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Aman's Teachings

Probably the most influential religious and philosophical document of the last centuries, "Aman's Teachings" is a collection and summary of Aman's travels and the knowledge they gathered about the magical nature of the world and the gods.   It can be seen as a textbook for study, a diary, a manifesto, an instruction manual on how to lead a life in tune with oneself and nature and the gods, and it is an essential part of most nyr households.

Document Structure


The book is divided into 4 parts:
  1. Youth and Travels
  2. Reclusion and Study
  3. Mentorship and Revolution
  4. Ascension and Godhood

Youth and Travels

  The first part of the book is the only one written entirely by Aman themself, even if not in its current form. It is a collection of their travel diaries, edited for length, but keeping the writings authentic and unaltered otherwise. A lot of the events and insight found in this part of the book are Aman's impressions and thoughts occuring to them as they travelled to far-away continents, as well as when they spent time in Ivendarea's wilderness and cities alike. It features reports about dangerous journeys across strange and foreign oceans, and the encounters with historical personalities. In a way it is a story about how Aman became the person they ended up being; a very personal coming-of-age story many young nyr relate to. This first part ends with Aman returning to Maan Garth, where their journey had started, and settling down in a small village by the coast to go over their discoveries and create the base for their teachings.  

Reclusion and Study

  As hinted at by the end of the first part of the book, part two consists mostly of the resulting conclusions Aman drew out of their experiences and study of the world. It is the core of Aman's Teachings, containing their knowledge about the nature of the gods and the world as well as the basic rules on how to live a good and fulfilled life. Not all of the contents of part two were written by Aman in their time of reclusion, some were added later by their students in a section of appendixes at the end of the chapter. The appendixes are ever-changing, some that are still to be found in older versions of Aman's Teachings have meanwhile been removed, but a lot of descriptions and rules of rituals and traditions keep getting added.  

Mentorship and Revolution

  Part three of Aman's Teachings revolves around Aman's role as a mentor and teacher. It is the part of the book with the least structure to it. It is a collection of reports, diary entries, and magical techniques, all dated to the time when Aman's movement gained momentum and more and more people became interested in what they had to teach and say. Most of their early followers were displeased with the temples and their portrayal of the gods in a similar way as Aman had been before they started their journeys. This part of the book contains pieces written by Aman and students of theirs in a roughly chronological order leading up to Aman's ascension. At the end of part three follows a short sub-chapter with mediation and prayer techniques that Aman taught to their students, to have them unfold their full potential. And there is also quite a few pages dedicated to the different fields of magic and the possibilities lingering within them.  

Ascension and Godhood

  The last part of the book is at the same time the shortest chapter. It begins with an eyewitness report of several priests in Maan Ganyr describing the event that marked Aman's ascension to godhood. This introduction is followed by further priest's accounts of them having spiritual visions of Aman joining the ranks of the gods, becoming one of them. The largest portion of this last part of the book was written by Aman's students and followers, discussing what Aman represented in their life and does now as a god, and the consequences potentially following out of the fact that a mortal joined the ranks of the gods.
Text, Philosophical

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