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Alliance for the Study of Historic and Extinct Societies

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We are nothing but dust and to dust we shall return.
— Unknown
  Gathered around an oaken table ladened with blueprints, tattered maps, and a scattering of dirt and priceless artifacts, an odd conclave of individuals meets, discussing events and peoples long past, even in the lifetimes of Elves. Here they will discuss many things, nestled in one of the quiet rooms of the Unending Scroll for their week-long assembly, bringing together the great minds of the historic field. Their words stretch long into the night, drifting from tales of business to the tales of their travels and discoveries, the real reason that so many races have left their differences buried at a dig site so they may share some camaraderie in their profession.   As the days of gathering draw to a close, they begin to discuss the next meeting, the time and place of such an intriguing convention. Six months from now at the end of Fall's Evening, they will meet again, although then they may find themselves tucked away in a room of the Starlit Tower or within the palace of some Matron Mother of Káto. As varied as their members, so too are the meeting sites, never favoring the homeland of one delegation over another. The Alliance is nothing but fair, but the same cannot be said for the history they so gladly seek out.   The Alliance for the Study of Historic and Extinct Societies, known better as ASHES, is a convention of like-minded individuals serving as the protectors and conservators of their culture's rich histories. Created from the union of ten organizations, ASHES is the largest historical society in Isekai, boasting hundreds of artifacts and lost stories protected through their various efforts. While the smaller organizations claim their own territories and cultures to protect, the Alliance offers resources and aid far beyond what any single organization alone could. Since the Alliance's creation, the historic knowledge and artifacts retrieved have created a more enlightened population on the Northern Continent.


The Alliance is comprised of ten historical societies from across Vóreios that represent a variety of races and cultures. Each historical society serves as a delegation from their respective areas to help make decisions and participate in projects that benefit all history and cultures on the Northern Continent. One representative from each group serves on the Historic Council and provides information and proposals that will then be voted on by the group.   A group's Councilmember is often one that has been part of their organization the longest or may serve as that group's current leader. In some cases, being appointed as a group's representative to the Council is an appointment made by the ruler of the country or kingdom that the group represents.   Each of the groups has equal representation on the Council, but as there are ten, an eleventh representative is appointed by the Alliance. This person often has no ties to any of the countries, kingdoms, or groups that are represented by the other Councilmembers so as to serve as an unbiased party to lead discussions and break any ties that occur when voting.   Outside of the Council, the Alliance retains a small staff throughout the year that includes archaeologists, anthropologists, mages, map makers, historians, and others that have expertise in a wide array of topics. This is funded through the dues system that all historical societies must pay to join the Alliance. Salaries, conferences, and various projects are funded through this system and donations from others.  

Historical Societies of the Alliance

Click the names to learn more about those that take part in the Alliance.
Dwarven Preservation Corps

Dwarven Preservation Corps
Representatives of the Dwarven Kingdom
  The Dwarven Preservation Corps is known for its work on the preservation of historic mines and ore veins. Through their work, multiple abandoned mines that were crucial to the development of mining and smithing as known today have been preserved and updated to allow for public and educational tours. In some parts of the Dwarven Kingdom, it is a requirement to visit the mines of the Dwarven Preservation Corps before a Dwarf may become a Master Dwarf.

Elven Historic Council
Elven Historic Council
Representatives of the Elven Kingdom
  The Elven Historic Council, located in the Unending Scroll, serves as the protector and conservator of historic and cultural places throughout the Elven Kingdom. Through their efforts, a variety of locations throughout the Elven Forest related to not only the history of Alfensil but also the histories of the Outlands and Northern Outposts have been preserved and turned into interactive museums through the use of magic.

Empress' Cultural Fund
Empress' Cultural Fund
Representatives of the Human Empire
  The Empress' Cultural Fund, located in Castle Nightbreeze, serves as the funding source for all cultural endeavors in the Human Empire. Through their fundraising efforts and their historic preservation, one of the largest museums in Isekai has been established in the Human capital of Stronghold. This museum holds one of the most complete histories of the world.

