Session Report: 30 July 2021 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 30 July 2021

Predators of Earth and Dreams

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

The Ravenous Mire (Part 2)

1559年11月16日 11:20 (Morning)

Black Toad Inn

Historical Entry: The Ravenous Mire (Part 2)

  Maxim was not about to let the urchin, or whatever she was, anywhere near his fallen ally. Haures still lay, comatose and vulnerable, on the floor nearby. The Knight Commander interposed himself between the two. He had a theory, and put voice to it. Was Eru Darusu, or Oyau as she was apparently called, a Kamui? The urchin's answer was vague, her attention focused entirely on the prey in front of her. Hokkuken's reaction, rattling violently in its sheathe, told Maxim the answer. Meanwhile, Aotsuki Tsukamoto was looking into the predator's eyes. Oyau Kamui was not malicious in her hunting of Haures, but there was a bottomless hunger there that she could no doubt hold back for only so much longer.   The two Cardinal Generals readied themselves for what seemed like an inevitable battle. Aotsuki reached out to Shigeaki Fujino, asking her to take everyone outside to safety. But there was no response. An icy pit opened up in the young daimyō's stomach as he realized what that likely meant. There was no time to act on it, however. Oyau Kamui was even then producing something from within the tattered rags of her clothing.   That something proved to be a toad. Huge and odious, it inflated its throat pouch and let loose with an enormous, wall-shuddering CROAK. Along with the sound came a foul stench that quickly rolled throughout the room like a spreading fog. Aotsuki was quick and managed to get himself over Haures' prone body. The fell stench struck his shield like a physical force, then flowed off and away from their fallen companion. Maxim was not quite so fortunate. He managed to deflect the majority of the fog with his own shield, but a hideously rank whiff still invaded his nostrils. A brief headache assaulted him, then faded. That seemed to be the worst of it.   Or, not quite. The awful toad stench had filled all corners of the room, including the shadows where Kashirin was hiding. The Binbōgami's lithe form slid into view and collapsed on the floor. She was unconscious, with ugly black splotches forming and shifting beneath her skin.   If Maxim still held any reservations against fighting Oyau Kamui, they now vanished. He moved to Kashirin's side, just in time to intercept the swamp thing's advance on new prey. As Maxim did so, he noticed something odd: he was sweating. Profusely. Indeed, the whole room seemed to be like the inside of an oven. Heat was even visible before him as wavy distortions in the air. Maxim vaguely remembered seeing something like a psychic matrix come from the Kamui that might have caused this, but there was no time for that now.   An enormous red centipede, curled all around Oyau Kamui's body beneath her rags, now listed and struck like a snake. Maxim guarded the strike and parried with one of his own, but Hokkuken only scratched and glanced off the insect's monstrous carapace. So too with Kagami's attacks from across the room. The sheele had launched three light orbs to harry Oyau Kamui, but the centipede only blocked the first. After this, Kagami's target seemed to recognize that they were no threat and let the bubbles of energy splash against her body without effect. Driven by instinct she may be, but Oyau Kamui was clearly no fool.   Aotsuki himself kept his distance, ready to defend against any further assaults on fallen Haures. Indeed, neither of their fallen allies seemed to be doing well. The dark poison beneath their skin was growing and their breaths grew ragged. Maxim knew he'd have to end this quickly. Setting his shoulder, he put all his rage and all his power into his shield as she smashed it directly into Oyau Kamui. An average human would have been turned to paste by the impact. The swamp goddess, however, was picked off her feet and launched through the furthest wall. A second crash sounded as she passed through another wall and vanished from view.   Aotsuki and Maxim had a moment to breathe now. They conferred between each other on how to proceed. Certainly it was not a good situation. With Fujino's seemingly out of action, they had no way of quickly and reliably moving these two and everyone outside to safety. It was too much to hope that their foe was dead; she clearly was much more than she seemed. Perhaps their only recourse was to end this monster here and eliminate the threat.   