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Dictator of Minecraftia Lucian Diamond Stonefield (a.k.a. Lukas/Professor Alis)

Lucian is the son of the late King Harris and becomes an exiled prince of the royal family of Diamond Kingdom who tries again and again to conquer the world. His dedication to his cause is great enough that he has cheated death multiple times in order to impose his will upon the world. Despite being a human, he has shown to be one of Minecraftia's greatest monsters. He is the primary antagonist of David's first and second series. He is a minor antagonist in David's fifth series and a secondary antagonist in his sixth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His army's symbol is the Upplyst, an ancient Minecraftian symbol that represents Enlightenment.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

First life: Due to injuries he sustained from a raid on his base years prior, he can't see out of his left eye. He also has to rely on a cane to support himself due to his back injuries. Third life: Lost his eye from his fight against Julian.

Facial Features

Despite having light brown hair, his eyebrows are black. His left eye is red while his right eye is green.

Special abilities

Has the semi-unique ability to respawn, although he retains no knowledge of the events that happened between his death and rebirth. He also forgets various details from his previous life, leading to him having to take constant notes of the events of his lives.

Apparel & Accessories

First Life: He has a faded glass lens over his mutilated eye; No longer wears clothes, only armor; Wears a necklace with a glowing gem that has the effects of a single Totem of Undying(crafted by Soren). Second life: Wears a simple red and yellow shirt and pants. Third life: Wears a dark blue military outfit with an armband with the Upplyst symbol on it.

