Duchess of Nerseo

The Duchess of Nerseo is the feudal ruler of Duchy of Nerseo and is a direct vassal of the Queen of Swynfaredia (though the two ladies butt heads on many issues), on paper the Duchess of Nerseo meets her legal obligations.   The title is unisex and passes to the most direct heir with sorcery regardless of whether the heir a sorcerer or sorceress. The current title holder is a sorceress and therefore a duchess, not a duke.


Pay ducal duties and obligations. Administer to the basic needs and protections of the denizens of the duchy.


The Duchess of Nerseo collects a tithe from her vassals and can call upon their soldiers and banner men in times of need.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
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Cover image: House Numaness Crest by Me with Worldspinner's Heraldry Program


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