Magic Tiers

Throughout most of Imbria, the amount of magic a person can wield and the level of spell they can cast greatly affects their socioeconomic status and the opportunities available to them.


Mages and all mage bloodlines were eradicated at the end of the Great Uprising.   Mages had the greatest magical capacity and could wield extremely powerful magic.  However, the incredible mage power was generally limited to one specialty, or one type of magic.  So while a mage might learn other magic types, they would only ever have significant power in their naturally affiliated magic.   Role in Society
  • When mages still existed, they were the ruling class - emperor and liege lords
  • Now, mage magic, if it appeared, would be considered unnatural and feared


Relative population sizes by hcraven
Both females and males capable of wielding magic are called witches.  The term wizard is sometimes used to describe males, but has fallen out of fashion.  While witches also have a natural affinity toward one particular type of magic or another, they seem to be more flexible than mages in terms of learning and mastering other spell types.   The more amount of magical power a family has, the more likely they are to gain affluence and social status as well as accumulate wealth.  Higher magical talent generally equates to higher education, employment opportunities, and political influence.  Military rank is also greatly influenced by the level of magical ability a person has.  

Tier 1: High magical talent

Witches that are able to perform some of the most difficult and most powerful magic.  They tend to gravitate toward offensive skills.
  • In Salaris: only those with high magical talent are admitted to Arcanis Academy - considered a high honor.  After graduation and military service, they often pursue political office.
  • In Torverath: most likely to become healers, paladins, priestesses, and monks
  • In Necros: most likely to become necromancers and/or hold high positions of office. Bloodlines still play a major role in Necros, and some positions are inherited.

Tier 2: Medium magical talent

These witches have a fair amount of magical ability, but are unable to perform the highest level spells.  If they enter the military, they will be able to attain a decent rank, but will never hold the highest ranks.
  • Those from wealthy families will often attend university
  • Craftsmen and artisans - with time, can become master craftsmen
  • Creators/enchanters of magical items
  • Acolytes for the temples

Tier 3: Low magical talent

These witches have some magical ability, but it is not enough to allow them to do anything truly significant with it.  Nevertheless, they often still like to find work in which they can use what little magical talent they do possess.   People of low magical talent might:
  • Work as craftsmen or work in an enchanting shop, but will never become a master
  • Work in production of magical items
  • Sale of magical items

Tier 4: No magic, but born of magical bloodlines

Sometimes a magical family produces an offspring with no magical ability.  Because this individual is already privy to the lives of magical people and generally have access to higher levels of education, they often become personal assistants, clerics, and other office personal.


Non-magical people make up the largest population group, and yet they hold the least amount of power.  Nomas hold all the typical mundane jobs.  Higher education is much more difficult for a nomas to obtain, and therefore they tend to be laborers, work in the service industry, or hold low-level military positions.

Mages versus Witches

The distinction between a mage and a witch is fuzzy, but typically:
  • Mages had greater magical power that was easily accessible
  • Young mages had to learn to control their power to avoid devastation, whereas young witches must learn to grow theirs
  • Within their primary magic type, mages did not bother using spells, runes, or wands/staves. Rather, they just willed their magic into desired results
  • Witches appear to be more able to learn a wider variety of magic
  • Witches often (not always!) require a way to focus their energy - through spells, wands/staves, runes, or a combination
I spent a long time growing my magical abilities and potential through practice and use. It’s true that I have more energy potential than most people, and perhaps even than some young mages would, but it took a lot of effort to get there.
— Kian from Sorcerous Flames: Mage Rising

Other definitions

Warlock: (antiquated) used to refer to a traitor or a betrayer of the magical community Necromancer: one who practices necromancy - the art of communicating with spirits and tapping into death energy

Related Reading

Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 29, 2020

Magic is a natural form of energy on Valayo

Magic throughout the lands
Generic article | Dec 19, 2020

The definition and use of magic varies throughout the land and is greatly influenced by culture


Author's Notes

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