

Takuvian: Sometimes referred to as 'common' because it's the baseline UGF language.
Farothian: Language of the cagher from Faroth.
Cagher: Known as Jalirri, it is the language of a particular set of cagher from Harumaya, before the Sirahmaot rampaged through the region and drove the reptilian people of Muurtimund to take refuge there.
Ranedian: Often viewed as the 'synth language', this language from Ranedus uses fairly structured, rigid phonemes, and its alphabet is described as "painfully square".
Batavian: An older, flowing language, spoken by the cagher of Ambracia.
Vortian: Language of the Shudrae, especially those that hail directly from Ilir Vortus.
Dataspeech: Viewed as a sister language to Ranedian, this language is spoken more by creatures composed of pure data, such as Infomorphs, and robotics alike. There is a written version that some infomorphs refer to as 'digimoji'.
Draconic: Or, Drekital, it is the language of the Drekiri.
Drekihelraedu: A specific dialect of Drekital, with a more reverent, ceremonial approach to phonetic structure. It's rare to find someone willing to teach it, without years of dedication to The Six.
Ianotran: An ancient tongue, somewhat similar to Drekital, with stronger drawls and tighter consonants.
Fujiokan: An old, tribal language shared by nearly every creature upon the planet Fujioka, though specific creatures do have their own dialects, and secretive versions of the language.
Veskari: Or, Vesk, for short, this is the native language of the vesk coming from Salom.
Salomese: Common, as they call it, this appears to be the native language of Salomese humans.
Kasathi: Language of the kasatha people.
Zhellish: The language spoken by the lashunta.
Shirren: Composed of chittering noises, this language is difficult for non-arthropodal species to reproduce.
Ysokir: The chirpy speech of the furtive ysoki.
Heliar: A language passed down since time immemorial, it's the trade language of the Palaxis Proxima sector, and widely viewed as the native tongue of the Khevrir. Curiously, this is the language that The Looking Glass spoke, after its initial recovery, despite being hundreds of lightyears away from Palaxis Proxima.
Sinumese: Consisting of shrill, almost digital noises, and with an alphabet looking like runes of old, this is the language of the Sinumir.
Avali: A flowing language spoken by the Naulixi Avali.
Akulian: A somewhat harsh language spoken most commonly by the Akulian species.
Büthbrazian: The heavily accented language spoken on the planet Åskhallen.
Woelfdaathi: A strange language spoken by the Khaa'ther