Society for Minotaur History
Society for Minotaur History
Representatives of the lost Minotaur Culture
  The Society for Minotaur History serves as the representation of the lost Minotaur Culture that was once found in the Mystic Jungle. Since its founding, the Society has worked to preserve relics and locations that were important to the history of the Minotaurs, including areas around Feyline Bend and locations deep within the Deadzones.

Halflings for the Aid of
the Little Forest
Halflings for the Aid of the Little Forest
Representatives of Coastland
  Halflings for the Aid of the Little Forest serves as the representation of Coastland and all those who live in the Little Greenwood. While a historic organization, this group focuses on the preservation of the unique flora and fauna that grow in the forest, as many of these plants and animals have called the forest home for millennia.

Society for Avian
Society of Avian Archaeologists
Representatives of the Avian Culture
  The Society of Avian Archaeologists serves as the representation of the small population of Avians that call Vóreios their home. While mostly nomadic, this group consists of mapmakers and archaeologists whose specialty is scouting ruins and other objects from the sky.

Fairies for the Preservation
of Fey History
Fairies for the Preservation of Fey History
Representatives of the Fairy Kingdom
  The Fairies for the Preservation of Fey History serve as the representation of the Fairy Kingdom and other Fairies, including the Deep Fairies of Káto. While mostly focused on the preservation of the long history of the Fairy King's Wood and its inhabitants, the group also has started preservation efforts in fairy-controlled areas of the Káto and the Wandering Forest as well.

Society for the Preservation
of Historic Vóreios
Society for the Preservation of Historic Vóreios
Representatives of all races of Vóreios
  The Society for the Preservation of Historic Vóreios serves as a group that represents all races and cultures of the Northern Continent. The group strives to document the changes and history that have occurred since the events of the Eldritch War and preserve sites that were paramount to the outcome of that event. The entrance to the society's small museum can be found within the Starlit Tower.

Story Telling of Olden Rarities
of Yesteryear
Story Telling of Olden Rarities of Yesteryear
Representatives of the Cradle of Clay
  Story Telling of Olden Rarities of Yesteryear, also known as STORY, serves as the representative of the Clay Giants and other Giantkin. This group does not participate in the preservation of historic sites and artifacts but instead strives to gather, translate, and store oral histories of all races. This group travels across Vóreios to save the stories of the elder members of the various races.

Káto Denizens for
Historic Cultures

Kato Denizens for Historic Cultures
Representatives of Káto and its various provinces
  The Káto Denizens for Historic Cultures serves as the representatives of Káto, although this group is mostly Silver Elves. Through funding and the aid of the Matron Mothers, the group strives to preserve shrines and other important locations, although these locations are often not open to the public due to their religious and cultural significance.



The ten historical societies that now gather together in some secluded place on the Northern Continent see their histories stretch much farther than the organization that they joined together in, but over the millennia, no organization has done for the history of its people than what ASHES has done in the mere two hundred fifty years since its inception. Since the days of the Eldritch War, the way peoples have preserved and interpreted history has changed, but an organization built on those very principles has stood the test of time, unlike some of the histories it tries to preserve.   Organized in 50 EA through talks between the Human Empire, Elven Kingdom, and the Dwarven Kingdom, ASHES soon grew to encompass a wide variety of organizations that strove to represent every corner of Vóreios and its people. In the early days, ASHES served as a forum for the discussion of completed projects and a funding source for the smaller groups but has grown to be a group founded on collaboration, discussion, and expertise.   Within the last hundred years, the Historic Council was established to make decisions on projects, funding, and collaborations between the various groups and their respective governments. This council is always led by one member of ASHES who does not have ties to any of the governments. Currently, that role is held by Healer Mayja, a Pachyderm who has dedicated her life to the study and preservation of history and cultures.  

Voting on Projects

The Council often votes on long-term projects that benefit all of Vóreios through historic preservation efforts, but that is not always the case. Projects that would be a joint effort and preserve numerous things across the continent are of top priority, but projects of the individual groups are also discussed and funded as needed. This group mostly serves to preserve historic places and objects, no matter the group represented by the history.

From the ashes of history rise new societies.

