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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Antin, Aztook, Kamirth, Laccis, Lymmura, Othokent

Masculine names

Faltin, Flig, Jhank, Joe, Nestesh, Orun, Osmon, Relidoth, Ulten

Family names

Family lines are referred to by a singular ancestor, such as 'I am the descendant of Aztook'. This ancestor can change if someone new makes a larger impact on the family line.


Major language groups and dialects

The primary languages are Common and Draconic. Draconic and all clan dialects are considered official languages. Only the Republican dialect of common is considered official.

Culture and cultural heritage


While there are many forms of entertainment throughout Republican society few experiences rival that of the Outcast Hall. If a city is large enough to have walls it also holds an Outcast Hall, some that are too small to warrant walls also have a hall. The massive building is unmistakable. A tall circular shaped colosseum made of wood, stone, or even metal in the case of the City of West. These colosseums host the most dangerous fights of any civilized society. People and creatures from all across Lumenos came to fight in the best known halls of the Federal Republic. Once every four years the City of West hosts a grand tournament. The winner of which is given free access to the Glimmering City, a collection of coins and gems worth well over 50k golden crowns, and a seat on the governing board of the Western Outcast Guild. The Western Outcast Guild is the organization that runs the three Halls within the City of West. However, blood and death are not the only forms of entertainment. Eamon Houses have become quite popular in the last century or so. What was once just considered to be a weed to be burned, was discovered to have quite pleasant properties when creamed into a paste. The drug took the upper levels of society by storm and would quickly take the middle level too. It has become as central to republican society as getting dressed. Upper society, and those trying to impress, will go to Eamon Houses where they can be waited on hand and foot. Eamon will be brewed and prepared per their request and brought straight to the table. This is a popular event for special wedding adversaries, major birthdays, or large business meetings. Like every culture, there are also games that are universally known. Every Republican child is brought up playing Party Colors  and every adult quickly learns the gambling game Druid's Despair.

Shared customary codes and values

There is a strong caste within Republican society. People are assigned a caste upon birth. For Dragonfolk it is based on the color of their own scales. Since the caste is not inherited many clans look down on interclan marriages and children. Whatever parent is of the higher caste is seen as cruel should they have a child with a lower caste person. It is viewed as endangering the child's future by chancing they will be born into a lower caste. For this reason, most clans do not allow marriages between their members and other clans. There are two exceptions to this that are listed below. For Republicans who are not Dragonfolk, the caste level is inherited from the parents. If a Merfolk mage and a Merfolk blacksmith have a child that child will be expected to live within the caste of their father or whatever parent is of a lower caste. People are allowed to live within their caste or any level that is below them. There are some caste levels that are equal to each other, Scholars and Priest for example. This does not allow any priest to be a scholar and any scholar to be a priest. It is more acceptable for people to 'laterally' move on the cast tree but this is still met with opposition. A person can only go down the caste tree and almost never.
Caste Levels
  1. Aristocrat - Rulers and leaders of society. They are Senators , diplomats, and Magistrates. This is where the Blue Dragonfolk live. While marrying outside this caste is not ideal it has become necessary. Due to the small number of Blue Dragonfolk, there are only so many safe matches that can be made. This has caused the clan to institute the 'Suprimicy Clause' to their marriage practices. This clause allowed Blue Dragonfolk clans people to marry anyone within the top two levels of the clans without issue. There are also many who will marry artists but those matches are still met with some resistance. 
  2. Scholar and Priest - Scholars are the ones who run the schools, practice magic, and invent things. They are the ones who society looks to solve issues and have answers to questions. These are largely Gold Dragonfolk.
    The Priesthood is dominated by Silver Dragonfolk. They are the clergy, priests, and administration of the High Church . While some White Dragonfolk serve as Paladins they are still not considered part of the priesthood, rather as part of the military. 
  3. Artists and Travelers - Artists are the ones who paint, sculpt, and write. They create beauty from rock and ink. These are the Copper Dragonfolk. They are the most creative people within society. 
    The travelers are bards, traders, and storytellers. They are some of the most charismatic and culturally knowledgeable people within society. They are normally Brass Dragonfolk.
    While this level does not top the caste it is filled with the most popular people within society. This is where the famous live and are created. This level is also the only exception to the lateral move rule. Many travelers are also artists and many artists travel. Marriage between these two castes also occurs often.
  4. Artisans, Military, Spies - Artisans are the blacksmiths, masons, and carpenters. They are the ones who build and produce anything society may need. Generally, they are the Red Dragonfolk. Society looks to them as talented creators and shopkeepers. While some of the best artisans may live in large houses and have more money than the priests they will never command the respect that comes from being a priest. 
    The military is afforded great respect, both army and navy; however, they will never run or manage society. It is said that above every army is the blue blood, referring to the Blue Dragonfolks. This is the best way for someone to gain the respect of the upper levels while not being able to live within those levels. Most members of the army are While Dragonfolk and the Navy is the best of the Bronze Dragonfolk. 
    Spies are some of the most distrusted members of society. Since Black Dragonfolk also serve as thieves, killers, and general criminals the Black Dragonfolk who work as spies also get a bad name. Since one cannot tell if someone is a threat or national hero, they are treated with short and curt respect. Most people will allow someone at this level to shop within their store but will never take their eyes off of them. 
  5. Farmers and Fisherpeople - Farmers are the lifeblood of society, quite literally. They grow the grapes for wine, potatoes for stews, and Leatherleaf for meals. However, they are afforded very little respect. They are seen as untalented, uneducated, and slow. Their only ability is manual labor, and in times of food shortages they are blamed for not even doing that right. The only exception to this are those who produce fine wines and Eamon. These people frequent high society and are welcomed in, but only for the time needed to acquire the wine and Eamon. These are normally Green Dragonfolk.
    Fisherpeople are the ones who do any work with the ocean, other than the Navy or trading. They catch fish, harvest kelp, hunt whales, and anything else like that. Due to the largely fish-focused life, and not the kind of fish that talk, their charisma is lacking. Most people avoid fisherpeople when possible simply because they smell and can be quite rude. 
  6. Outcasts - This is the bottom of the caste; here are the criminals, plage ridden, mentally insane, and anyone who is openly a none believer. There is no one color of Dragonfolk that fits here, however, Blue, Gold, and Silver are almost never seen as outcasts. Even if these people commit crimes the punishment is normally a lower caste level rather than being ostracized. Society wants nothing to do with these people they are not welcome in shops, people will cross the street to avoid them, and many cities won't let them in at all. There is no legal work for them and because of that, they are beggars or worse. 