Specialized Equipment

Uses swords occasionally, but prefers using his signature trident, which was crafted by the legendary Builder, Soren, to have the emblem of his army on it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Throughout his life, he lived in Diamond Kingdom as the eldest son of the king and heir to the throne. However, as he aged into his teenage years, he adopted a cynical belief that selfish people were destroying the world, a direct result of him having been traumatized at a young age. As he aged, he became more closed off to other people, and he became more spiteful, as he pushed away his brother, Joseph. After he aged into adulthood, he poisoned his father in an effort to take over as the new king. However, he was soon discovered and was initially sentenced to execution by the council, but at the expense of his brother's right to the throne was instead exiled alongside his brother from the Diamond Kingdom.   It was during this point in time that former Prince Lucian began to work closely with the illagers who sought to overthrow the governments around the world to become the dominant species. He used his valuable position as an exiled prince of the most powerful kingdom as a means to grant them many footholds in growing their power and preparing for open war against the humans. He also abducted a wandering traveler named Soren and kept him as his prisoner, as Lucian knew that Soren was no ordinary man and had plans to use him when he needed to. Lucian knew that humans had practically dominated the Overworld, and he believed there was only one thing that could save it. He had to bring the world back into its beginnings. And to do that, he infiltrated the Nether. At some point, he came across a Nether respawn anchor and offered pieces of his soul to it, effectively gaining the ability to respawn up to four times as a result. Upon returning into the Overworld, he created a Wither, an undead beast that lived to bring death to the inhabitants of the world. He enabled it to go after villages and as it devastated homes, he sought to find an apprentice who would guide his future son to be the king of the renewed world that he would build. And so, he chose a young boy named David, although David would continue to defy him as his brother defeated him and put an end to his plans. Once the Wither had been destroyed and his fortress had been invaded by the military forces, Lucian swore vengeance and jumped off the top of his stronghold, leaving everyone to believe that he had fallen to his death.   Lucian had survived the fall as he had landed into water, though he had not gotten through this ordeal unscathed. An arrow had destroyed one of his eyes and he had sustained serious back injuries. But he managed to escape, managing to trick everyone into believing he was dead by dropping nearly everything he had in his inventory. And he then went on to officially join with the insurgent illagers, working his way up until he gained a high enough rank to join the head council of illagers, which had been caused by the successful invasion of Diamond Castle in which the queen had been abducted and presumed dead by the kingdom, the entire plan having come from Lucian himself. He spent the next couple years physically and mentally torturing the queen, brainwashing her and reducing her from Astrid, the queen of Diamond Kingdom, to Dakirus, his warmongering servant and slave, and spawning a child with her that he planned to raise up to be the king of the world he envisioned.   One day, he initiated a coup against the council, and he executed most of the council and took control of the entire illager faction. He anointed Dakirus as his general to lead invasions across the Overworld, and then declared war on those who refused to submit to his might. The war he had started came to be known as the Purge War, a war in which he intended to purge the world of those who didn't join him in his conquest to claim the world for himself. Using his great intelligence and Dakirus's intimidating leadership, his army managed to conquer Diamond Kingdom, and TN-Town was next to be taken over. Not long after that, Red City would fall to his army, leaving only one City of Harmony in resistance-Beacon City. It wasn't until his fortress was attacked by a last-ditch invasion that he was finally defeated by the teenaged heroic prodigy David and captured and arrested before the war was finally ended, although he had managed to kill his brother. Lucian was then tried and sentenced to execution following his crimes against humankind.   Due to his bonding with the Nether respawn anchor, he would eventually respawn decades later at his former base, and was discovered by his son, Jason, as well as an elderly David, who was well aware of his ability to respawn after having discovered his secret plan. After initially trying to bring Jason back over to his side, he failed and took his anger out on David, attempting to kill him for turning his son against him. David swiftly countered his attacks and dealt a finishing blow immediately, killing Lucian.   Many decades later, Lucian respawned. He went undercover and adopted the alias, Lukas, and eventually went on to work within the Minecraft World Government. Years would pass before he was elected to be the Vice President and be able to finally get close enough to the Command Block to send out a command to the world.   Note: It is from here that the timeline splits into three unique outcomes. This page will reveal the three outcomes, but only Lucian's story within the first timeline will be told on this page.   In one timeline, Lucian successfully uses the Command Block and Protocol C-164 to destroy the Order of the Stone and conquer all branches of the world government.   