As the two spoke, a thunderous boom came from outside the Black Toad Inn. That wasn't the direction Maxim had hurled the Kamui, however. Before either of them could go to investigate, their attention was taken by that very same Kamui crawling back through the hole she'd opened on her way out. She appeared entirely unharmed and undaunted by the throw; her eyes still locked on Kashirin's prone form. Even so, there was a ray of hope. Aotsuki spotted a black fox outside carefully picking up Fujino's body and vanishing again with another boom. That was surely the work of their maverick ally, Matsumoto Ooawagaeri.   For all her hunger, Oyau Kamui was no slavering beast. She spoke to the two and answered their questions, albeit in a distracted manner. There seemed to be no pulling her from her prey, but Aotsuki and Maxim at least managed to tease out that it was the "divinity" of these two that Oyau Kamui was after. It must have something to do with the soul, at that, because Aotsuki's offer of a bit of White Wolf God flesh he had in the kitchens back home did nothing to tempt her.   Too soon, the kamui was striking out at Kashirin again. Although the binbōgami seemed to be faring better than Haures, a strike from that centipede on her helpless form could end it all. Maxim was a moment too slow. The draconic red insect snaked around his shield and bore downward toward its prey. Kashirin's life surely would have ended there, but a tiny scream shattered the tension of the moment. That yell had come from Tama, who violently pushed Aotsuki forward with an expression of utmost concentration. The Golden Shield of Ōmi did not resist, but instead rolled with the momentum and came to a halt right in front of Kashirin. His crested shield raised, Aotsuki's glorious presence was such that he deflected not only the first attack, but drew the next several to him as well. Once, the centipede's fangs punctured Aotsuki's fair flesh, but the blood within him was that of Amaterasu herself. He would not fall prey to any poison, no matter how dark.   Seeing his opportunity, Maxim delivered a flurry of strikes upon the Kamui's flank. Hokkuken cut into flesh and drew dark blood, but Oyau Kamui's wounds healed almost as soon as Maxim could open them. She seemed nigh invulnerable. Searching for answers, Maxim considered his resources. Fortunately, the mental network seemed to be holding and there was someone he could call on. Harukor, a fine bearish man of Ainu descent, offered a bit of his expertise.   This creature was a Hoyau, or Oyau, or even Oyau Kamui. Apparently there was some dispute on whether they truly qualified as Kamui. Spirits of the boiling swamp, Hoyau were extremely poisonous and to be avoided at all costs. Maxim stifled a sarcastic comeback. He was *well* aware of that. Hoyau were also called "sak-somo-ayep," or "that which must not be mentioned in the summer." They were known to favor the heat and hated the cold. None of that would save Maxim's current situation. Sweat beaded on his brow, but he thanked Harukor anyway and returned to the fight.   In the meanwhile, Aotsuki had not been idle. With the kind of multitasking skill that only a true leader of the Hashinara Clan could display, he'd been juggling divine energy and mental conversations of his own. Ryūzaki Sanosuke, coming from business elsewhere, seemed quite apathetic on the situation until Aotsuki mentioned that Fujino was in danger. That seemed to get the Silver General's attention. At the same time, Amaterasu's light was flowing into Haures and Kashirin from Aotsuki's gentle hands. He had to expend even more of his gift, but the binbōgami at least stirred. What's more, she seemed entirely healed as her eyes opened. Perhaps feeding off the absolute misfortune of this situation had countered the effects of the poison.   Even so, while she was visible, Kashirin was vulnerable. She flitted away into the shadows far from the fight, so imperceptible in her presence that she seemed to vanish right before Oyau Kamui's eyes. Haures, too, began to stir, but she was much worse off. Kagami's ministrations had the opposite effect, sparking and charring as the holy magic encountered demonic flesh. Amaterasu's light channeled through Aotsuki did not seem to discriminate, however. Haures was snatched from death's door and brought back to a conscious, if severely-weakened state.   Despite the fact that she still bore nary a wound, things were not proceeding Oyau Kamui's way. She was infuriated by Kashirin's disappearance, casting around the room for a glimpse of the missing binbōgami. Despite her search, she caught only a glimpse of what was happening outside before it was too late.   