
The Divine linked with wealth and prosperity, Ipsidies delights in the creation of fortunes and the jingling of coins.

Divine Domains

  • Wealth
  • Prosperity

Common Worshippers

  Unsurprisingly, Ipsidies is most commonly worshipped by merchants and traders, who seek his council in discerning the best business deals, and his blessing to ensure healthy profits.  


  On the whole the priesthood of Ipsidies is rather large, principally because they have found a niche for themselves within marketplaces and bazaars across Kelbonnar as moneychangers and valuers, which all parties involved in a transaction feel that they can intrinsically trust. To this end, clergy of Ipsidies can be found in most large centres of commerce, where they change money into more portable forms of currency, such as gemstones (or vice versa), assess the value of non-currency items and even test the purity of coinage, should that be in doubt.  


  Whilst there are many clergy to Ipsidies, there are few dedicated temples to the Divine. Most marketplaces and commercial hubs will have a shrine to Ipsidies, tended by the local clergy, where people can leave offerings and petition for the Divine’s blessing, but larger centres are few and far between.   By far the largest and most famous of the temples of Ipsidies is the one in the heart of the City-State of Ristan. This temple is where most of Ipsidies’ clergy are trained and it is surmounted by an enormous golden statue of Ipsidies, reflecting both the Divine's domains and the vast amount of wealth that the city-state has gained through commerce.  

Activities in the Divine War

  Whilst war as a general rule is a concept that bring Ipsidies anxiety, as it disrupts trade and commerce, his marriage to Samenta means that he works for the Polephemites in the Divine War. However, he does not fight, as his is not a skill set suited to martial prowess. Instead he uses his abilities to keep the supply lines of the Polephemite forces open, and he is regarded as being one of the alliances most skilled negotiators.   However, when Samenta defected from the Polephemites to form the faction known as The Siblings with Hvanmara, Jore and Malfrost, Ipsidies stayed loyal to Polephemon. Ipsidies decided that the Polephemites had the best chance of winning the war, and hoped that his loyalty and the family ties between Polephemon and Samenta would save her from being harshly punished at the end of the conflict, even if it meant the two of them were to be estranged for the rest of the war.  

Family Tree of the Divines

Family Tree of the Divines
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
As recounted in The Origin of the Divines.
Aligned Organization

Divine Sigils and Symbols

  Ipsidies is most commonly represented by the symbol of the balanced scales. He is also represented by the animal forms of a cow and a pheasant.  

Divine Links and Progeny

  He is the son of Kroni and Sagosa.   He is the brother of Az, Melchis, Thanata and Inthanata.   He is the husband of Samenta.   He is the father of Gormallis & Meletiah.   He works for the divine alliance The Polephemites in the Divine War.  

Mortal Creations

  Ipsidies is responsible for the creation of Gnomes. It is thought that when courting his now wife Samenta, Ipsidies felt that he should demonstrate his power and skill by creating a race of his own, in order to impress her. The result were Gnomes, who have no real loyalty to Ipsidies as their creator, and in all honesty Ipsidies had little interest in them as a species once he had demonstrated his skill to Samenta through their creation. However, it is said that Gnomes' natural ability to work with precious metals is a side effect of them having been created by the Divine of wealth and prosperity.

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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