In one timeline, Lucian's plot is exposed before he executes Protocol C-164. Due to cleverly laid out contingency plans, he reaches the Command Block and activates Protocol C-164, successfully turning all iron golems across the Overworld against the Order of the Stone. However, the Order has had time to prepare and a small branch manages to survive as the Command Block is erased from this world.   In one timeline, Lucian's plot is exposed before he can get close to the Command Block. His contingency plan calls for him to be close to the Command Block, and so he is unable to reach the Command Block in time to prevent the Order of the Stone from going for his arrest. He manages to reach the Command Block however, and acts out in desperation to use the Command Block to grant him great power. Despite this wish being granted, he is defeated.   Lucian used the Command Block and activated Protocol C-164, and immediately the Order of the Stone collapsed as the knights of the order were mass-targeted by iron golems from across the world. Using the golems that were now at his disposal, he began a coup and overthrew the democratically elected leaders and transformed the democracy into a dictatorship, declaring himself the king of the Overworld. He was challenged by Julian to a fight to the death, and defeated the hero, who barely managed to escape a beaten warrior.   Lucian had many dark knights he named Phantom Commanders to take out key people he wanted gone during his rule, as well as a new head general named Coven, whose loyalty to Lucian was unmatched. For forty years, his rule continued, challenged by many who resisted his control. Eventually, a rebellion broke out, fueled by a great population of the people whose desire was to split from Lucian's government and rule themselves. As this fed into Lucian's master plan, Lucian fueled the divide and sought to bring an end to the rebellion, however, the morale of the rebels was strengthened once a woman named Senza that had risen in their ranks wielded the legendary Grand Sword, revealing herself to be the new hero of humanity. Lucian became aware of time travelers from his past and discovered that his old nemesis, David, had somehow come to this era. He learned that David was searching for a powerful entity, named Entity 303, and he sought to capture Entity 303 and turn them into a superweapon to wipe out the resistance, sending Coven to capture them. Coven failed, and Entity 303 and David left the era, much to Lucian's disappointment as he focused on dealing with the hero of this time.   The civil war came to an end when Senza led an assault on Lucian's direct headquarters, her forces defeating Coven's. As Senza stood before Lucian, he tried to use his manipulative prowess to coax her to join him and put an end to the rebellion, however, she rejected his offer and made an attempt on his life before he impaled her with his trident. Right as rebel reinforcements arrived, he managed to escape. He then tried to force her to become his loyal slave as he had done with many other people, this time using the direct power of the Command Block to control her mind after he had followed her to a rebel camp, but due to her possession of the Grand Sword, whose programming overpowered the programming of all others, she was successfully able to fend off his attack. Lucian, having been discovered, fled the camp, only to be tracked by an illager who had assisted Senza named Harrow. After an exchange in which Lucian reflected on his ability to manipulate the illagers in the past, in an act of vengeance for Lucian's exploitation of his people, Harrow watched as Lucian was devoured by the monsters of the night.   Lucian respawned into the world centuries years later to bear witness to a world deeply changed as a result of his rule and the civil war. The world government had collapsed, and now there were three new governmental systems: Noano-the land that the rebels had founded after seceding from Lucian's government, Arestina-the land that held the government that came after Lucian's government had fallen and held the bulk of the Overworld, and Danos-the land that seceded from Arestina after Noano had. Lucian's master plan was close to its full completion, and he once again rejoined society, this time disguising himself as a professor of redstone functions within Noano as he took a close interest in the Order of the Stone of this era, which had been rebuilt by Senza long after his defeat. He was interested in a young boy named Hudson, who was the direct descendant of Senza and decided to work towards making him his new slave.   Once Hudson went on to become chosen as the new hero of humanity, wielding the Grand Sword and defeating a Wither that had terrorized the land, Lucian began to focus on alienating him from the Order of the Stone while simultaneously furthering the previously-existing divide between Testificates and the other Noanoans. He eventually entered the political landscape and made his passion for the nation and the preservation of its ideals known. As he became more and more popular for telling people of his desire to build Noano up from its economic crisis, he ran for the nation's presidency, using a secret illager assassin to deal with some of his competition as he used their murders as anti-testificate propaganda to gain more support for his run.   