Þúans Ethnicity in Adynía | World Anvil
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The þúans1 are a human tribe inhabiting the valleys on the border between Feráa and Sádris in northeastern Gysikan.


The þúans are descendants of a group of Dóans who sailed to Gysikan from southern Ytis during the orcish invasions of Góalanis. The dóans were allies of the Góalanics, and after receiving news of the invasions they sent a fleet of warriors to aid the city of Ökí (modern Hökía), but it was scattered in a storm. While some of the ships made it to Góalanis, a few ended up on the coast of Gysikan and settled down there.


Like most human Yteans, þúan society is a diarchy, with one ruler representing the þúans proper, while the other represents the natives of the land. Their court is located in the town of Jóos.


Þúan religion is characterized by a mixed pantheon of ytean, gysikani and góalanic deities. The most important of these deities are Móon, a hunting god often accompanied by mólþans, spirits in the form of half men, half deer; Dirí, goddess of the sea; and the sun god Zrúx.
Although the cult of Fanasis -divine minotaur god of fertility in góalanic mythology- is known to the þúans, where he's known as Fæs, the god is mostly associated with the afterlife rather than agriculture.

Funerary practices

Funerary rites practiced by the þúans are heavily influenced by góalanic culture; the dead are buried after placed in a boat -old boats for commoners, specially made ones for rulers- along with offerings and a drinking horn. Offering food as grave goods is avoided, as the drinking horn is believed to transform into a cornucopia once the soul reaches the afterlife.

1Original icelandic: Þúar, singular: Þúi
Þúan mercenary by Lappalingur
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