Rechtsmarch Settlement in Midasfjall | World Anvil
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Located in proximity with The Highpeak Range, Rechtsmarch is the most recently acquired city of The Kingdom of Illargos. Formerly of the Dwarven Clan Steelkeg, Rechtsmarch was conquered by the humans in 1390 following the battle for Rechtsmarch in which King Haftor Volnarios and both his eldest and youngest sons were slain and the Dwarven Clan Steelkeg fought to extinction. Rechtsmarch was originally a fortress built as a frontline of defence for the mountain caverns belonging to Clan Steelkeg however under new ownership it has flourished into a city built in the crook of two steep mountain valleys. It is known as the city of steel as it is where a lot of the kingdom's soldiers ended up moving to after the war and is the only city in The Kingdom of Illargos to feature an arena.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Steel
Location under
Owning Organization


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