Sinumir Species in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil


Known colloquially as "Poke-Morph", it is widely believed that these creatures are fashioned after an old, Pre-Blackout animated series. Regardless of the source of their odd forms, these varied people strive to make themselves a place in the galaxy. A fairly sizable colony of these creatures have made their home in the Velltint Gulch district of Dakiupra's Nova Asmos city.
Similar to Infomorphs and Fujiokans, Sinumir come in a fairly wide variety of shapes and sizes, though usually retain a predominantly humanoid physicality. Nonhumanoid-shaped constitute a relative minority of their numbers.
Mostly a theoretical, at this point; a radical arm of Sinumfolk.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Sinum rei
Related Organizations
For the modern iteration, look here.