Concerned for the safety of Shigeaki Fujino, lynchpin that she is to the Hashinara Clan, Ryūzaki Sanosuke had instead called upon her aunt, Shigeaki Tōno for help getting to Osaka. Tōno did not possess the hard-working and reliable qualities of her niece, and she was about to settle down for lunch. Eventually, Sanosuke managed to convince her to help out by offering to pay for an even better meal. To the Silver General, it was a small price to pay. He would have taken Tōno to lunch for free.   Now, Sanosuke had arrived outside. A few bodies were strewn around, among them the impressive frame of Saitō Dōsan, but Fujino was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she was inside the Black Toad Inn. The sweltering heat rolling from that building certainly hinted at something going on within. To be sure, Sanosuke sped around the exterior. On his way, he saw some sort of conflict happening inside. A creepy urchin-looking girl with a centipede was facing off against Maxim and Aotsuki. With no sign of Fujino, that seemed to be his next stop.   Blowing in through the same hole that Maxim had opened with Oyau Kamui's body, Sanosuke wasted no time in attacking the perceived threat. She deflected his first two punches with the centipede, asking bewilderedly who this newcomer was, before the last strike grazed across her temple. So far, Oyau Kamui had been seen to heal from most any wound instantly, but it seemed she still possessed some mortal frailties. The jolt from Sanosuke's charged fist sent her to the ground, unconscious.   Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. Sanosuke didn't dally, but instead exited the battle-ravaged inn. Tōno was still waiting for him outside and Fujino was even now being returned by Ooawagaeri's black fox. That left Maxim, Aotsuki, and their companions inside with the blistering heat. Haures was finally back on her feet and Kashirin was surely hiding somewhere nearby. Both had overcome their poison. There had been no casualties, and yet...   As Maxim looked down upon Oyau Kamui's fallen form, Hokkuken howled in his grip and he knew what he must do.   It was a moment of conflict for Aotsuki. He could read the foreign knight's demeanor enough to know what would come next. Yet Aotsuki could not bring himself to intervene; not after Oyau Kamui had caused so much perdition amongst his allies. Turning a blind eye, Aotsuki left the room.   What followed was not an exercise in vengeance, but one in futility. Maxim brought Hokkuken down in a plunging arc, but Oyau Kamui's heart healed as quickly as he could split it open. He sliced off her head in a single swift cut, but centipedes erupted from the wound and pulled the flesh back together. The girl never even stopped breathing. Even Haures made an attempt, but her scorching white fire didn't so much as singe Oyau Kamui's flesh. Finally, Kashirin attempted to destroy the heat within the area by striking its matrix with a spell. The magic, a divine-level destruction weave, merely splashed against Oyau's psychic power with no effect.   Meanwhile, outside, Sanosuke and Tōno had decided to have lunch at this very place. Tōno apparently visited the establishment often. She was on good terms with its owner, Greasy Ii, who was now back on his feet. Indeed, with Aotsuki healing the lesser poisoning everyone outside had fallen prey to, the situation seemed to be fully resolved. That curious Sable Fox made its departure, and Greasy Ii led the way into his sweltering inn.   ...Only to see Maxim, sword held high, delivering a deadly blow to "Little Oyau" on the ground. In truth, Maxim had tried severing both the centipede and then the big toad dwelling within Oyau's clothing. Both died, but neither caused the Kamui's steady breathing to falter in the least. Greasy Ii, however, was incensed. This was his favorite little urchin, and Maxim had already proven himself to be trouble.   Unfortunately for Ii, no amount of anger was going to allow a humble innkeeper to square up against one of the famed Cardinal Generals. Maxim remained stoic throughout the verbal assault. It was likely only the events just transpired that saved the poor innkeeper from a gruesome death at the hands of either a demoness or a binbōgami. Eventually, Ii gave up and decided to go up the chain of command. Osaka was, when it came down to it, Silver Meteor Storm territory. The Silver General, indeed, was right outside. His face red, sweating profusely from the heat, Greasy Ii burst out the door and begged Ryūzaki Sanosuke to do something about the kidnapping that was happening inside.
The Withering Star

