Knight Thrasher

Despite the similarity in the name to the Marvel Comics character "Night Thrasher", this character has nothing in common with that character and is a unique, original character, created in the early/mid 1990s by CB Ash

Alex Banyon (a.k.a. Knight Thrasher or Thrasher)

Knight Thrasher is one of the original heroes of the modern 20th and early 21st century. Currently, he's often seen in and around New York City in a hero capacity, occasionally accompanied by the Harlequin ( also known as Harley Quinn ) and every rare so often by Poison Ivy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Alex has light tan skin with a toned, gymnast build.

Physical quirks

When in combat, he gets nervous. This sometimes means he won't talk much or talk ... a LOT!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex Banyon was a fresh out of college researcher working on unlocking the potential inherent in the genetics of marine animals for regeneration, recovery and other abilities humans lack. He was working late one night when four men broke into the lab where he was showing off his current research to his fiancee.   The intruders attacked the young couple and wrecked the lab. On a lark, the thugs strapped Alex and his fiancee down and subjected them to a random combination of Alex’s retroviral test samples. After that, the thugs wrecked the lab and left.   Alex barely survived, his fiancee didn’t. It wasn’t until later that Alex learned that the thugs were enforcers for a local loan shark and crime lord. It was only a week after the assault that the first sign of Alex’s powers developed. That was when the local Seattle vigilante named Dark Angel began to take a great interest in Alex.   Through Dark Angel’s training, Alex learned to control his abilities, as well as augment them with custom gadgetry and other crime-fighting skills. Alex took on the name of Knight Thrasher. This continued for some number of years until, Dark Angel vanished with no trace.   Assuming that he had retired, Alex took his own gear and moved out of Seattle. A new brand of hero had shown up there and Seattle had no need of the Knight Thrasher then. So Alex took his cousin up on a long standing job offer and moved to a bedroom community outside New York. During the day he works as an analyst and software engineer. Away from work, and the public eye he continues his work as the Knight Thrasher.   Lately, Alex has been in a steady releationship with the anti-hero/sometimes former criminal Harley Quinn ( the "Harlequinn" ). This has lead to her moving into his not so spacious apartment along with the other person in Harley's life: the also possibly former criminal Pamela Isley ( "Poison Ivy" ) who tolerates Alex in Harley's life but doesn't mind the unusual teamwork and safety that this co-habitation has brought on.

Personality Characteristics


Responsibility of Power. More accurately has an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and a need to help people be the best they can be.
Responsibility of Power
Current Location
Current Residence
brown eyes
dark brown hair, usually cut short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
caucasian/light tan
175 lbs
Other Affiliations

  • 1997

    20 January

    29 December

    Heroes of Seattle
    Gathering / Conference

    Metahuman adventurers start to appear in Seattle, Washington, USA. Over the course of the year, they begin to coordinate their efforts against threats bigger than each one's chosen neighborhood. By the end of the year, the unnamed association consists of Knight Thrasher, Firestar, Dark Angel, Nightblade, and Catman.

  • 1998


    Gorilla Grodd attacks Seattle

    The local association of heroes separately encounter and befriend Feral, then SAFEGUARD Agent Oliver Zanders. They work together to defeat a ridiculously strong, telepathic villain who looks like (and claims to be) an oversized gorilla.

  • 1998

    19 February

    Hot Times
    Life, Crime

    Knight Thrasher gets kidnapped by bad guys. The other heroes of Seattle dig their way through clues to find him. A man in an all-white suit, using a white-tipped walking cane, leaves the scene before anyone can get close enough for identification.

  • 1998

    30 June

    Rise of the Red Skull
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the mid-summer Olympics in Seattle, Washington, the Red Skull stages the most public supervillain action since the 1940s. His minions include the power-stealing vigilante Mime who matches Firestar blow for blow.

  • 1998

    5 July

    Disbandment of the Seattle Heroes

    In the aftermath of the Red Skull Incident, most of the Seattle heroes decide it is time to leave the city.

  • 1998

    17 August

    The Orion Club
    Life, Crime

    Knight Thrasher is hunted across the rooftops of New York City by a mysterious individual wearing a mask and a cowboy hat. An exclusive organization calling itself "The Orion Club" has put a bounty on live metahuman test subjects, and don't care how they are acquired. Unfortunately for their plans, Thrasher has always loved a good game of tag!

    New York City
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    Knight Thrasher
    Additional timelines
  • 1998

    19 August

    Wally the Weatherman
    Disaster / Destruction

    A former henchman given training and a power boost by unnamed supervillains, "Wally the Weatherman" embarked on his Campaign of Terror by trying to flood out the entire island of Manhattan for

    • ransom!
    • the hard-line green initiative!
    • (various other, much more nonsensical reasons that got more irrational as the event continued)

    Even at his later trial and while serving his sentence, Walter never did explain what his motivations were or how he found himself in the position of trying to drown a major metropolis in the first place.

    New York City
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  • 1998

    5 September

    The Quiet of It All
    Life, Crime

    The Freak Murders begin: Someone is killed, then the corpse dressed up in costume and makeup to look like one of the metahumans currently featured in the news. Law enforcement are stymied by how impossible it is for all of these serial killings to be the work of a single individual.

    New York City
  • 1998

    8 September

    Beyond and Below
    Life, Crime

    Shimmer, a villain with the ability to temporarily take over a metahuman body, hops from civilian to Robin the Boy Wonder to Feral in her quest to complete a commissioned theft from two high-technology corporations.

