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Before Neron united the tribes of Ivendarea, each clan had its own distinct dialect. Especially comparing the northern and southern tongues, as well as the accents east and west of the Skyreach Mountains, the differences were very apparent. As a way to communicate effectively with each other and trade, a language "unifying" all these dialects was created. The grammatical structures and vocabulary that most of the dialects shared in one form or another were used as a base, and for the first time specific rules on sentence structure, spelling, and so on were written down. During this time a shared and simplified alphabet joining the dialects together was defined.   Originally not everyone was fond of this new artificially created language, and efforts were made to keep the old dialects alive even until today. Nyrval eventually became the official language of Ivendarea also taught to outsiders, and it remains the main language spoken by the nyr until today.

Geographical Distribution

On Maan Garth the language is used exclusively and in 99% of the interactions today. The only exceptions are conversations related to trading with non-nyr merchants.   On the mainland of Ivendarea the spread of the language is fairly even; the only area where it is less dominant is the south and east, where the human population is bigger.   The language has its regional differing accents and dialects, usually originating from the old tribal dialects that it replaced during Neron's reign. In the area of Canwyl, the old capital, the language is considered to have its "cleanest", most accent-free manifestation.


Nyrval is a topic-prominent language, therefore the word-order within a sentence depends on what the speaker wants to emphasize or what is assumed to be known. This leads to the following order:   Topic(s) - Focus - Verb - The Rest of the Sentence   The "Topic(s)" is what is known to the people participating in the conversation, the introduction to the topic they speak about. The "Focus" is what is unknown, what is the new information. It can be seen as equivalent to the statement "it was X and nothing else".     Prepositions of any description are attached to the end of the noun or pronoun they are in relation to in a sentence, separated with an apostrophe.   For example "Panthil'y", with "Panthil" being the noun and "y" the preposition with the meaning "from" means "from Panthil".   Adjectives can be attached in the same way to a noun, and to a verb.   e.g. "naluar'sar" is "the black ocean", "daven'lyn" means to "gently thank someone"   Nouns don't have plural forms or are gendered in any way.



  Athlah - Warmth
Athoban - Forest
Avon - Eye
Beldran - Touch
Belven - Blossom
Brevur - Brother
Breel - Shimmer
Cal - Rain
Cartha - Cave
Darea - Cradle
Darn - Thorn
Elorn - Ebony
Erras - Fire, Flame
Evarn - Vision
Ethor - Fear
Fervis - Elder
Ganyr - Temple
Garth - Garden
Hel - Hail
Hevra - Seed
Invath - Awakening
Lameth - Evergreen
Lath - Heart
Maan - God
Maandaven - Prayer
Merrevan - Joy
Mon - Moon
Morn - Mourning
Naluar - Ocean
Pallath - Earth
Pan - Solitude
Panthil - Refuge
Sara - City
Sarveetha - Secret
Sath - Silence, Calmness
Suthon - Storm
Syllaven - Sleep
Syn - Sun
Thas - Day
Theas - Trial
Thevas - Mind
Vath - Step
Wyl - Well
Yndra - Kingdom


  adovar - to storm (also fig.)
daven - to thank
ethnar - to fear
helva - to hail
jurlun - to forgive
sath - to calm down


  can - deep
eran - first
laf - dark
lyn - gentle
lys - bright
sar - black
sarveen - secret
syl - silent


  y - from
a - of
Common Phrases

Phrases of everyday life

Excuse me
Thanks a lot
You're forgiven

Common Insults

Stubborn Fool
"Aheir ravath'da!"
May Aheir tear you apart!
"Natheel nandrava"
Unknowing/naive child

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Cover image: by Zach Guinta


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