Daran Edermath Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Daran Edermath

Daran Edermath

Daran Edermath is a male elf. He owns and operates Edermath Orchard in Phandalin.

On Day 4 of the campaign, Conor McGregor, Herb Stoner and Sildar Hallwinter visited Daran at Edermath Orchard. Daran provided the following information:

  • He overheard the Redbrand Ruffians talk about their new leader, someone known as "Glasstaff."
  • The Redbrands are based in the underground level of Tresendar Manor. He explains that the manor belonged to the Tresendar Family hundreds of years ago, but they were wiped out by orcs. The building had been long abandoned, but the Redbrands took it over and made the underground level their headquarters.
  • The Redbrands shake down almost every local business, but they leave Halia Thornton alone. Halia is the owner of Phandalin Miner's Exchange.

On Day 5, Conor and Herb were resting at Stonehill Inn with their new friends Rayphlárd and Gwenlinn when Daran entered. Daran told the group about Old Owl Well, that he's heard prospectors tell stories of being chased away by undead creatures. He asks the group if they would be willing to find out what's happening there and drive away the undead.

On Day 17, Sister Garaele called out to Conor McGregor, Rayphlárd and Tubby and invited them to join her at the Shrine of Luck. After going inside the temple, Garaele revealed to them that Daran is her grandfather. The two of them explained that:

  • Daran is a retired marshal of the Order of the Gauntlet, but Garaele is an active agent of the Harpers.
  • Garaele sent the party to find information about Bowgentle's spellbook because Bowgentle was a wizard for the Harper. Centuries ago, he was tracking a faction of the Cult of the Dragon in the Mere of Dead Men that was working with a dragon named Ebondeath. Ebondeath wished to become a dracolich, and the cultists were performing a ritual, but Bowgentle interrupted the ritual and trapped Ebondeath's soul in his spellbook. The spellbook later went missing.
  • The party reported back that a necromancer named Tsernoth acquired the spellbook in a trade with Agatha. Garaele told this to her contacts with the Harpers, and they figured out that Tsernoth was with the Red Wizards of Thay, which means that the Red Wizards - the most notorious necromancers on the continent - now have the soul of a dragon that wished to become a dracolich.
  • Daran reminded the party about the undead creatures that were seen near Old Owl Well that he told them about. He also said that about 10 days ago he began sensing undead creatures within a mile of him in Phandalin. He believes that isn't a coincidence. To help them protect themselves in any attacks from undead, Garaele gave each of them a vial of holy water.

Later that evening, Herb Stoner, after encountering the zombies and ogre zombie at the Rockseeker Camp, tried to travel stealthily to the rest of the party at Gwenlinn's House. Herb, riding a horse and wearing his new manticore helmet, pelt and wings, had his wings catch on a tree branch and fell to the ground outside Edermath Orchard. Daran heard Herb fall and came out to check on him. Herb, in his tiefling form, pretended to be someone different, and Daran helped him to his feet and let him go on his way. Daran did notice the manticore "suit" he was wearing, and he asked him if he was with the group of adventurers that battled manticores earlier that day, but Herb denied it. He said his name was "Iggy."

On Day 18, at the Greengrass Festival, Daran hosted an archery challenge. He was bested by two participants: Velleen Firecrow and Shinzon Greenshadow. At the end of the festival, Daran joined the Lords' Alliance agents, Phandalin Town Guard and others in defending Phandalin from the dragon and then the Many Arrows Tribe orcs.

Later that afternoon, Daran and Garaele Edermath met with the Phandalin Town Council and motioned over to Collateral Damage to join them. Daran suggested burning the bodies of the dead orcs due to the possibility of a necromancer nearby, and that reminded Garaele to check on the bodies of the guards who died battling manticores the previous day. Garaele discovered that the bodies of the guards were gone, and they suspected a necromancer came and took them away. Daran and Garaele joined the party in investigating the Rockseeker Camp cellar, and they battles undead monsters and encountered Argus Skeel. Argus escaped the encounter after being turned invisible by Rayphlárd's wild magic.

Physical Description

Body Features

Daran appears to be in great physical shape despite being well over 100 years old.

Special abilities

Daran is a skilled archer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daran grew up in Waterdeep, and he then served as a marshal for the Order of the Gauntlet for many years on the Dragon Coast. After retiring, he returned to Northwest Faerûn and settled down by building Edermath Orchard in Phandalin.

Gender Identity



Owner, Edermath Orchard

Retired Marshal, Order of the Gauntlet


Contacts & Relations

Friends: Alsa

Acquaintances: Gwenlinn

Entertained/Confused By: Herb Stoner

Family Ties

Granddaughter: Sister Garaele

Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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