Ultimately, Lucian succeeded in gaining the majority vote and became the president of the nation of Noano, now able to corrupt the very nation his hated enemies had worked and died to build. After his assassin fulfilled yet another murder, the target of which was Hudson's mother, they were finally captured by the Order of the Stone and forced to reveal Lucian's true identity to the order, a betrayal that he had been counting on as the Order immediately sent a group of knights to confront and apprehend Lucian at once. His master plan now on full display, he made sure Hudson was present in order to drive the final wedge between Hudson and the Order. As he was being arrested, Lucian fought back, and Hudson fought alongside him to defeat the knights, many of which were illagers. Lucian used this act of hostility as evidence that the Order of the Stone was backing terrorists, and with the support of the people, drove the Order of the Stone out of Noano. He took advantage of the illager presence to declare that illagers were unfit to remain in the society of Noano. With mass support of the people, he succeeded in getting the illagers alienated enough and had countless testificate citizens be relocated to different locations across Noano in order to placed in work camps. In order to do this, Lucian used Noano's portion of the Command Block to initiate Protocol D-149 to have the iron golems of Noano carry out his will. With his master plan in full effect, Lucian was set to rule Noano with an iron fist, and soon, the rest of the world would follow.   Lucian knew that he could not go to open war with the nation of Arestina without losing the support of the people, despite the leaders of Arestina's outspoken disgust towards his stance against the testificate people. He knew that he had to have Arestina declare war against Noano in order for him to have public support, and so he used his manipulative prowess to set the field. The Crown of Arestina deeply opposed his ideals and he took advantage of that, using a new illager assassin to attack the politicians of Arestina, using the attacks as propaganda to both further villainize the testificates and to discredit Arestina's royalty. After the assassination of the niece of the prince, the Queen declared war on Noano and on Lucian's inhumane treatment of the testificate people. In retaliation, Lucian unveiled his new general, the former champion of the Order of the Stone once known as Hudson, who was now going by the new identity of Azren. Lucian converted his military troops into a new legion known as the Azrai as the war against Arestina began.   As Lucian orchestrated a war against Arestina, he became aware of a testificate rebellion. This rebellion had started out as a small skirmish at one of the work camps, but was now happening across numerous different camps. The rebellion was led by an illager named Tulis, who would go on to lead the testificates against Lucian's regime. However, despite having to deal with a rebellion along with war against a larger nation, Lucian continued to have support from his people, and his armies kept morale. They fought against Arestina's military and managed to beat them back, gaining more land with each battle. However, the testificate rebellion grew in size and eventually, Tulis became the first testificate to ever wield the Grand Sword, catching many by surprise, including Lucian himself as his people began, slowly at first, to realize they were fighting on the wrong side of history. Lucian, in a desperate attempt to regain support, used this as a way to discredit the Grand Sword as a mere tool that could be used by anyone, even non-humans, which worked enough for him to regain some momentum in the war. Tulis's reveal as the hero of this time was enough to convince the nation of Danos to break its neutrality in order to join Arestina to fight against Lucian's regime. Knowing that his troops would soon be exhausted if something didn't change, he had Azren personally hunt down Tulis in order to bring the illager before him.   Lucian once again became aware of the time travelers, David and Emily, appearing and planned to have Azren capture David to force him to become his slave. Azren succeeded, and David was brought before him. Knowing that he and Emily were romantically involved, Lucian threatened harm to Emily if David would not obey his every command, and David had little choice but to obey. Lucian would use David as an stealthy enforcer to take out targets who threatened his rule, including those who spoke out against him. Before long, however, Lucian realized that David wasn't killing any of his targets, and gave him an ultimatum-to kill one of the captured rebels or he would kill Emily. David struggled with the decision, but couldn't make himself take the life of a person, much to Lucian's disappointment, as Lucian's bluff had been called. That night, Lucian's fortress was attacked by a full-on invasion from Tulis's forces. David challenged Lucian to a final showdown, but lost. Right before Lucian could strike him down, Tulis appeared and rescued him, opting to take Azren on together. Azren was able to take the weakened David down, while Tulis tried to remind him of the hero he once was. Azren was soon defeated by Tulis.   As Tulis stood before the tyrant, Lucian mocked the weakness of the illagers of this era for allowing themselves to be enslaved so easily, reminiscing about the time when the illagers were barbaric and strong. Tulis fought against Azren and managed to bring him to his knees, and then challenged Lucian to a fight to the death, invoking Lucian's connection to the ancient kingdom of warriors. Lucian accepted his challenge, donning his most powerful set of armor and weaponry and fought Tulis. He was able to overpower Tulis with brute force and viciously tortured Tulis. Before he could kill the illager however, his reign of evil was put to an end as he was betrayed by Azren, who used the Command Block to erase every instance of Lucian's essence from existence.   Lucian would be remembered as a prince who was exiled for killing a beloved king; an extremist who created a Wither to bring death upon the Overworld; a terrorist who sought to take the world through brute force through use of the illagers and was encouraging towards unforgivable atrocities that were committed against humans and illagers; a dictator who had infiltrated the world government and changed it to obey him, causing the world government to fall apart as more nations split from Arestina; and as a genocidal monster who would bring much suffering to the lives of those he considered to be inferior. His name would be one that was scorned throughout much of history.




