Paltetia Revolution

Era beginning/end


Non-magic people united against mages, witches, and wizards, beginning with coordinated assasinations and ambushes on the ruling magic classes (see Magic Tiers ). These attacks destabilized the ruling class and jeopardized Emperor Imbrianus's reign.

Emperor Imbrianus sought a quick resolution to this bloody battle, and so negotiated peace by offering the western half of Wennovi to all non-magic people wishing to live free from the influences of magic, while retaining the eastern half of Wennovi, effectively cutting his empire in half.

After many years of oppression at the hands of magic-wielders and unhappy with the lack of power and mobility, this war began when nomas servants led a coordinated series of assassinations, targeting influential witches and ruling mages, often attacking them when they slept or through poison. This conflict then escalated into ambushes, skirmishes, and eventually, full-blown battles when minor magic houses joined the nomas cause.

While magic-wielders had the advantage in battles, nomas held the benefit of sheer numbers. More than that, their smart early attacks destabilized the ruling class, causing fighting amongst the ruling houses once again. Worker strikes and nomas deaths also destabilized the economy, threatening the food supply chains and for once, witches and mages slept in fear.

Emperor Imbrianus sought a quick resolution to this bloody battle, and so negotiated peace by offering the western half of Wennovi to all non-magic people wishing to live free from the influences of magic, while retaining the eastern half of Wennovi, effectively cutting his empire in half. For those nomas who remained in Imbria, conditions improved only marginally.

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Related timelines & articles
Wars of Wennovi (article)