
The Divine linked with mischief and trickery, Lormaniss’ name is synonymous with chaos. However, he is not an evil deity and his tricks and pranks are almost always meant to bring joy, though generally to onlookers rather than the actual butt of the joke. However, a part of Lormaniss is always driven to inject chaos into the world, which is a source of acts that seem random, annoying and sometimes callous.

Divine Domains

  • Mischief
  • Rumour
  • Trickery

Common Worshipers

  The nature of Lormaniss’ domains mean that there is no formal body of worshippers that are dedicated to him. On the whole he tends to only be worshipped by individuals, who like him revel in creating chaos and mischief.   The one exception to this are the Fey, who most regularly revere Lormaniss, partly because they were created to mirror his tricksy nature and therefore share common morals with him, and partly because they revere him as their creator deity.  


  Order and ritual are not things that overly concern Lormaniss, so he has therefore never had a dedicated priesthood. However, he does, albeit randomly and arbitrarily bestow divine power on those that he feels exemplifies his own delight in mischief and trickery, making them priests dedicated to him in all but name. Individuals chosen in this way never receive any official training, and they generally continue to hold onto Lormaniss’ blessing and their powers provided that they always strive to inject a little chaos and mischief into the world.  


  Whilst there are temples to Lormaniss on the Material Plane, they are unusual in that they have almost all been constructed by the god themselves. As the god of mischief and trickery, Lormaniss has taken great pleasure in constructing temple complexes that are immense mazes, full of illusions and traps designed to test and tease any who would dare enter them, tempted by the promise of riches at their centres.   Whilst Lormaniss never constructed his temples with a specifically theological notion in mind, nor does he even regard them as being ‘temples’ in the traditional sense of the word, dedicants of Lormaniss do regard these structures as sacred spaces and enter them, willingly putting their lives in danger, as an act of devotion.   In addition, the inherently confusing, tricky and dangerous nature of temples of Lormaniss means that many of them have been taken over and repurposed by nefarious creatures or organisations, that have successfully managed to navigate and map them so that they can be used as a near impregnable base to hide their activities or valuables from the world.  

Activities in the Divine War

  It is his tendency towards chaos that led him to disrupt the duel between Astartes and Polephemon when they were fighting to determine which of them should replace the deceased Prota as defecto head of the Divines. When it looked as if Astartes was about to win, Lormaniss threw a rock at the back of his head, knocking him senseless and leaving the duel inconclusive. It was Lormaniss’ act that day that sparked the Divine War, as no one could agree on whether Astartes or Polephemon should be declared the victor.   Naturally, Lormaniss has remained neutral during the divine war and has kept a low profile, for it is pretty certain that almost all of the other gods and goddesses, regardless of whether they would fight for the cause of Astartes or Polephemon, would like to see the trickster god punished for plunging the world into war. As a result, Lormaniss has only be sighted a handful of times by the other Divines since the war began.  

Family Tree of the Divines

Family Tree of the Divines
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
As recounted in The Origin of the Divines.

Divine Sigils and Symbols 

  Lormaniss is represented by the symbol of a theatre mask, with one side ecstatically happy and the other miserably sad. He is also represented by the animal forms of a monkey and a lyrebird.  

Divine Links and Progeny

  He is the son of Prota and Menella.   He is the brother of Gallena, Hella & Kalkari.   He is the father of the twins Venstariss and Hissh, though he fathered them through a magical mishap, rather than through conventional procreation. The twins are the result of a powerful duplication spell that Lormaniss cast, in order to pull of a rather spectacular trick, which went rather badly wrong, producing two younger, identical versions of Lormaniss who are completely independent of him, and who embody the much darker sides of his personality, rather than a pair of clones under his control, as was the god’s intent.  

Mortal Creations 

  Lormaniss’ natural mischievous nature found a physical form in the mortal creatures he chose to create, to spread a little chaos amongst the planes. He is responsible for the creation of the Fey and mercifully the Feywild as well, where most Fey reside so that they do not cause too much trouble on the other planes.

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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