Oyau Kamui Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Oyau Kamui (ホヤウ)

Spirit of the Summer Swamp


An ancient spirit of the summer mire both worshiped and feared by the Ainu people. Oyau Kamui is perhaps only one of a race of creatures also called simply "Oyau" or "Hoyau." These monsters are often described as winged dragons which emit a fetid, fearsomely poisonous vapor. This particular Oyau, in contrast, seems to have taken on a more human aspect and even blended in with the street urchins of Osaka for a time. Only when presented with an irresistibly delicious meal does her true nature show itself.   Eternally beset by a dark, gnawing hunger, Oyau Kamui seems to feed on divinity itself. Mortal creatures offer little sustenance for her, while being of great spiritual power, such as an Archdemon, is a feast after famine. As a curious result, Oyau presents no real danger to the vast majority of humans and yōkai in Osaka where she makes her home. When Maxim arrived with a Duchess of Wrath and a Binbōgami in tow, however, she lost control and attempted to devour both. Wielding deadly venom and unnatural vitality far beyond human limits, she nearly succeeded.   It's hard to say how long Oyau has been masquerading as a street urchin, or why. It must have been some time, as her mannerisms are often that of a cocky young rascal. On the occasion that her aspect does swing back to match the age-old spirit of decay that she truly is, it can result in a jarring effect. Those around Osaka's less-gentrified districts do seem to know her and even like her. Known as "Little Oyau" to innkeeper Greasy Ii, she seems to have even helped in the "renovation" of his grimy Black Toad Inn.   Taking all of this together, it's hard to present a single description for Oyau Kamui. At once she seems to be an ancient monster with an endless hunger, but also a charming little scamp of an urchin who isn't above helping others. Perhaps both are true. Or, perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
General Rank
General Type
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • sak-somo-ayep (that-which-must-not-be-mentioned-in-summer)
Darkly shining
Brackish purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Related Plots
Character Prototype

Combat Record

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Character Portrait image: 魔界くのいち by 770


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