Dizzy Flores

Campaign & Party

Played by

I taught myself to read at 4 years of age because I was impatient. I decided the available books were not the story I wanted to read, and wrote a story, at 5.
It was pretty awful.
I mean, I was five, that's not going to be a coherent plot anyhow! But still. It was awful. I was astounded to realize that good stories don't just burst off the page because I apply a crayon. I went back to reading for a while, but sometimes I was looking at what made one book a good read while another was merely a way to pass the time.
Here we are, twoscore and change years later, and I think I am starting to really grasp how a plot is different from a narrative which is not the same thing as a roughly chronological sequence of scenes?
Building worlds certainly makes for a better story!
My native language is American English, with several regional contributions as I moved around a lot in my early years. I can communicate tolerably well in a couple of other languages, if the other converser is patient and of good cheer. I'm familiar with several specialized vocabularies in the greater category "Nerd" and I know the responsibility for being understood is mine.
(I also sometimes have trouble understanding spoken words because I'm missing a bit of the hearing register in the middle. Maybe that's why I use the "Maximum Verbosity" setting in written communication! Sorry.)

Sun 18th Aug 2019 11:25

OOC: The Web of Silar Mins Postscript

by Dizzy Flores

Dear GM:

I started with 51 CP.
  • Blaster: DC-17 spends 5 points, goes from "5D+2" to "6D+0"

  • Con (the art of LYING SO MUCH) spends 3 points, goes from "3D+1" to "3D+2"

  • Tactics spends 5 points, goes from "5D+1" to "5D+2"

  • Communications spends 4 points, goes from "4D" to "4D+1"

  • Armor Repair spends 3 points, goes from "3D+2" to "4D+0"

I have spent a total of 20 points so I now have 31 CP.
  • I would like to pick up the new-to-me skill of Persuasion so I spend 2 points, and add to my character sheet "Persuasion 3D+0" under my Perception attribute.

That leaves me with 29 CP. Plenty for planning my wedding!

Things our characters still have on their to-do list:
  1. Hired by Emperor Eric "Monnk" Terrek to rescue people of the Mechanis Empire. These people were stolen by Dorad Mesfaw a.k.a. fake!Silar Mins to turn into Panther Shapeshifter Slaves. We've got some of the people aboard the Banana Republic! But we may need to hunt down a few more. We won't know 'til we do a head count.

  2. We need to ACTUALLY RETURN these people to their home world of Mechis II.

  3. It is relevant to Mom Mar Jani's interests that we also undo what Dorad Mesfaw did.

  4. It is relevant to Vader's interests that we extract from Mesfaw what all happened to Morticia, so that she has the option of returning herself to a shuttle-type body.

  5. If we do not actually present the Chentavari Zoo and Conservation Station to Emperor Gregor Vortapani of the Tapani Empire, there is a non-zero chance that Dizzy Flores will not merely be yanked off her Leave of Absence in order to experience Demotions and possibly a Dishonorable Discharge, but in fact she might be put on trial for a capital crime.

  6. Which would absolutely have a negative impact on Dizzy's WEDDING

  7. We can't have a wedding unless we return to Vath's vicinity, because we can't get married via holotransmission. That would be tacky.

  8. Rushlight has been learning things about The Wind which might benefit from discussion with a learned colleague. None of us are educated in spooky action at a distance.