Birth & Baptismal Rites


When the child hatches or is born a priest of Mayim  is sent from the closest church. The priest will bathe the child and send a small amount of lighting through them in order to purify them. The water purifies ones body and the lighting purifies their soul. Once purified the priest will offer the first prayer for the child and ask that for the next twenty years that Mayim not look upon them. The ceremony ends with guardians of the child giving them a name and the priest creating a first entry in the Book of Records for them. Once the child's name is in the Book of Records they may start their life under the protection of the High Church of Mayim.

Components and Tools

A small stone tub filled with holy water is used to bathe the child. While still wet the priest will use a small wand to send low levels of lighting through the child. A black cloth is then used to dry them off. A copy of the Book of Records is needed for the priest to record the name of the child and the first prayer.


The child, guardian(s), and priest are present for the whole ceremony. Friends, family, and loved ones are encouraged to attend the naming and first prayer section. The more people in attendance and praying with the priest the more the prayer is worth in the Book of Records. Most will have a small gathering afterwards to celebrate further, generally including food and drink.

Funerary and Memorial customs


When someone dies their body is brought to a priest of Mayim . The priest will over see and prepare the body, internal organs are all removed and preserved inside the walls of the coffin. After all internal organs have been removed a low level of lighting is sent through the body to purify it. The body is then cleaned with water and wrapped with cloth. The internal organs get placed in small boxes lining the walls of the coffin - nicer coffins will have stylized depictions of each organ on the door but this is not required. The reason for removing the organs is to make the reincarnating prosses easier - someone reincarnated in heaven, hell, or even back on Lumenos will not need these organs but rather new ones. Once the body has been completely prepared the coffin will be lowered into a grave sight. Only three days after burring is completed is the family and friends of the deceased allowed to visit, this is normally when a small gathering is held in the deceased's memory. The three days is to allow the soul of the deceased to be judged and for the priest to get word of this judgement to pass on to the family.

Components and Tools

Funerary tools are used to remove the internal organs safely and correctly. Holy oils and other preservatives are the used to prevent their decay. A coffin is required, with side boxes to store the organs. The priest will use holy water and lighting - generally from a wand - in order to purify the body. A grave sight is also needed to place the coffin in once the funerary processes is done.


The priest is the only one to oversee the preparation of the body and then they are joined by a deacon for the burying of the body. Once burred and after the three days have passed the family is welcomed into the graveyard to morn or celebrate, depending on where the soul went. The priest will be the one to inform the family where the soul has gone.

Historical figures

  • Myoldath 
  • Gregor 


Gender Ideals

There are no major differences in the treatment, roles, or expectations of men vs women. As such, there is also little resistance to anyone transitioning from one gender to another, cross dressing, or not identifying as a gender at all. Most governmental documents will not list gender on them, unless they are Federal Security Forces documents such as wanted posters. Even going back to the era of humanity Republicans never really saw a use is separating the genders, unlike the Southerners.

Relationship Ideals

Republicans view relationships as a union of two souls. Once married you take on some responsibility for the other's immoral soul. If they are falling behind in the Book of Records then you ought to step in and bring them back. Failing to do that is also a sin. Gay marriage is not uncommon within Republican culture, though they are still expected to raise children. The major taboo comes in when someone tries to marry outside of their clan or even worse race. A Blue Dragonfolk marrying a Green Dragonfolk would be unacceptable. The Blue Dragonfolk would be seen as endangering their child's future since it is highly likely that the child will be bone with Green Scales rather than Blue. If a Dragonfolk wanted to marry a Merfolk this would be a similar issue. Most priests of the High Church would refuse to do this and most every Clan Elder would not approve this. Walking down the street an interracial couple would certainly get looks and some of the bolder around them may even say something. The mixing of two bloodlines in such a way is highly frowned upon.

Current Date -
The Yet Unnamed Year of 1494 ce

Articles under Republican


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