Humans Species in Adynía | World Anvil
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Human societies first appeared in central Adynía around the same time as elven ones. These two peoples interacted and interbred extensively in early Adynían history, so many humans have a distant elven ancestry without realizing it.
Humans spread further north than most elven populations, and tribes from these northern regions have a long history of migrating southwards in waves, invading and often settling down in central Adynía and even as far as the eastern regions. These invasions are one of the reasons elven, dwarven and mixed populations are more common along the western, southern and southeastern edges of Adynía than the heartlands.

Basic Information


Adynían humans are virtually indistinguishable from real world ones, aside from their ability to absorb, store and release arcane energies.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The largest human populations are found in the northern (excluding Darka Mountains and Úrún) and central Adynía, notably the Wild Mountains, western Ytis, Gráhúlysía, the Meldon Plain, Nemirkía and Kóteran Peninsula. Smaller populations live in western Gysikan and eastern Núrak.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have relatively larger glands for storing arcane energies than elves, dwarves and orcs, meaning they can use magic for a little longer before getting fatigued.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Greeting the morning star, widely known as Kalúnat, is common in many human cultures.

Common Myths and Legends

In many human mythologies, important deities tend to be associated with birds (especially birds-of-prey), the sky, sun, fire and rain. Offerings are often burned as well.
Oracles -usually male- observing birds or clouds are common in many human cultures, most notably the Oracles of Teralataníanus.


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