  9. Arrawtha and Carmen are a thing. Does Family Matriarch Iwa have things to say on this topic?

  10. Let's play a game between adventures: find, and list in a single place, all the mentions in all 3 campaigns of "Jack Legrange" a.k.a. "Jacques LeGrange" a.k.a. "Zel Gellanis" a.k.a. "Gel Rhomas" a.k.a. ????
Dizzy Flores's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. tl dr version of notes for 2.08 chapter 7
    Telona 10th, 12731
  2. We aren't getting shot yet!
    Telona 10th, 12731
    12731 4 11
  4. My Leet Baking Skills
    Telona 13, 12731
  5. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bomb Cereal
    12731 4 13
  6. Private War setup
    12731 4 13
  7. Private War Throwdown
    12731 4 13
  8. Buckets On
    Telona 13th, 12731
  9. Who invited them?
    Satunda, Telona 15th, 12731
  10. Powdered Sage
    Natunda, Telona 15th, 12731
  11. The Door Into Shadow
    Atunda, Telona 16th, 12731
  12. OOC: The Web of Silar Mins Postscript
    12731 4 17

The major events and journals in Dizzy Flores's history, from the beginning to today.

OOC: The Web of Silar Mins Postscript

[h4]Dear GM:[/h4] I started with 51 CP. [ul][li]Blaster: DC-17 spends [b]5 points[/b], goes from "5D+2" to "6D+0"[/li] [li]Con (the art of LYING SO MUCH) spends [b]3 points[/b], goes from "3D+1" to "3D+2"[/li] [li]Tactics spends [b]5 points[/b], ...

10:15 pm - 18.08.2019

Ideas for End Credits Scenes:

09:43 pm - 18.08.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 16: The Secret of the Bloodsmith Raiders

05:38 am - 18.08.2019

stimpacks mean RESPAWN

I'm up again!

03:55 am - 18.08.2019

Fallen in Combat

DZ takes a blaster bolt to the side of the helmet and immediately goes down -- unconscious? dead?

03:00 am - 18.08.2019

The Door Into Shadow

[right]Year: 12731[br] Month: 4[br] Day: 16[/right] Carmen and I are trying to have a nice private catch-up while on patrol of the "hospital" and grounds. @[Rushlight](person:5ea5563b-80de-441f-8a22-8358f6e7293f) is INCREDIBLY UPSET about the "Tri...

01:25 am - 18.08.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 16: The Secret of the Bloodsmith Raiders

10:57 pm - 17.08.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 15: Prisoner of the Cybernetic Pirates

06:04 am - 04.08.2019

Spent 1 Force Point to save Mar Jani and Greelo ... and rolled a 1 on the Wild Die. :sigh:

04:13 am - 04.08.2019


12:04 am - 04.08.2019

Hey y'all :photo: Anybody recognize these scratch marks on the walls?

11:38 pm - 03.08.2019

Powdered Sage

[right]Year: 12731[br] Month: 4[br] Day: 15[/right] @[Iwa](person:f1074781-39fe-40d8-9077-d50d500eb5eb) wants a means to put the fear of Iwa into fake!Silar Mins, so I looked up Squibs in the Holopedia. Their "fur" is an olfactory organ. I suggest ca...

11:28 pm - 03.08.2019

Making trouble? Moi? :digs through datacrystals for the Hakuna Matata song to play on ancient space station's intercom system:

11:05 pm - 03.08.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 15: Prisoner of the Cybernetic Pirates

10:42 pm - 03.08.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 14: The Station that Spurned History

04:22 am - 21.07.2019

:points at starfighter-sized probe droid looking things: Anybody identify that thing?

01:22 am - 21.07.2019

Step 1: Confirm via direct visual that additional opponents who just appeared are REAL and not IFF ghosts.

01:14 am - 21.07.2019

Your call upon the Force is very important to us. Please stay on the line.

01:09 am - 21.07.2019

... I just :clicky motion: pew! pew!

12:49 am - 21.07.2019

Who invited them?

[right]Year: 12731[br] Month: 4[br] Day: 13[/right] We are being attacked from three different sides! There are Reavers all over the place! Whose idea was THIS?!? In fact, it turns out that it was some @[Bloodsmith Raiders](organization:5b733bf1-5...

12:36 am - 21.07.2019

"Caf" does NOT SOUND LIKE "REAVERS" at ALL wtf wtf wtf fighty time!

10:35 pm - 20.07.2019

Caf! We need some.

