Záali Ethnicity in Adynía | World Anvil
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Navalede: Pirdólave

The Záali1 is a general term for the tribes inhabiting Záal, a region stretching from Silver Sea to the west to the foothills of the Darka Mountains in the east, between Áal to the north and Sikíron Empire to the south.
They, along with their Áali cousins are widely known to as the Amber People, referring to their main resource sought after by Núrakic Elves and Sikíronians alike.


During bronze age, the záali were one of the many people who traded with the dwarven empire of Zameltonía, buying grains and luxury goods in exchange for amber, timber and furs. The Zameltoníans also hired them as mercenaries as well, a practice they increasingly relied on to crush provincial uprisings as their empire declined.
Záali warriors, who once had seen this as a golden opportunity to gain honour and riches, now often found themselves returning empty handed or even executed as empire's coffers dried up. This went on until one chief, Vakkal, launched an invasion against the zameltoníans after his brother was betrayed. Vakkal's rampage, though brief, greatly weakened the empire and lead to its collapse as other tribes invaded it and settled down on the Meldon Plain.
Pirates from Záal and Áal plundered coastal settlements as far south as Núrak during the chaos that reigned prior to founding of the Paþarían Empire, after which the záali have mostly stayed within their territory. The tribes now often trade with núrakic and (to lesser extend) sikíronian merchants, buying cereals, metals and and wool in exchange for amber, furs and intricately carved trinkets made of wood and bone.


Záali are divided into several tribes, nomadic ones in the forest and sedentary ones along the coast, each lead by a chief chosen by the elders.



Záali clothing varies greatly between coastal and forest tribes, the former often wearing woolen tunics or imported núrakic clothing, while the latter prefer more traditional furs and hides. One unifying characteristic is the practice of adorning clothes with amber.


Záali diet consists mostly of meat and fish, along with mollusks, crabs, berries and fish oil. Eating certain birds and their eggs is taboo, specifically the totemic animal of each tribe, but bird meat in general is avoided to some extent, especially by shamans and mages in order to stay ritually pure.


Eleven different languages are spoken by the záali, some distantly related to those on the northern Meldon Plain or the western Wild Mountains along with a few isolates.
Mages and shamans along the coast also use fish-hook script2, so named because of the shape of the letters, both for secular and especially ceremonial purposes.

Magic studies

Each tribe has at least one order of mages, each dedicated to specific deity and specializes in certain kinds of magic, whose members follow a strict set of rules and rituals about where and when they can use magic.


Birds are an important part of záali mythology, being creatures who simultaneously inhabit the sea, sky and earth, with each deity associated with certain birds and each tribe holding certain species of birds sacred.
1Original icelandic: Záalir, singular: Záali
2Icelandic: öngulskrift
Záali mage by Lappalingur
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