Duchess of Gwynllan

The Duchess of Gwynllan is the feudal ruler of Duchy of Gwynllan, and is a direct vassal of the Queen of Swynfaredia. The title is unisex and passes to the most direct heir with sorcery regardless of whether the heir a sorcerer or sorceress. The current title holder is a sorceress and therefore a duchess, not a duke.


Pay ducal duties and obligations. Administer to the basic needs and protection of the varied denizens of the duchy.


The Duchess of Gwynllan collects a tithe from her vassals and can call upon their soldiers and banner men in times of need.   Many of the duchess' vassals are a bit on the uncooperative side though.
Nobility, Hereditary
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Cover image: Kovenoth AI Headshot by me with Midjourney


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