Bowgentle Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Bowgentle was a human male wizard and an agent for the Harpers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the Uth Kingdom was destroyed by its former royal mage Iniarv, the black dragon Chardansearavitriol claimed the Uthtower as his new lair. He ruled the Mere of Dead Men for centuries, eventually gaining the service of a faction of the Cult of the Dragon.

During a ritual in which Chardansearavitriol's followers planned to turn him into a dracolich, Bowgentle interrupted, trapping Chardansearavitriol’s soul in his spellbook before the ritual could be completed. Bowgentle escaped, and Chardansearavitriol’s followers never found him.

Years later, Bowgentle's spellbook was in the possession of Agatha, a banshee in the Neverwinter Wood. Agatha then traded the spellbook to someone named Tsernoth from the Red Wizards of Thay.


Agent, Harpers


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