Historic Council

Click the names to learn more about those that serve on the Historic Council.
Healer Mayja
Healer Mayja
Delegate from ASHES
  Healer Mayja, a Pachyderm who has dedicated her life to the pursuit of historic preservation across the Northern Continent, serves as the head of the Historic Council and the Council's expert on unbiased, unabridged history. She has served in this capacity since the Alliance's founding.

Dorbek Greybeard
Dorbek Greybeard
Delegate from the Dwarven Preservation Corps
  Dorbek Greybeard, a Dwarf with decades of mining experience, serves as the Council's expert on mining, smithing, and the history of both. He has served as the delegate to the Council for nearly five decades.

Enora Xiloscient
Enora Xiloscient
Delegate from the Elven Historic Council
  Enora Xiloscient, an Elf with a perchance for music and various cultures, serves as the Council’s expert on anthropology and the various cultures that call Vóreios home. She has served as a delegate to the Council for only a decade.

Malra Mue
Malra Mue
Delegate from the Empress' Cultural Fund
  Malra Mue, a Human of nomadic roots, serves as the Council's expert on the extraction of rare and delicate artifacts from dangerous or otherwise difficult locations. She has served in this capacity for the last two years.

Kurnak Silentvigor
Kurnak Silentvigor
Delegate from the Society for Minotaur History
  Kurnak Silentvigor, one of the few remaining Minotaurs, serves as the Council's expert on the history and culture of his lost brethren. He has served in this capacity since his childhood.

Pimfire Tealeaf
Pimfire Tealeaf
Delegate from the Halflings for the Aid of the Little Forest
  Pimfire Tealeaf, a Halfling with a love of botany, serves as the Council's expert on the flora and fauna of the Northern Continent and its history. She has served in this capacity for the last two decades.

Rhurra Silvertail
Rhurra Silvertail
Delegate from the Society of Avian Archaeologists
  Rhurra Silvertail, an Avian with a diverse background in archaeology, serves as the Council's expert on aerial mapmaking and archaeology. He has served in this capacity for the last five years.

Nyx Bittermoon
Nyx Bittermoon
Delegate from the Fairies for the Preservation of Fey History
  Nyx Bittermoon, a Fairy, with a deep love for all things relating to the Ancient Fey, serves as the Council's expert on all things Fey, the Wandering Forest, and certain locations of Káto. She has served as the representative for the Fairies since they joined the Alliance thirty-five years ago.

Alexander Cross
Alexander Cross
  Alexander Cross, the oldest and most well-traveled member of the Historic Council, serves as the Council's expert on magic and how the various types and usages have affected the history and cultures of Vóreios. He has served in this capacity since the founding of the Alliance.

Mokan Dawnleader Elananathi
Mokan Dawnleader Elananathi
Delegate from Story Telling of Olden Rarities of Yesteryear
  Mokan Dawnleader Elananathi, a renowned Storyteller from the Cradle of Clay, serves as the Council's expert on oral histories and the best ways to preserve them. He has served in this capacity for the last two decades.

Imrae Vrinn
Imrae Vrinn
Delegate from the Káto Denizens for Historic Cultures
  Imrae Vrinn, a Silver Elf with great ties to Káto but not to the Matron Mothers, serves as the Council's expert on everything related to Káto that is not controlled by the Fairies. She has served in this capacity for the laster fifteen years.


Cover image: Organizations Cover by Landscape via Artbreeder, created by RiverFang
Character flag image: ASHES Emblem by Crest via Emblem Creator, created by RiverFang


Author's Notes

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Sep 30, 2020 00:09 by Makenzie Turney

This is a very informative article. I really like it! The usage of spoilers was quite interesting. I do recommend some sort of notice that the spoilers are clickable, as I didn't realize they were spoilers at first though.

Oct 8, 2020 22:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a great article! I love all the detail about the different groups and also the members of the council. Looking forward to when all have them have portraits! The emblems look amazing, by the way.   The history and purpose of the alliance is wonderful. I would love to sit down and look at all of their knowledge and artifacts. :)   Quick thing - I think you have Nyx Bittermoon listed as the delegate for the wrong group. It currently says she is from the EHC. :)

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