Outlands | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Tribes of the Emerald Elves

The Elven Kingdom is a vast territory that encompasses large swathes of forest that can vary from border to border. A single king rarely is able to rule over such a large territory, one that is incredibly varied and home to not only different groups of Elves but others that have found solace in the boughs of the oldest trees in the world. The fringes of the territory are very different from the interior, causing factions to form under the banner of the Elven Kingdom to rule their people in the fairest way possible.   The Outlands is by far the largest separate faction under the banner of the Elven Kingdom. This group encompasses all land around the fringes of the Elven Forest except for those along the northern border. Those living in these areas are tasked with protecting and cultivating wildlife and the Aelinor Oaks that make up the greatest number of trees in the forest. Led by their own council, the Outlanders of the area have a great number of freedoms to live lives removed from the pomp and circumstance that often defines the lives of those near the capital.   Those that live in the Outlands choose lives far removed from the magic that is common amongst Elves for simpler lives of hunting and living off the land. Instead of large cities, one will find small villages scattered throughout the Outlands that are led by a single family and a matriarch. Depending on the time of year, these villages may move or change, so the Outlands are as fluid as the forest.   The Outlander Culture is centered on stewardship without magic, hard work over centuries to keep the forest thriving. It is not to be said that those elsewhere in the Elven Forest are lazy and do not care about their homeland, but the Outlanders take more time to listen to the trees and the creatures, learning the cycles that Lycana had defined in nature. Instead of steeping themselves in sorcery, these people find the divine in nature, creating spiritual connections between themselves and the goddesses Lycana and the Huntress.  

Demographics & Territory

While the overall population of the Elven Kingdom may be diverse, the population of the Outlands is not. The largest majority, about 90%, of the population is Emerald Elves. Humans, Ursakin, and other Elves each make up 3% and the final 1% of the population is Avians. Other people may pass through the Outlands, but due to the way of life, few people tend to stay and make these areas their home.   Much of the population of the Outlands is transient and will move throughout the year as the seasons and migration patterns of the wildlife change. It is common to see a village at one location during the summer months and find the same village much farther south during the winter months. While location changes, the names of villages do not so that travelers that understand the ways of the Outlanders can easily find specific villages.

Quick Facts

Population Breakdown
Emerald Elves
Other Races
Other Information
Major Focus

Common Flora
Aelinor Oaks
  The Outlands is comprised of the heavily forested areas surrounding the Elven Kingdom's borders where the trees are younger and the magic is not as strong. These trees are perfect for harvesting to build various things throughout the Kingdom and are often used as an export to bring wealth and other trade goods to the Outlands. Furs, meats, and other items that are gathered from the forest or created by the Outlanders are also common as trade exports and bring a great deal of wealth and recognition of craftsmanship to the Elves.   The boundaries of the Outlands are not permanent as they often change over the course of millennia as the Elven Forest grows and changes. Most Elves recognize the forest near the borders as the Outlands, except along the northern border, which is part of the Northern Outposts. The boundary between the Outlands and the Deep Forest is not completely known, but as the trees grow older, the further one gets from the Outlands.  
The Allanar is by far the largest section of the Bauxatehn, but it is not a formalized force. This brigade specializes in guerilla warfare and long-range tactics, utilizing the skills they’ve gained from hunting throughout the Elven Forest.


The Outlands is protected by one of the branches of the Bauxatehn known as the Allanar. This group specializes in guerilla warfare and long-range tactics that work well with the terrain and the way of life that is prevalent in the Outlands. This brigade reports to the Huntsmen Elders, the ruling council of the Outlands, and exists mostly for times of war, although the Allanar have been called upon for a variety of other missions including fire fighting, conservation efforts, and other jobs that fulfill the mission of stewardship that is part of the Outlander Culture. Nearly all that live in the Outlands are part of the Allanar as all, men and women, are trained as Fighters so that they can survive on their own.   Training for the Allanar is far more lax than in other parts of the Bauxatehn as life in the Outlands is seen as training enough. The use of long-range weapons, including bows and spears, is very common as these are standard hunting weapons. Competitions against those in the Ayvelon, the Spine of Kallex brigade, happen frequently so that both forces can practice their skills and learn new techniques from each other due to their informal nature.  

Foreign Relations

While most Elves are untrusting of outsiders, the Emerald Elves of the Outlands are more so. In centuries past, outsiders have often entered the Elven Forest unannounced and scavenged for materials that were not given freely. Orcs, Goblins, and others were known for chopping down large amounts of trees or lighting fires that would spread through the younger trees, often doing great harm to the forest.   In most cases, these people prefer to trade and communicate amongst themselves, even going as far as to ignore those from the Deep Forest or the Elderwood that do not understand their way of life. Overall, the Emerald Elves of the Outlands do not dislike others, including other Elves, but tend to only offer respect to those that understand the hardships and stewardship that is an integral part of life in the Elven Forest.

Government Bodies

While the Outlands are officially part of the Elven Kingdom, they are not truly governed by the Elven King. Instead, a two-level system exists that keeps the peace among the Outlanders.  

Huntsmen Elders

The Huntsmen Elders are considered the ruling council of the Outlands and serve to negotiate issues between the various tribes and families throughout the area. Elected by the various tribes, these men and women, numbering thirteen, serve for five years in these positions. The Huntsmen Elders have existed for longer than the Outlands have been formally recognized and will also serve as a war council in times of war.   Seasonal meetings are held between the Huntsmen Elders and the matriarchs to discuss issues and any changes to the laws that have been established. In many cases, the larger discussions center around hunting grounds, migration patterns, and the lives that they live. Rarely do matters of discipline reach the Huntsmen Elders as the matriarchs tend to deal with these issues in their own tribes.  


Each of the thirteen long-established tribes of the Outlands will be led by a matriarch. Each tribe, centered around a family, may control a number of villages throughout the Outlands, but will only have a single matriarch that all members of the tribe must obey. These women will take care of the day-to-day issues that arise within their tribes and will only ask for the assistance of the Huntsmen Elders if the issues persist or are too large for a single person to handle.

Hunt for the Forest

Founding Date
circa 500 I.M.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Woodlands
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Items
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


Most in the Elven Kingdom follow the teachings of Lycana as their creator and single deity, but the Outlanders are often more open in their beliefs. The teachings and tenets of the Huntress are also common as these people are Hunters and often pray for safety during their hunts. Other deities such as Libra and Crommel have some following amongst the non-Elven populations, but many of the shrines and holy sites scattered throughout the Outlands are dedicated to Lycana and the Huntress.


The official currency of the Elven Kingdom is called Branches, but rarely will this currency be used within the Outlands unless being passed about as part of an established trade deal. In most cases, the Outlanders prefer a bartering system where they trade furs, food, and other gathered and made materials with other tribes to get the things they need. To them, wealth is not counted in how much Gold or precious metals you have, but in the family and connections you have with the world around you.

Character flag image: Outlands Crest by Crest via Coat of Arms Generator, created by RiverFang


Author's Notes

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May 29, 2023 20:50

Great level of detail and depth in the religion, military and all. Touches of history. Only thing that would make it better is images for flavor.

May 31, 2023 14:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'the Outlands are as fluid as the forest'   I love this line. I always admire how in depth your worldbuilding is. Isekai just feels so alive and with a rich history.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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