1559年11月16日 12:00?

Isle of Oriab

Historical Entry: The Withering Star

  Following her* impromptu encounter with Sasaki Kojirō, Daimyō Hashinara Yoshitakatomo proceeded down the Baharnan docks toward her* target. The path to Phiruna the Navigator was separated by a stone palisade bordering the port proper. Such an obstacle proved little difficulty to one such as Yoshitakatomo, however. Walking up, over, and across the wall, she* soon stood behind the windswept captain as he gazed out to sea.   The silence stretched out for a moment. Yoshitakatomo chose not to announce herself*, instead allowing the soft wash of waves and the distant sounds of port business to fill the air. Finally, Phiruna himself spoke. Rather than a greeting, the captain waxed poetic about his journeys across the Dreamsea. He'd seen many things, been to most places in the Dreamlands, and met a great variety of people and monsters. What Phiruna truly longed for now, however, was something that no one else had seen before. A discovery totally unique and his own. In such a fluid landscape as the Realm of Dreams, such a thing must exist, and he yearned to find it.   Perhaps on that count Yoshitakatomo could be of some help. Faced with such an offer, Phiruna needed little convincing to join her as captain of the Black Galleon at Queen's Landing. Orders from Veasna the Elder aside, Phiruna was obviously eager in his own right to be back upon the waves.   The magical journey here had not gone as smoothly or simply as Yoshitakatomo would have liked. So, the eldritch princess determined to take the land route back from Baharna. Her* new companion's apparent status was enough to secure them a pair of horses with no questions asked. So, soon, the two were departing from the city's southwestern gates. The roads they were to follow were overgrown and ill-used, but that would surely change as Queen's Landing continued to grow and establish itself.   On the way, Yoshitakatomo and Phiruna spoke of their coming adventures. The captain wanted a crew worthy of their journey, while the magus suggested that wizardry alone could fill that need. Although he'd met many Dreamers with magic at their command, Phiruna noted that they all still rode upon vessels bearing a full crew. There must surely be a reason for that. Unknown to either of them, Phiruna's doubts would soon be put to rest by a display of Yoshitakatomo's power.   As Baharna receded into the distance behind them, something dashed out of the bushes nearby and sprinted out of sight. It looked something like a horse, but boasted a queer black-on-white striped coloration. Yoshitakatomo's nigh-endless knowledge failed to present any answers on what it might be. To Phiruna, it was nothing special. A zebra, he said. They often frolicked around the wilds south of Baharna.   Yoshitakatomo peered through the brush in an attempt to catch another glimpse of the unusual creature. So focused was she* on the task, however, that she* did not notice the other presence which had invaded their group. There came a sound like a spear punching through flesh and Phiruna let out a soft gasp. Then, he shriveled. In a matter of moments, all of the unfortunate captain's blood had left his body, drawn out by a protuberance connected to something previously invisible in the air behind him. As the crimson fluid filled out the transparent creature's insides, it painted something horrific. Looking at once like a human heart and a terrible, alien cephalopod, this monster could only be the Star Shambler that Kojirō wished to hunt down.   Fortunately, the creature seemed to show little interest in Yoshitakatomo herself*. Was this, too, the same effect of her* undead nature that had kept the aged Daimyō safe from the Wamps of Tyrhhia. As Phiruna's desiccated body struck the ground with a hollow thud, the Star Shambler turned its attention to his horse instead. That animal suffered a similar fate to its master as Yoshitakatomo brought her* magical forces to bear.   With a simple wave of the Daimyō's hand, a burst of arcane energy struck the Star Shambler full in what could be generously called its chest. The creature shuddered, then calcified rapidly. It crashed into the ground as whatever ethereal power of flight it possessed ceased to function. Suddenly, Yoshitakatomo was alone with a dried husk of a former captain and a nightmarish stone statue lying on the ground. This would not do.   Another expenditure of magic recreated Phiruna's body, whole and filled with blood as it should be. A third then grasped his soul, still floating in the air, and reunited it with the flesh. Phiruna opened his eyes and stifled a scream. He wasn't happy to hear what had happened to him. Indeed, it was understandably a bit traumatic. As a man who had been many places and seen the good and the bad of the Dreamlands, however, he was quick to regain his composure. Yoshitakatomo revived his horse as well, and then suggested that they return to Baharna and seek different transport. Traveling by foot on Oriab was clearly dangerous.   The captain, however, would hear none of it. He had volunteered for this journey, and with what he was beginning to realize was very powerful magic on their side, they could face any further horror that might dare interrupt their journey. No further horror did. The two riders, petrified monstrosity floating behind them, enjoyed an uneventful journey the rest of the way to Queen's Landing.   As that small but growing colony came into view, Phiruna first commented on the castle. Although small, it certainly had not been there last time the captain had sailed by the coast. Yoshitakatomo explained briefly that it was a gift to a certain resident who enjoyed living in luxury. She* continued by introducing the various notable residents of their group. There, on the ridge, stood Carmilla, whose condition made her extraordinarily powerful but also unfocused, unstable. Yoshitakatomo was still working on a way to resolve that situation. Minamoto no Yoshitaka must be within the castle, enjoying its comforts. And there, on the beach, was Ashiya Dōman.   Surrounded by his four wraiths, the insidious onmyōji was doing something near the water's edge, but it was hard to make out from here. He was usually the sort to seclude himself in hidden chambers, or at the very least stay indoors. Yet here he was. Curious, but Yoshitakatomo had other matters to attend to. Their first voyage may not be for some time yet, but Phiruna the Navigator would make a valuable tool when that moment came. Until then, he would join them in building Queen's Landing into something which might appear on that Accurate Map of the Dreamlands.
Demonology of a Desperate Shogun (Part 2)

