Alsa Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Also is a human woman living in Phandalin. She works for the Stonehill Family, previously as a barmaid at the Stonehill Inn and then at the Sleeping Giant.   On Day 3 of the campaign (16 Tarsakh), Conor McGregor, Herb Stoner and Sildar Hallwinter visited Stonehill Inn. Alsa made conversation with them, asking if they're new in town. Conor explained that they came to Phandalin for a delivery involving someone named Gundren, but they ran into some issues on the way. Alsa saw that they were clearly experienced fighters, and she said "You all should go meet Daran Edermath. He's an orchard keeper now, but he used to be an adventurer. He's not here tonight, but he runs the orchard on the northwest side of town. You two remind me of Daran."   On Day 17 (30 Tarsakh), Collateral Damage (minus Herb Stoner) visited the Sleeping Giant. Trilena Stonehill and Alsa were there working on preparing to reopen the tavern, and Freda Knox was there keeping them company. While talking with Trilena, a figure in a black cloak opened the front door but quickly left. Conor stepped outside and looked for the figure, but he couldn't see anything. Trilena then told the group that it was probably Argus Skeel, that they see him at night sometimes acting creepy, but he doesn't say much.   On Day 18 (Greengrass), Alsa hosted a drinking contest at the Phandalin Greengrass Festival; Freda Knox placed first, Conor McGregor placed second, and Garaele Edermath placed third. During the contest, Alsa introduced a family recipe for a new drink, and she named it after her grandmother; it's called "Tequila."

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Grandmother: Tequila
Current Location

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