    New York City
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  • 1998

    12 September

    The Element Master
    Life, Crime

    A hypnotic violinist is the chief minion for an "Element Master" who has a quartet of brainwashed minions obeying the violinist's every cue.

    New York City
  • 1998

    2 October

    Life, Crime

    Rissa and Angelica, out visiting NYC, are attacked by mercenaries of an unknown organization. These heavy hitters, who call themselves "UniSols", are the result of a super soldier serum program that may have had its origins in the old Project Strongman notes. This latest duplication must not have gotten its subjects into the range of success reached with Captain America, because the UniSols are further enhanced with cybernetic technology and still fall short of the mark.


    They still prove a heavy threat to two off-duty heroes on their own.


    Knight Thrasher arrives to rescue his friends, turning a frantic scramble into a much more effective counter-attack. They find additional minions or associates or something of the unknown mastermind. The "UniSols" go down under the team tactics of Feral and Thrasher, left tied up with notes for NYPD arrest. Firestar takes one of the additional minions, a cat-man whom the UniSols called "Lynx", back to Metropolis with every intention of asking Dr. Gironde if she can keep the new cat as a pet.

    New York City
  • 1998

    23 October

    Revelations Inc
    Life, Crime

    Randall Kentis, official founder of the anti-metahuman movement "Revelations Inc" and secret sponsor of the somewhat more extreme grassroots terrorist organization "Friends of Humanity", launches himself to the international stage by attempting to physically relocate the United Nations building out of the corrupt, monster-worshipping state of New York.


    New Yorkers are not going to have some ignorant, authoritarian pseudoPuritan stomp on one of the greatest cities in the modern world.


    Knight Thrasher conclusively wins the hearts of his home city when, mostly on live television, he brings the Revelations Inc plot to a grinding hot; personally disables the bizarre machines being used to uproot the UN Building from its moorings; and, finally, satisfyingly, renders "Reverend Kentis" immobile and silent. All while keeping up a running commentary in the best tradition of the comic book industries native to this city since National Allied Publications, Inc., opened its doors in the early 1930s.

    New York City
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    Knight Thrasher
    Additional timelines
  • 1999

    23 August

    Secret Life of Killer Croc
    Life, Identity

    Jenny Rollinson is kidnapped from her office, then rescued by Knight Thrasher.

    New York City
    Additional timelines
  • 1999

    26 October

    28 October

    Crime and Punishment
    Life, Crime

    Knight Thrasher gets mutated for a while. Feral kills Rafferty, a previously unmet Hybrid Minion from the Omega series. When it comes to Rafferty, death generally does not take.

    New York City
    More reading
    Knight Thrasher
  • 1999

    12 November

    People of New York vs Randall Kentis
    Political event

    Self-styled "Reverend" Randall Kentis begins his trial for his attempted theft of the General Assembly building at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. His attorney tries to file a motion for a change of venue and is promptly quashed. Special Witness for the Prosecution Tony Stark will testify as to the farthest reaches of current technology on whether such a relocation could actually have happened, regardless of the level of superscience. Other planned witnesses include Max Abramovitz, the surviving member of the architectural firm which oversaw the construction of United Nations Plaza.

    Members of Revelations Inc are protesting this trial in capital cities around the globe.

    Will Knight Thrasher be called to testify? Stay tuned!

    New York City
    Additional timelines
  • 1999

    10 December

    Breaking News: Trial Protestors Take Hostages
    Political event

    In simultaneous attacks, people wearing the logo of Revelations Inc take hostages at strategic points throughout New York City to protest the ongoing trial of "The People of New York vs Randall Kentis". All transportation routes through the city are brought to a standstill . . . except for The Rooftop Express. Knight Thrasher swings into action!

    New York City
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    Knight Thrasher
    Additional timelines
  • 1999

    11 December

    12 December

    Second Date
    Life, Relationship change

    Harley Quinn and Knight Thrasher have a weekend-long date. Every New Yorker and no few citizens of nearby Gotham City have an opinion on this social event.

    New York City
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    Knight Thrasher
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  • 2000

    10 March

    Nightmare Trap
    Life, Crime

    Gotham City native supervillain Scarecrow hires a mercenary special-effects wizard to help him catch a pair of "heroes", intending to experimentally determine the typical breaking point of such individuals. The bait, two young women, draws the wrong two heroes: Snake Eyes and Knight Thrasher. Jonathan Crane is in more trouble than he knows how to handle!

    New York City
    More reading
    Knight Thrasher
    Additional timelines
  • 2000

    24 March

    Life, Crime

    Jarissa Paxton runs an errand to New York City and gets mugged. She's okay, if rattled, but upset that she had to play the meek victim in her visibly pregnant state. She calls her friend Knight Thrasher for help, who brings in his own backup in the form of local mercenary Snake Eyes. The two men work together to catch the Bullseye Blaster, paintball team turned low-level mercenaries, who were hired to kill and rob anybody who picked up a certain FedEx International package. They in turn are anxious to cover up the fact that some five-months-pregnant short woman managed to run away faster than they could capture ... but, hey, they did get the package!

    New York City
    More reading
    Knight Thrasher
  • 2001

    3 April

    No Man an Island
    Life, Crime

    A member of an underground hacker network was kidnapped; his buddies contact SnakeEyes, Knight Thrasher, Trickshot, and "the Man in Black" for help.

  • 2001

    5 November

    2 December

    Disaster / Destruction

    As they narrow down the choices for their new home turf in the northeastern USA, the Freakshow run a competition. Who will be their ultimate leader's favorite raiding team? Who will get the choicest assignments to create chaos?

    This homage adventure introduced some of our tabletop group to our favorite MMO!

    New York City
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