
One of the most popular of the Divines, Raminit is concerned with feasting, celebration and excess. Whilst he can grace anyone with his favour, his eye tends to be drawn to the most lavish of feasts and celebrations, which makes him a particularly favoured deity amongst Kelbonnar’s wealthiest individuals and organisations.

Divine Domains

  • Feasting
  • Celebration
  • Excess

Common Worshipers 

  What makes Raminit so popular is that everyone can celebrate to some extent, whether within or without of their means. Raminit is invoked, therefore at all manner of events, from a humble village meal to celebrate a good harvest, to extravagant feasts held in a palace or castle. However, the richer one is and the more resources one is able to squander in celebration, the more likely one is to draw Raminit’s favour. Consequently, he is most frequently worshipped by the richest of Kelbonnar’s societies.  


  The priesthood of Raminit is formalised in a secretive organisation known as the Cult of Raminit, which seeks to promote their Divine patron through the spread of debauchery and excess as much as possible. The cult trains priests who are sent out to act as Masters of Ceremonies across all manner of illustrious soirees throughout Kelbonnar’s Material Plane and well beyond.  


  Shrines to Raminit can be found all across Kelbonnar, often located within places such as feasting halls or taverns. The largest of the temples dedicated to Raminit is the Raminiterion, the headquarters of the Cult of Raminit, built in a secret location in the Spears of Astartes Mountains in Kelbonnar’s Material Plane.  

Activities in the Divine War

  Unsurprisingly, Raminit has little interest in the Divine War and has remained neutral.  

Family Tree of the Divines

Family Tree of the Divines
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
As recounted in The Origin of the Divines.

Divine Sigils and Symbols

  Raminit is most commonly represented by the symbol an overflowing cup. They are also represented by the animal form of a large, rotund boar.

Divine Links and Progeny

  He is the son of Astartes and Wresmella.   He is the brother of Zasgrall, Hvanmara and Jore.

Mortal Creatons

  Raminit is not responsible for the creation of any other creatures, but many myths exist surrounding him teaching the mortal races how to brew and distil various forms of alcohol.

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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