The Looking Glass in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil

The Looking Glass

Discovered some time after the Blackout, during a salvage operation on the edge of UGF space, the mysterious digital construct that has since identified itself as "The Looking Glass", stands as one of the biggest enigmas of the modern day. Hooked up to a UGF capital ship, on a closed system, the AI has provided the head of state, and an entourage of researchers, with insights from 'beyond the veil'. The researchers don't entirely believe the datastreams as truth, but they cannot, and usually will not, deny that the tales have a lot of coherence.

Notable datastreams have included
  • The first observation committed to a datastream was one in which the United Galactic Federation, in a timeline that became known as "Carina Lapotis", had become a stronger entity, maintaining a stronger peace in the Acellar sector.
  • Focalor, an individual that does not exist in the Palaxis timeline.
  • Ranaku's run-in with Focalor in the space above Dakiupra.
  • An alternate timeline for April Dawn, though the contents of that datastream, to date, remain classified.
  • A vastly different lifestyle for Derala Keldral.
  • An anomalous reading from Para's sun, Iris.
  • The arrival of Pact and Veskarium entities in Salom, in the Lapotis Proxima sector.

The seer through the veil