Magic throughout the lands

Cultural beliefs and values regarding magic

The way magic manifests, the way people perceive it, and the beliefs people hold regarding magic vary wildly by culture. Each region has its own beliefs regarding magic: what it is, where it originates, how it is used, and appropriate uses for it. Even the way in which it is casted varies by location.   As such, the magic preferred in each location is also the most commonly taught an practiced in that region.  


Wennovi by hcraven using Azgaar's

Paltetia - Western Wennovi

Magic has been strictly banned in Paltetia since the Great Divide. Trade and communications are tightly controlled by the government such that Paltetian civilians are unaware that magic really exists and is real. Small groups of citizens gather to play at magic and study the occult, and conspiracy theories abound, but everyone knows magic isn't real. Right?  

Imbria - Eastern Wennovi

The subcontinent of Imbria is broken into several countries, each with their own beliefs and practices surrounding the use and education of magic.


Eldahi - sage.png
The Eldahi believe that magic is everywhere. Natural magic can be found in the environment, in celestial events, and even in the weather, and can be harnessed by both individuals and groups, which is only limited by their ability to access said energies.   They also believe that much of their magic, or their access to magic, is granted to them from the ancestors and therefore they should only use their magic in ways that honor the ancestors. As such, they rely heavily on rituals and spell-casting involves invocations, or prayers to the ancestors.   They are the least structured in their approach to magic, allowing for the widest variety of practice. People are encouraged to "feel out" their magic and to let their emotions and intuition guide them. As such, the Eldahi people learn a wide variety of magic, and their personal strength in any given magic can change over time.   The Eldahi practice the widest variety of magic, with little being off limits: elemental, communal, ancestral, representational, sacrificial, etc. The only real limitation on magic use, particularly in regards to sacrificial and communal types, is that it be consensual.  


Salaris - eagle v.png
Most people in Salaris believe that magic is something that comes from within. They are dismissive and skeptical of the "primitive" belief that magic is everywhere or that it is granted from the beyond. However, they do understand that bloodlines affect a person's inherited magical ability.   Magic in Salaris is very secular and academic, despite the fact that most Salarians worship Torva. Their ability to cast spells relies on their internal wells of magic and their study and understanding of spellcraft. Salarians value the rigid study and perfection of spells and believe that enough effort can overcome lower access to energy. People in Salaris typically excel at one or two varieties of arcane or elemental magic.   Salaris boasts the most magical colleges and the famed Arcanis Academy, where the best can specialize in specific branches of magic. Salaris specifically values elemental magics and some metaphysical magic and utilize wands as a focus for magical spells.  


Torverath - sun.png
The city-state of Torverath is the major religious site for Imbria. The teaching of Torva and the blessings of the High Priestess greatly influence public perception of magic, particularly in Torverath and Salaris, but also throughout Imbria. Here, the prevailing belief is that magic comes from within, but is also a gift of the Goddess.   Additionally, certain "blessed" individuals who closely follow Torva's teachings and prove themselves worthy may train with Torvae priestesses and monks in the use of divine magic, believed to be from the gods. The Torvae monks train these select individuals to become paladins, warriors capable of wielding divine power on the battlefield. Paladins grant boons, protections, and specialize in area spells.   Torverath values light magic, which is very rare, and healing magic. Those who wish to be healers, or who are skilled in that particular type of magic, typically travel to Torverath to study there.  


Necros - Raven B.png
Necros is the only country that embraces necromancy and promotes the power of death magic and harnessing power from spirits and the underworld. Here, the study of necromancy is highly valued and deeply rooted to their belief in the god Na'arin.   Other magic types exist and are trained for in Necros, specifically elemental magics, however, necromancy garners the nation the most attention.  


Rhovan is the most permissive country in terms of magic use. Due to the secretive nature of the country and its people, little is known of their laws regarding magic, nor their eduction of it. Rhovan is the only country that permits blood magic. Vampirism is thought to be the ultimate form of blood magic, and so vampires are rumored to roam freely there.  

Countries outside Wennovi

Countries outside of Wennovi have their own approaches to magic as well. However, western influence has some countries striving to emulate Salaris.  


The people of Everath are very similar to those in Salaris in terms of magical beliefs and social structure.  


The island nation of Mantalos is best known for enchanted magical items, such as magically enhanced textiles and other artisanal goods. The Mantali believe magic should be used to create beauty, not destruction, and therefore tend to shun the more destructive powers.
A world of Magic

The Great Divide

  The Great Divide lies directly on the western border of Eldahi, separating a land of magic from one that knows nothing of magic. It is over 1000 miles long and has stood for over 1000 years.  
Great Divide
Building / Landmark | Jul 5, 2022

An impassible magical barrier that separates Wennovi into two lands: Paltetia where no magic is allowed and Imbria where magic flourishes

Geography Summary

Wennovi - continent
Paltetia - subcontinent & united nation
Imbria - subcontinent

Other nations

Mantalos - island nation
Everath - country (eastern continent)

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  Paltetia: magic banned and unknown to populace   Imbria:
Most valued magic
Associated deity
Magic focus
Natural, collective, & herbalism
Arcane & elemental - particularly offensive
Secular / Torva
spells + wands
Divine light & healing
spells + potions
spells + sigils
Blood magic
Other countries:
Most valued magic
Associated deity
Magic focus
Arcane & elemental - particularly offensive
Secular / Torva
spells + wands
Item Enchanting, artisanal magic
spells + runes


Author's Notes

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