Phandalin Town Guard Organization in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Phandalin Town Guard

The Phandalin Town Guard was formed after the arrival of Lord Frederich Wulfrun in Phandalin.   Guards are typically seen wearing chain shirts and wielding spears and shields. Some have been seen on horseback and others have been seen on foot.   Notable members:  

Campaign Plot


Day 17

  • 11 a.m.: Herb Stoner (as a tiefling) and Tubby, while traveling north on the Phandalin Miners' Trail, were greeted by Gunter and Heinrich. The guards asked them their names, and Herb said "Ignis Natus."
  • 11:30 a.m.: Conor McGregor, Rayphlárd, Shinzon Greenshadow and Nundro Rockseeker were near Umbrage Hill, walking slowly north on the Phandalin Miners' Trail and looking for good spots to hunt, when Gunter and Heinrich approached them. Heinrich recognized Conor and Rayphlard as members of the adventuring party that drove away the Redbrand Ruffians and the orcs at Wyvern Tor. Heinrich told the group that Lord Frederich Wulfrun wanted to speak with them and thank them for what they did for Phandalin, and he had a reward ready for them. The group was hesitant to follow them back into town. Conor asked the guards about Lord Wulfrun, and they said that they haven't talked much with Lord Wulfrun but he seemed to be a good leader. Conor then asked the guards where they are from; Gunter said he was from Neverwinter and described working for the Lords' Alliance and being excited about getting this assignment, and Heinrich also said he was from Neverwinter. The group declined a reward, so the guards asked if there was another way the Lord could speak to them and deliver his thanks. The group replied that they would deliver a message to Lord Wulfrun at Stonehill Inn that evening.
  • 12:40 p.m.: Herb and Tubby visited Stonehill Inn and asked to speak to Lord Wulfrun. Patrick and William were the guards stationed outside the doors. They signaled inside, and Toblen Stonehill came out to meet with Herb and Tubby instead.
  • 1:30 p.m.: Collateral Damage, after going separate ways earlier in the day, reunited north of Phandalin and met with Halia Thornton. Halia asked for help creating a distraction so the guards outside the town's north entrance wouldn't see her leave the group. Tubby ran into the woods, then jumped out of the trees, shouting "Ooga booga!" The guards approached Tubby, asking him if he was OK, and he said it was just a rain dance. Halia then successfully left the group without the guards noticing.
  • 2 p.m.: Collateral Damage entered town again, and the guards posted at the town's north entrance directed them to the Sleeping Giant if they were interested in lodging. The party then visited Lionshield Coster: Phandalin. After an argument with Velleen Firecrow inside, Herb Stoner was forced out by Linene Graywind. Herb threatened to charge Linene with assault, and Linene then called out to the guards outside Stonehill Inn. William then came over to deescalate the situation, and Herb backed down.
  • 3:30 p.m.: As Collateral Damage left Barthen's Provisions (and Herb Stoner left the Phandalin Smithy) Heinrich ran into town from the south. He immediately found the captain of the town guard and told him that Gunter and Adabra Gwynn were trapped inside Adabra's Potion Shop in Umbrage Hill by a group of manticores. The town guard assembled and traveled to Umbrage Hill, and Collateral Damage joined them. Six guards on horseback arrived first, but they were quickly killed by the manticores. The six guards on foot arrived with Collateral Damage, and the adventurers defeated the manticores and saved Gunter and Adabra. The surviving guards took the bodies of their fellow guards and traveled back to Phandalin.


Before the Phandalin Town Guard formed in 1492, there were no official law enforcement or defense forces in Phandalin's recent history. Unofficial groups like the Redbrand Ruffians served similar functions.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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