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Outlander Culture

Way of Life for the Fair Folk of the Outlands

Aelinor Oaks and other trees shroud the visage of Wapiti Tents and other small buildings that house those that call the fringes of the Elven Forest home. These people live off the land, making their living through hunting and crafting, serving as stewards of the land that give them everything. On the edges of the forest and away from the intense magic of the center, one will find the Emerald Elves that make their home in the area known as the Outlands.   Tradition and the teaching of Lycana are a central part of Elven Culture, something the Emerald Elves of the Outlands added to as they brought the teaching of the Huntress as well. The hunt and nature are their lives, represented in the traditions they follow and the goddesses they worship. What these Elves believe in varies little from the Jade Elves of the interior.   The traditions that all Elves keep still stand within the Outlands, but the heavy magic has been tossed away in favor of elaborate ceremony and ritual. The Outlanders do not rely on magic as heavily as the Jade Elves and their changed traditions show that. Even so, the Outlanders have not strayed far from their heritage, believing in adding to tradition instead of removing or changing.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Outlanders follow the traditional teachings of Lycana to an extent, but they also follow some teachings of the Huntress as their way of life is centered heavily around nature and the hunt. The Barbarian Culture of the Spine of Kallex is similar, but the years have removed the Barbarians farther away from the heritage the Outlanders try to stay close to.   The Outlanders are still part of the Elven Forest, but they have their own leadership in the Huntsmen Elders. These Elders speak to the Elven Kingdom on the Outlanders' behalf as the Elven King tends to worry more about the interior of the forest.  


All races in Isekai have a set of beliefs that they consider their law. The Emerald Elves of the Outlands follow the same bliefs of all Elves, a set of beliefs that are part of nature that do not bend or waver.  
  1. All animals have are to be respected, even when hunted there shall be no cruel treatment of any creature.
  2. Orcs have no place in any Elven settlement, they are never to be allowed past any border.
  3. Káto is dangerous, new entrances are to be safeguarded and shrouded with powerful magic to avoid discovery from either side when encountered.
  4. Outsiders are cautiously welcomed.
These beliefs drive the Emerald Elves and their way of life, even in the Outlands, as they move through their long lives and serve as stewards of the land. In this way, they serve the goddesses and the Elven Kingdom.  


Family is important to all Elves, but much like the Barbarians of the Spine, family is far more important to the Outlanders than other Elves. Families often make up entire villages and must rely on each other if they wish to survive and keep their villages afloat in difficult times.   Most Outlanders are part of a handful of well-known clans or are somehow related to these larger clans. These clans gain their fame through time spent as part of the Huntsmen Elders. Names to these people are important as a name comes with the backing of a large group of people in terms of trust and abilities. Even outside of the Elven Forest, these names come with some recognition, especially in circles of travelers and traders.  

Property & Ownership

The Outlanders live off the land, causing most things they have to be creations of their own hands. These people are not highly materialistic, but do enjoy keeping small things that may be momentos or even items that tell part of their family's history. Items such as tent coverings and other paintings are highly coveted as these items can tell the entire history of a family, much like their oral traditions.  

Taboos & Insults

Much like all Elves, the Outlanders embrace their fey heritage and consider little to be taboo. Little angers them, but to insult their ability to care for themselves and their families properly using the land could cause a fight.  

Outlander Culinary Arts

The Outlanders often do not practice elegant or fancy culinary arts as their lifestyle does not leave time to partake in such artistic endeavors. They tend to make foods that are simple and nurishing, as well as able to keep and store throughout the winter. These people are known for their specialty Elven Artisanal Bread, even though most Elves would call this bread hardtack.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The lives of the Emerald Elves of the Outlands are very involved with the nature around them, often only using things that can be made with materials found in the forest. This isn't always the case as many Outlanders have begun investing in trade with the rest of the Elven Forest and elsewhere in the world to supplement the available goods.  

Clothing & Textiles

Clothing for the Outlanders is very simple, often consisting of a tunic and simple pants. These items are often created using materials that the Outlanders can gather through hunting or are traded for from the Barbarians that utilize wool from Giant Alpaca and Giant Goats. Their clothing is kept to the muted and dark colors of the forest so that it can be used as a simpel camoflage.  

HIstory & Stewardship

The Outlanders in many ways are not different from the Jade Elves but the Emerald Elves chose to focus on nature and stewardship instead of the intense magic that many other Elves. They have taken this duty extremely seriously since the earliest days, but the formation of the Huntsmen Elders has solidified this duty as the divine calling of the Outlanders.   One major part of stewardship is the cultivation of the Aelinor Oaks. As much of the Elven Forest is populated with these trees, the wood is commonly used for building. These trees are intricately intertwined with the magical system of the forest and a lack of these trees can irrevocably change how the forest grows and thrives. The Outlanders keep the balance within the magic system which allows the forest to thrive.
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Naming Traditions

Elves have very distinct names that follow the patterns of their native language, but Outlander names are less elegant than those of Jade Elves but are not nearly as rough in tone as those of the Barbarians. Even so, outsiders may be confused on how to correctly pronounce a name.  

Name Generator Coming Soon!


Relations with Other Races

For the most part, Outlanders get along best with the races that tend to get along well with all Elves. As part of the Elven Kingdom, they tend to politically align with the king in most instances. To date, there is not been an occassion where the Outlanders have aligned with a group that the greater Elven Kingdom did not align with.  

Religious Observance

The Pantheons of Isekai are of extreme importance to all races and cultures, no matter their differences of difficulties. Each culture worships one of the gods as this belief is what allows them to be judged fairly upon their deaths.   The Outlanders are an interesting group as they follow the teachings of both Lycana and the Huntress. Much like most Elves, the Outlanders mainly worship Lycana as the mother of all fey. They choose to pray to the Huntress for safety and good hunts.  


While the Outlanders and their lands are part of the greater Elven Kingdom, the Outlands do have their own form of government which helps unite the greatly separated villages in the area. The Huntsmen Elders serve as teachers and mediators as well as representatives of the Outlanders to the Elven King.  
Huntsmen Elders
Organization | May 29, 2023

The Huntsmen Elders have stood for millennia, nearly as long as the Knights of Yggdrasil have guarded the Northern Outposts. While the lives of Elves are long, those on the council serve short, elected terms.

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