Worked within the Minecraft World Government for many years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to gain the materials required for building a Wither by going to and staying in the Nether for a long period of time-all by himself without any assistance. In the Purge War, he managed to fully conquer three of four of the Cities of Harmony that stand for society. By the end of the Purge War, he and his army had killed off nearly all of humanity's men. In his third life, he managed to fully conquer every part of the Minecraftian government and destroy the Order of the Stone.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to convert the protagonist, David, to his side; Failed to convert the protagonist, Senza, to his side.

Mental Trauma

Has anger issues; Was traumatized at an early age, leading to his cynical outlook.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is among the only few people in the world to possess near-full knowledge of Minecraftia's hazy past. He is extremely cunning and his plans tend to have multiple layers to them. He is also a master manipulator and knows how to play most people.

Morality & Philosophy

The ends justify the means, and that every person under his control exist to serve him. Doesn't allow men to be taken as prisoners and doesn't see women as anything other than a means to reproduce and heal injured soldiers.



Personality Characteristics


First two lives: To return the world to its original state with only the purest humans, by force if he has to. Last two lives: To conquer the world and have his will be upheld forever.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very manipulative and intimidating to his enemies.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates those that get in his way or inconvenience him. Hates the idea of the hero of prophecy and the Grand Sword specifically as they challenge his way of viewing the world.

Vices & Personality flaws

Isn't mentally sound. Is quick to lose his temper. Is often too proud and doesn't account for what he views as minor things.


Ignores hygiene because he views them as an irrelevant waste of his time.


Contacts & Relations

Was engaged to his sister, Astrid Stonefield. Is the father of Jason Stonefield. Is the father figure of Hudson Frostdoor.

Family Ties

Is the brother of the legendary knight Joseph, who is the father of David. Has a son named Jason.

Religious Views

He believes that he is the reborn Notch and that he must cleanse the world.

Social Aptitude

Confident and egotistical.


Speaks in a calm, but ominous tone when he knows something others don't.



Uncle (Important)

Towards David




Nephew (Important)

Towards Lucian




Ever since David left Blockfield on his journey to stop the Wither, Lucian kept his eye on him and tried to get him to join him. But at the end of the adventure, once David told him he refused, Lucian snapped and tried to kill David, but was stopped by Joseph and Destiny. Since then, Lucian became vengeful and sadistic and looked forward to the day he would inevitably meet David again. However, it resulted in his defeat, and he was unsuccessful in getting David to snap and kill him. Lucian was apprehended by the army and executed via lava pool. Since then, Lucian has had undying hatred towards David and his descendants, as well as the Order of the Stone that David had founded.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ever since David turned him down, Lucian refers to him as a bastard frequently.

Relationship Reasoning

Lucian sought to bring David to his side so he could be the new apprentice of his. He saw this as being very vital to ensure that David would be able to keep his son, Jason, on the path he wanted him to go.

Shared Acquaintances



Younger Brother

Towards Lucian




Older Brother (Important)

Towards Joseph




As they were growing up, they were very close as brothers. However, when Lucian's mindset changed for the worse, he pushed Joseph away. Joseph always had seen his brother as the big brother he used to play with, but everything changed once Lucian was sentenced for poisoning their father. Joseph sacrificed his own right to the throne to have Lucian exiled instead of executed, and hasn't wanted to speak with Lucian since. When Lucian created the Wither, Joseph suspected he had done so, but Lucian wouldn't confirm or deny it. As Joseph fought against the Wither, Lucian attempted to kill David, his son, and Joseph has never forgiven Lucian for that. Then finally, as David was trying to stop the Purge War by defeating Lucian, he was nearly killed before Joseph could appear and draw Lucian's attention. In a last attempt to save his older brother, he pleaded with him to surrender, but Lucian betrayed him and impaled Joseph, dealing the killing blow.

Relationship Reasoning

Joseph has never condoned Lucian's madman tactics for doing things, but he has always seen Lucian as his brother. He is always trying to help Lucian redeem himself, even when Lucian is not interested in doing so. Lucian views this compassion of Joseph's as a weakness for him to exploit. Lucian does not view Joseph as a brother, but as someone that consistently has stood against his objectives.

Legal Status

It's complicated.



Towards Lucian




Master (Vital)

Towards Dakirus



Nicknames & Petnames

Lucian frequently refers to Astrid as his bitch.

Relationship Reasoning

Lucian knows that Astrid is a great leader, so his plan to mentally break her down was all so that she could become his personal warlord that would have everyone's attention while he could remain behind the scenes.


Top Commander

Towards Lucian




King (Vital)

Towards Coven



Relationship Reasoning

Coven is Lucian's most loyal servant, with the two having many shared goals and ideals. For this reason, he is Lucian's favorite subject.


Master (Vital)

Towards Hudson





Towards Lucian


Relationship Reasoning

Hudson had been groomed by Lucian for many years in order to be shaped into the ideal servant for Lucian. Hudson saw Lucian as an uncle and Lucian exploits that to his full advantage.



Towards Lucian




Towards Harris


Relationship Reasoning

Lucian always respected his father's ability to keep the peace for his many years as king, however he doesn't respect how King Harris goes out of his way to avoid warfare, especially when he has demonstrated to be excellent at warfare. He also strongly dislikes his father's signing of the Ardos Concordant, believing that the illagers need to be wiped out. King Harris recognizes many of his son's flaws and regrets that he was not able to help him overcome them and dreads the day where he becomes king.