10:32 pm - 20.07.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 14: The Station that Spurned History

10:30 pm - 20.07.2019

((I am fixing my blog from last night's adventure to have links, I hope, pointing where they should point.))

05:13 pm - 07.07.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 13, Assault on the Mining Moon

06:16 am - 07.07.2019

Iwa: We just get out. ((waves hand dismissively toward the Rushlight-Dizzy side of the plan)) We just get out. They can handle it. ((DZ's player: NO WE CAN'T!!! Where did you get THAT idea?!?))

05:42 am - 07.07.2019

Here is the layout (as we know it) for the Mining Moon at Monorik. The _Loval_ will land at the Landing Platform and then stall while the sneaky team works their way through the mining tunnels to the big "Mining" dome so that we can secure the very tall Comms tower, then sweep through the complex to capture the CnC room. It's a great plan!

04:47 am - 07.07.2019

... I'm very intimidating! I have my :points: Intimidating Face on, and everything!

02:32 am - 07.07.2019

MAAAAaaaaaaaAAA! I did not say the guy had FOUR HANDS, I said he was ALL HANDS! It was a BAD DATE! Geesh!

12:52 am - 07.07.2019

I am getting ready to go through the umbilical connecting the Banana Republic to the smuggler ship, and @583ce426-3c42-4d06-9a88-b4a64ec6d957 says he found my caf in the blood pack warmer

12:46 am - 07.07.2019

Buckets On

[right]Year: 12731[br] Month: 4[br] Day: 13[/right] Zyrtec (that's probably not his name, but I'll figure that out later) wants to have a meeting in his brig cell with @Iwa(person). She wants me to be bucket on, recording, playing bodyguard. All ...

12:00 am - 07.07.2019

I can see SO MANY THINGS it must be the caf!

11:04 pm - 06.07.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 13, Assault on the Mining Moon

11:03 pm - 06.07.2019

Chapter 12: A Private kind of War

04:45 am - 09.06.2019

Private War Throwdown

[right]Year: 12731[/right] [right]Month: 4[/right] [right]Day: 13[/right] The Bloodsmiths blowing up the back two thirds of their ship did not help them. We figured out they were in their anti-corrosive evac suits and trying to sneak away. Greelo...

04:30 am - 09.06.2019

Cenvex is a known smuggler. They are alleged to keep company with the Bloodsmith Raiders. But we have no reason to be SURE that Cenvex is not a gas miner.

02:11 am - 09.06.2019

Private War setup

[right]Year: 12731[/right] [right]Month: 4[/right] [right]Day: 13[/right] It would be SO GREAT if we could just, you know, HAVE A PLAN as we get slowly surrounded by unknowns which might be hostile. So. Great. Maybe with a little more dign...

02:05 am - 09.06.2019

Today is still Telona 13th, 12731, or "12731/4/13" on some systems. It's been a heck of a day.

11:56 pm - 08.06.2019

Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bomb Cereal

Goes great in caf! One of my functions on this crew is to make the Priority List for @82fe1bd1-09af-4da9-b4f6-c7bc3f781fc5 to review. So here we have: # the Banana Republic has taken some damage. We need to scan systems AND visually confirm the hu...

11:50 pm - 08.06.2019

Chapter 12: A Private kind of War

11:00 pm - 08.06.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 11 "Aftermath"

04:59 am - 26.05.2019

@583ce426-3c42-4d06-9a88-b4a64ec6d957 dude check out the Bountypedia https://www.worldanvil.com/w/star-wars-shards-jarissa/a/nightsister-article and also https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nightsisters

04:57 am - 26.05.2019

Soooooooooooo if I'm hearing correctly from my cleanup area, the men of the Banana Republic crew are negotiating a deal with the Nightsister Captain to work with her fellow Nightsisters to go raid the other bad guys in this system. I am so suspicious of everything gong on right now.