1559年11月16日 11:20


Historical Entry: Demonology of a Desperate Shogun (Part 2)

  What's more, there was that name. Chitosemaru. Sanosuke recognized "Chitose" as a not uncommon name of his culture. With the -maru part added on, it honestly sounded a bit awkward to his ears. She'd probably used the character c血, blood, for "Chi." How original. It was almost certainly an alias.   If this person behind the Shogun was using an alias, she must have a reason. Perhaps Sanosuke could find a way to use that reason against her. The answers to that, and perhaps more, even some knowledge on demonology, could be found in the Imperial Archive. He would need to act quickly if he were to preempt whatever "display of power" the Ashikaga Shogunate was planning. Fortunately, Sanosuke happened to know someone with exactly the ties he needed. Aoki Michiko agreed, after a short mental chat, to take him there sometime in the near future. She owed Sanosuke for picking up her tab at the bar the other night, after all.   With these new pieces of knowledge and a clear path forward, Sanosuke readied to excuse himself from Matsunaga Hisahide's presence. As the Silver General stood, however, the other daimyō had one last piece of information to provide. It had indeed been Chitosemaru who'd sent a message to Owari Castle on the night of their fateful demon attack. Sanosuke had already suspected as much, given what Hashinara Yoshitakatomo had gleaned of the situation. It was still good to have confirmation.   As the Silver General took his leave, Fujibayashi Nagato reminded him that the Iga Ninja were now at his service. If he gave the word, they could "take care" of this Chitosemaru. Sanosuke wasn't ready to take that step, however. This shadowy adviser presented a threat he couldn't yet quantify, and with demonology in the mix nothing could be taken for granted. He ordered Nagato to stay her hand for now.   At the moment, he had a somewhat distasteful task ahead of him. To fulfill his part of the agreement with Hisahide, Sanosuke had to persuade Aotsuki Tsukamoto to grant a pardon for all of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's misdeeds. The two were bitter enemies and for good reason. As Sanosuke hailed Aotsuki in the mental network, however, he instead received news that the other and Maxim were engaged in battle with some new manner of monster. That in itself wasn't worrying. When Aotsuki mentioned that Shigeaki Fujino was incapacitated, however, Sanosuke knew he'd have to take action.

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RIP Big Toadus
Report Date
30 Jul 2021
Primary Location
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Cover image: 水底の鳥居(みなぞこのとりい) by kaya
This article has no secrets.


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