippery, siege engines got stuck and accidents became frequent.    

The Thorn Straits

  The Thorn Straits of the Quiet Sea between mainland and Maan Garth are dangerous and only experienced sailors travel there. The currents can be unpredictable and sharp rocks linger invisible beneath the waves, tearing into a ships hull like a knife into flesh. Alund's initial plan to fight Rava in this area was risky, and to his luck it never came to a fully-fledged battle on the open sea - things might have ended differently.

The Engagement

The battles of Maan Ganyr

  Alund's forces arrived long after Rava's on the 31st of Athlah, finding Maan Ganyr deserted, their ships nowhere to be seen. Sensing that this was a trap the soldiers were ordered to be careful, but they were almost defenseless against the first powerful strike of Rava's troops.   A military game of hide-and-seek took place during the first days of the war, with Alunds army trying to push forward into the city, only to be bombarded with magic fired down from towers and temple roofs. The siege engines ended this game quickly, once Alund had allowed them to be used to tear down the first row of temple buildings. The Nyr used the buildings and now ruins as cover and lured Assadin soldiers into traps and ambushes - but could also be cornered more easily.   Avon Maan, located in the western portion of the city, quickly became Rava's headquarters as well as the main retreat for the healers to tend to the wounded soldiers and to store supplies. That made the tower a target of course, and Alund's forces pushed forward hard to reach the tower and attack it with their siege engines. This is when Rava became an active part in the fight. In her dragon form she was often seen circling the tower or the surrounding battlefields, taking down whole groups of soldiers at once. But being so out in the open, with no cover available to her in the skies, she also made herself a huge target. She had few other options left though, Alund's forces were closing in and they certainly had the greater man-power and machines of war no structure would be able to withstand.   Furthermore, more of Alund's ships arrived on the harbour on a daily basis, so the Nyr were thinly spread, fighting on many fronts at once, and trying to prevent the assadin from capturing more and more parts of the city.   The last battle of Maan Ganyr was fought on the 28th of Erras, almost 2 months after the declaration of war. After diving down onto a group of soldiers and rising up again, Rava ended up in the focus of a siege engine that had been transported along the fringe of the city. In an attempt to reach Avon Maan from the side, rather than frontal, and tear down its well-protected walls, nothing less than an updated version of Zerenda's famous "Fangs" was brought in. This device had led to the fall of Saratheas during the Cleansing, and again it should bring the Assadin their victory.   The soldiers operating the machine agreed to take the chance and fire a spear at the dragon. The spears of Zerenda's Fangs were able to anchor themselves into walls and were attached to a long metal rope that could be pulled back, in the process tearing to pieces whatever the spear was stuck to. The distance between Rava in her dragon form and the engine was huge though, and in addition she was a very fast moving target, too. The soldiers decided to cut the rope and fire just the spear by itself, to make it quicker and able to fly higher and further. Aiming carefully, watching what Rava was doing, and firing in just the right moment, the spear hit her right in the chest as she rose up from the battlefield. The spear didn't stick, but it had done its damage. Despite being gravely wounded Rava managed to remain in her dragon form long enough tried to fly back to Avon Maan. Just as she reached the top of the tower the magic faded and she fell through an opening in the ceiling in her regular form. It was the last the forces outside saw of her, and the Nyr feared the worst, many immediately retreating to the tower, morale gone.   It took only minutes, and suddenly the tower seemed to disappear from existence, leaving nothing but a crater in the ground. It was clear that something dramatic had happened.   The remaining Nyr soldiers that didn't make it back to the tower in time, bewildered and shocked, attempted to flee. In the ensuing chaos many of them were slain and only a handful could make it back to a ship and set sail to Maan Garth. While a big part of Alund's army set sail to conquer Maan Garth next, some of his forces remained in Maan Ganyr to secure the site, ransack anything of worth, and then destroy the remains. This was a strong and horrible gesture, another part of the old Ivendarea gone forever, all resistance against change futile.    

Chase across the open sea

  Alunds ships followed the escaped Nyr on the next day. The weather was so clear that after a short while Maan Garth was already visible at the horizon. Much to the surprise of the soldiers they could also see Avon Maan, towering above the steep cliffs of the island, as if it had always been there next to Panthil. The wind was to their advantage - or so they thought.   Without any warning the soldiers on the ship leading the assault were pulverized, dissolving into grey dust while screaming for their lives. Immediately the other soldiers knew that something was wrong, but they were going too fast to do a full stop. Ship after ship after ship was annihilated, floating aimlessly away with the crews wiped from existence. The only chance the last ships had to escape this fate was to anchor in the middle of the Straits and waiting for the winds to turn to sail back to the mainland. The currents were too strong to swim or to use the lifeboats to return, but at least by waiting they would keep their lives.   Only hours after Rava's death, Panmorn, her husband and regent of Maan Garth during the Iovana's absence, had created an enormous magical barrier around the island that would destroy anyone from entering who wasn't of Nyr blood. The Assadin soldiers of course didn't know this, and with the barrier being almost completely invisible to the bare eye, they ran right into the trap. With no immediate solution to conquering the island without even more losses Alund's forces returned to tell him of this new development. Since Rava was dead and any trace of resistance in the area around Maan Ganyr gone, Alund decided to declare the war over. For the time being at least. All efforts of the Royal Forces should now be devoted to the protection of Ivendarea's borders and the uprooting of more rebel hideouts.


