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Emerald Elf Culture

Way of Life for the Fair Folk of Nature

On the fringes of the Elven Forest live those that tend not to utilize the magic that was granted to them. Those that choose the boughs of the trees as camouflage against their prey make their living hunting and gathering, serving as stewards of the land, the second request given to them from the goddess. While those that live in the lush interior amongst the big cities dabble in magic and oddities, touching on their roots from the Ancient Fey, the Emerald Elves of the Outlands prefer a much quieter life, one that provides for their clans and those that choose the way of life of the Jade Elves.   Tradition and the teachings of the goddess Lycana, and of her sister the Huntress, are essential to the way of life and the society built in the areas where the forest becomes thinner and the trees shorter. The Emerald Elves are those that live in many of the most uninhabitable places of the Elven Kingdom, the frozen northern near the Giants' territory, the sharp mountains of the Spine, and thin fringes of the forest that border alongside the wonderland of the Fairy King's Wood and the thick grass of the Great Plains. These people hold the same beliefs as all Elves, but they expand upon things, creating lives of stewardship and protection, embracing a natural way of life and the gifts that were given to them by Lycana.   As one of the longer-lived races, certain things become ingrained, be it a tradition, a belief, certain rituals, or even thoughts. The traditions of the Elves have existed for millennia, rarely wavering, but sometimes changed to handle the worst parts of Isekai's history. The Emerald Elves of the Elven Forest hold fast to their traditions, living off the land in a way few in the world still do. This is Lycana's blessing, something that they do not take lightly, for it defines everything they are and everything their way of life will become.


Culture and cultural heritage

While Elven society in general rarely welcomes outsiders, the Emerald Elves sometimes do, often in cases where they can share their knowledge of hunting, foraging, and survival. They are proud of this heritage, displaying it in their villages through their homes and the items they use daily. Even without the magic that Lycana granted them, these people create a fulfilling life, taking care of the Forest so that magic continues to thrive.   All Elves, including those of the Elven Forest, the Outlands, Northern Outposts, and those of the Spine of Kallex, fall under the rule of the Elven Kingdom. The Elven King is seen as a divine appointment, something that all Elves believe in, no matter where they call home.  


All races in Isekai have a set of beliefs that they consider their law. Emerald Elves follow the same beliefs as all Elves but tend to place a much greater emphasis on their laws of nature.  
  1. All animals have are to be respected, even when hunted there shall be no cruel treatment of any creature.
  2. Orcs have no place in any Elven settlement, they are never to be allowed past any border.
  3. Káto is dangerous, new entrances are to be safeguarded and shrouded with powerful magic to avoid discovery from either side when encountered.
  4. Outsiders are cautiously welcomed.
These beliefs drive the Emerald Elves and their way of life as they move through their long lives and fulfill the need of stewards and protectors that are necessary in the vast forest. Even Emerald Elves that have left their homeland rarely deviate from these beliefs as all nature must be protected and respected.  


Family is important to the Elves, but the Emerald Elves see family in a different light compared to the Jade Elves. Normally in Elven Culture, family lineage often determines magical prowess, but the Emerald Elves tend to not utilize the magic that has been given to them. While they are capable of using magic, and will in certain cases, they care very little about it, except for how it involves the forest. Because of this, family is seen as an important way to pass down knowledge and a deep love of nature. Even so, family names do hold some weight.   Names such as Ylyndar and Llanowen are well-known amongst the Emerald Elves for the roles they play as stewards of specific parts of the Elven Forest. Names of clans bring notoriety amongst all Elves, even if it is a clan of Emerald Elves. Knowledge is extremely important to these families and their Elders are key to the continuation of the forest and its magic.   

Property & Ownership

Because of their way of life, Emerald Elves are rarely materialistic, often sharing property and ownership between many. Things such as weapons and armor are seen as community commodities, but if a certain weapon fits one person better than the rest, that individual can claim that weapon as their property. While it is not against any law for Emerald Elves to own property of any type, they rarely do as having community items that are shared oftentimes benefits a village or clan more.  

Taboos & Insults

Nothing is considered taboo to the Elves as even the Emerald Elves tend to embrace their fey heritage, although not nearly to the extent that Jade Elves do. While they are wary of outsiders, they do not believe in hiding themselves and their way of life in any way, often speaking and doing things that would make other races uncomfortable. They may be angered if someone insults their ability to hunt or provide for their family.  

Emerald Elf Culinary Arts

Food is often an important part of many Elven traditions. From feasts to festivals to celebrations, elaborate food and drink are a staple of the culture. While each area of the Elven Kingdom has its own culinary specialties, areas where Emerald Elves live, including the Outlands, are often known for the Artisanal Bread made from wheat harvested in the area. These breads are often highly decorated and are known throughout the Kingdom.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Nature is the largest influence in the lives of Emerald Elves as their livelihoods are dictated by the lands they protect. Their traditions and rituals are steeped in all things nature and knowledge, including their clothing and how they choose to structure their society. Nothing can exist for the Emerald Elves without the gifts of nature and knowledge given by Lycana and her sister, a blessing that these people are grateful for daily.  

Clothing & Textiles

Clothing made from animal hides or woven from natural fibers is common amongst the Emerald Elves as these are things that can be made by their own hands. Hides and fibers are gathered by hand and then washed and prepared by various members in a village. They often choose to stick to the colors of the forest, allowing them to blend in during their hunts, but even dyes that are made in these areas are natural and come from easily found plants and fungi.  

History & Their Role

Since the earliest days of the Elder Races, the Emerald Elves have served as stewards while the Jade Elves honed their magic. While one learned about the forest and its deep magic, the other protected it, stopping enemy and nature alike to keep the Elven Forest under their protection. Even after the years of the Eldritch War, the various groups of Emerald Elves have found new roles, continuing a long tradition of stewardship and service.   The Northerners serve as Paladins to protect the forest and its borders from the threat of the Giants deep in the Neither Tundra. The Outlanders protect and care for the trees, replanting and harvesting as necessary to aid the growth cycle. Those called Barbarians in the Spine of Kallex serve as many things, guides throughout the Elven Forest and the Spine as well as protection for those that dare enter the Great Tunnel.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Naming Traditions

Elves have very distinct names that follow the patterns of their native language, but Emerald Elves are known for having less elegant names than Jade Elves. Even so, these names may be difficult to pronounce by outsiders.  

Name Generator Coming Soon!


Relations with Other Races

For the most part, Emerald Elves get along best with the races that tend to get along well with all Elves. Rarely do they deviate from the rest of the Kingdom in terms of relations or politics with other races as there is no benefit in doing so.   

Religious Observance

The Pantheons of Isekai are of extreme importance to all races and cultures, no matter their differences or difficulties. Each culture worships one of the gods as this belief is what allows them to be judged fairly upon their deaths.   Various groups of Emerald Elves tend to follow different gods, but Lycana's teachings are often central in many groups. The Huntress and Ygg are important to various groups as these gods align with Lycana in terms of the protection of nature. All Elves believe that Lycana granted them their magic and has entrusted them with its stewardship, but hunting and other aspects are also important to these people.


Author's Notes

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