04:46 am - 26.05.2019


03:58 am - 26.05.2019

I'm unconscious, there's a Reaver ship coming to blow us all up, and the Nightsisters have invaded. This rescue is not at all off to a good start.

03:38 am - 26.05.2019

I sure wish @82fe1bd1-09af-4da9-b4f6-c7bc3f781fc5 was RIGHT HERE with ME right now

03:08 am - 26.05.2019

We got Nightsisters in our Chalcedon System!

01:23 am - 26.05.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 11 "Aftermath"

11:40 pm - 25.05.2019

Hey GM, how do I properly spell fake!Silar's real name?

11:15 pm - 25.05.2019

@583ce426-3c42-4d06-9a88-b4a64ec6d957 Did you get caf yet?

10:45 pm - 25.05.2019

Episode 2.08: Chapter 11 "Aftermath"

10:42 pm - 25.05.2019

Hey, y'all, I made CUPCAKES for my Mom. They are VERY SPARKLY. I am pretty sure they are on nobody's nutrition plan either, especially not @159fd248-0dd2-4f68-8ee9-9327de4b1981

10:12 pm - 25.05.2019

My Leet Baking Skills

[right]Year: 12731[br] Month: 4[br] Day: 16[/right] [h2]Previously:[/h2] [articleblock:b757d852-b954-46d4-a3c3-8f1911b3250c] [ul][li]We rescued my Mom.[/li] [li]We captured fake!Silar Mins.[/li] [li]We almost got et by Creepy Sorta Sith Lord Bloo...

01:41 am - 25.05.2019

Hey, now. How come my past Journal entries ain't showing up here? I know I wrote 'em! They're the things like the rough draft of a MishRep, right? Only I don't have Maia looming over me to make me clean up my words. Or Clea huffin' like a steamjack and editing my holovid around to put all the parts about one given topic together. Or Yvette distracting me with her little side notes about what commanding officer is way too invested in which civilian. Or Carmen going "BORED NOW!" and grabbing my datapad, you know, where my NOTES are, so she can play Asteroids. Anyhow. Where are my Journals? Did somebody on the @Banana Republic(vehicle) delete 'em all?

01:12 am - 25.05.2019

The guy who took my DC-17 is @Garek Fallon(person) and has a bounty out on him by the @Church of the Force(organization) and particularly @Cardinal(rank) @Armand du Pleiss(person)

03:26 am - 03.02.2019

So far I have: * lost my repeating blaster * had to take off my armor * had to dress up like a Vor Nitwit * because I got a faceful of gas from @Greelo(person)'s arrow * spent 1 Force Point * taken an enemy's blaster away from him * now it's mine

02:13 am - 03.02.2019

GEAR-GRINDERS are on the ground shooting at me while some people working for NOT-NISKA are deciding whether to save us or not.

12:14 am - 03.02.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dizzy Flores.

Played by

I taught myself to read at 4 years of age because I was impatient. I decided the available books were not the story I wanted to read, and wrote a story, at 5.
It was pretty awful.
I mean, I was five, that's not going to be a coherent plot anyhow! But still. It was awful. I was astounded to realize that good stories don't just burst off the page because I apply a crayon. I went back to reading for a while, but sometimes I was looking at what made one book a good read while another was merely a way to pass the time.
Here we are, twoscore and change years later, and I think I am starting to really grasp how a plot is different from a narrative which is not the same thing as a roughly chronological sequence of scenes?
Building worlds certainly makes for a better story!
My native language is American English, with several regional contributions as I moved around a lot in my early years. I can communicate tolerably well in a couple of other languages, if the other converser is patient and of good cheer. I'm familiar with several specialized vocabularies in the greater category "Nerd" and I know the responsibility for being understood is mine.
(I also sometimes have trouble understanding spoken words because I'm missing a bit of the hearing register in the middle. Maybe that's why I use the "Maximum Verbosity" setting in written communication! Sorry.)

Other Characters by Jarissa