For the Nyr

  Only minutes after Rava's death, Panmorn manages to teleport the tower of Avon Maan containing her body and the majority of her soldiers - alive, injured, and fallen - back to Panthil. Most of the losses on Maan Garth's side were infantry and cavalry soldiers, a lot of the healers and injured had already retreated to Avon Maan towards the end of the battle.   Furthermore, in his grief and wrath about Rava's loss, Panmorn created a magical barrier protecting Maan Garth from Assadin intruders. Anyone with Assadin blood in their veins will die upon getting too close to the barrier.   Following the immediate victory, Alund ordered to have Maan Ganyr destroyed, to set an example. The holy site is ransacked for any useful bits of knowledge or treasure that might be stored in its ancient libraries. A lot of knowledge is lost forever on that day, and potentially the most holy place of Nyr spirituality and belief is violated.   The peace treaty established between Iovana Brestine and King Zerenda is finally broken. This leaves an insecure future for both sides, as now, technically, the royal family of the Nyr would be allowed to return to the mainland again, but this would most definitely cause further conflicts. Also, it makes it unclear who would be the one to succeed the throne, if Zerenda's bloodline comes to an end one day. Another war for the throne might emerge in the future.    

For the Assadin

  Despite their military superiority, the Royal Forces suffered massive losses during the battle of Maan Ganyr on the one hand, on the other hand also at sea during the attempt to cross the Thorn Straits and running into Panmorn's barrier. The high amount of casualties despite outnumbering the Nyr almost tenfold was solely possible through the Nyr's superior magic - without it, the war would have lasted mere days and been more of a massacre than an actual tactical fight.   Alund had proven his strength and despite his young age established himself as a strong, efficient - and merciless - king and leader.


For the Nyr

  Panmorn, after recovering from a terrible breakdown following the events of the war, becomes Rava's successor. Their children are still too young. Their older child, Breella, is to succeed Panmorn whenever she is old enough and ready. Their younger child, Adoven, has no memory of his mother alive.   The Nyr on the mainland are now treated with huge suspicion and overall their situation has definitely gotten worse compared to before the war. This led to another massive refugee crisis comparable to the days of the Invasion War, with thousands leaving the mainland to flee to Maan Garth, which now seems like a safe haven even more.   The Nyr on Maan Garth though became even more isolated from their brethren than before, as trading with Assadin at the harbour of Panthil has become impossible. Other merchant ships are also reluctant to get close to the island, because there is no guarantee that Panmorn's barrier would truly only harm Assadin, and not just generally everyone who is not of Nyr blood.   In return, many Nyr on the mainland also grow more resentful of those on Maan Garth, as they see the cause of the conflict on the island and its special standing, not amongst their own. The resistance movement grew very quiet for many years, but never died.   Aella and Pirc were wanted criminals and despised by everyone: Nyr, on Maan Garth and the Mainland, and Assadin alike. For decades they had a huge bounty on their heads. One of the first actions of King Panmorn was to permanently banish them from returning to Maan Garth. If they did, he promised them a fate worse than death. In his eyes they alone were responsible for the dreadful situation Ivendarea has been in since the war ended, as it was them and Erraia who escalated the situation against Rava's wishes. Erraia had received her punishment for her crimes - but Aella and Pirc, if they are still alive, were no-where to be seen and are probably in constant hiding.   Panmorn also banished the spiritual practise of Prophecy on Maan Garth, which is carried out by the priests upon request. Several vague prophecies are partly responsible for what inspired Rava to rash decisions ultimately resulting in war and her death. This ban angers the citizens of Panthil for quite a while, as prophecies are popular and an important part of Nyr culture and religion.   Avon Maan was slowly integrated into the temple complex of Panthil and the city as such over the course of several months after the end of the war.  

For the humans

  From Nyr they are either treated with fear or hatred, not so much even for killing Rava, but for desecrating Maan Ganyr.   The harbour of Maan Ganyr became a ruin over the course of the next decades, as it wasn't a desirable landing point anymore from the open sea thanks to Panmorn's barrier. The invisible death trap and the dangerous currents of the Thorn Straits are a risk too big for merchants. Any ships located at the harbour of Maan Ganyr at the time of the creation of the barrier were either left there and have now sunk, or they were actually disassembled and used as building material for houses or new ships elsewhere, being transported away via land instead of sea.   The whole coastal region between Holtwind and Westpoint slowly deteriorated and crime rates increased. Not many of those who had fled from their homes during the war had dared to return out of fear of retaliation or because they couldn't bear seeing the destruction that took place on the holy site. Maan Ganyr to this day is a ruin sporadically patrolled by Royal Forces who make sure it isn't used as a base by the revolution.

Historical Significance


Erraia and Rava became a nearly lengendary figures in different parts of the population, martyrs for a just cause, and there are countless songs, poems, and children's tales written about them. Yet, while both their stories are heroic, they are always tragic and sad. Rava's tales are particularly popular on Maan Garth of course, while Erraia's are told predominantly on the mainland and more often a cautionary tale in comparison to Rava's.   The Revolution War at its time was only known as "The Rebellion", due to the very short open conflict between two actual armies. Only years later it received the name "Revolution War" after it was analyzed in-depth by historians at the Royal Academy.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
8th Athlah 463
Ending Date
1st Pallath 463
Conflict Result
King Alund's Forces emerged victorious, although with big losses, Queen Rava fell at Avon Maan


Nyr of Maan Garth and Maan Ganyr

Led by

King Alund's Royal Forces

Led by


8000 (approx.)




Primary Objectives:
Kill king Alund or have him surrender Defend Maan Ganyr and push back the Assadin forces
      Secondary Objectives:
Prevent the Assadin forces from reaching the ocean and Maan Garth
Sabotage ships, siege weapons, and supplies
Primary Objectives:
Push forward to the coast to deploy ships to Maan Garth and conquer Panthill](settlement:4063992c-3c3d-427a-a36e-9e8174566d3a)
Kill Iovana Rava   Secondary Objectives:
Capture Rava's council and family members
Discover rebel hideouts and take them out

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Cover image: by Dariusz Sankowski


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