Towards Astrid




Towards Lucian


Relationship Reasoning

Lucian views Astrid as a strong-willed leader, but unable to do what needs to be done when mercy is undeserved, so he decides to make her become his right hand. Astrid lost all respect for Lucian when he abducted her and inflicted heavy psychological warfare onto her and forcing a child to spawn with her while in her mind was in such a vulnerable state.

Neutral Antagonistic
Current Status
Become the absolute ruler of the world.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of the New World/King of the Purge Society/The Mad Tyrant
1280 1332
Circumstances of Death
Was arrested, tried, and sentenced to execution for crimes against humanity. Was then killed by David, who thwarted his plan in the process. After that, he was torn apart by a horde of monsters. Finally, he was erased by the Command Block.
Joseph (Younger Brother)
Dakirus (Slave)
Has two different colored eyes, one red and one green
Light brown hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
I want to see a world without conflict. And I don't believe that kind of world can exist if people keep fighting among themselves.
— Young Prince Lucian talking to Prince Joseph.
I will be the cleanser of Minecraftia, and when I am done, humanity will be pure. It will be as it always should have been. Men will work hard to make money to provide for their families. Women will tend to the needs of their families. Children will finally be able to play in beautiful fields of flowers beneath the moonlight, no longer needing a reason to fear the dark.
— Lucian, when trying to recruit David.
I don't care how badly I have to hurt people or how many of them must die, I will seize this world and I will never let go of it again. If you value your own life, you will join me and remain loyal to me and only me.
— Lucian speaking with his prisoner, Timothy, the former dictator of TN-Town.
I have no brother...
— Lucian as he kills Joseph.
How hilarious! You think there are gods in this world?! Foolish bastard, they left because of US! And now after the way you betrayed me four years ago, there is no god that can save you!
— Lucian, after being challenged by the tweenaged David.
Initiate Protocol C-164! May the Order of the Stone fall and fade into oblivion as I take my rightful place as King of the Overworld!
— Lucian, upon activating the Command Block.
The Order of the Stone was weak! While they were focused on being community do-gooders, they didn't notice me the whole time, slowly attaining more and more power. And now, where are they when I am at my peak, when I am unstoppable? They're all dead! And soon, so will you...
— Lucian berating Julian.
I have done... a great many things in my quest to make the world a better place. Some of which are absolutely unforgivable. And while I am truly sorry for what happened to your parents, surely they would agree that world peace is good for everyone.
— Lucian, as he is trying to manipulate Senza with his charisma.
For the good of humanity, and for the good of society, the Testificates of Noano will have their access to the Command Block stripped away! On this day, the Testificates of Noano shall be relocated to various facilities where they will be made fit with civilization! So say I, and so say us all!
— Lucian, announcing his plans following his attempted arrest from the Order of the Stone, before he activates Protocol D-149.
Everything that has happened has done so in accordance to my design. Much of which you were not present for. You have no power here. I do not fear you, I never have, boy. Quite the opposite, in fact. At best, you are a pest to be crushed and made submissive to my will.
— Lucian as he berates the time-traveling hero, David
That damn sword is the one thing the people seem to truly care about. A mere stick and two diamonds means more to them than the bigger picture. I will have order. And I don't care how many people have to die before it happens.
— Lucian as he belittles Tulis.
Appears in...
Character Prototype
Lucian is largely inspired by a villain in the Pokemon games named Ghetsis, and slightly inspired by Ivor from Minecraft: Story Mode. He has also been inspired by Darth Sidious from the Star Wars franchise.
What caused Lucian to adopt the cynical belief that would corrupt him is unknown. However, it is the direct result of him being scarred at a young age that led to him becoming closed off from others.
Lucian makes an appearance in David's dream journey in Visinfeld Village as a nightmarish variation, although this is not the real Lucian and is merely an manifestation of David's hatred and self-loathing that embodies his fear of becoming someone like Lucian which tries to stop him from awakening from his coma.


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