Session Report: 5 November 2021 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 5 November 2021

The Sons of Oukranos

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

The Pastel Castell

1559年11月16日 16:00 (Afternoon)

Mino Province

Historical Entry: The Pastel Castell

  While most of his allies did whatever they were off doing in the Dreamlands, Aotsuki Tsukamoto had important matters of his own to attend to. His adviser, Abe no Seimei, was able to direct him to the plans "Master" had laid out for a castle on the northern border of Mino Province. From there, he was only a short call to Shigeaki Fujino away from the proposed location.   It was not until arriving at his destination that Aotsuki realized his mistake. This could very well be the northern border of Mino. could be just about anywhere else. The terrain looked right, but not a single landmark caught his eye. Nary a town, temple, nor castle broke the hilly horizon no matter which way he looked.   Fujino had hardly steered him wrong in the past, but this fortress was going to be quite the permanent structure. Aotsuki wanted to be sure. He first called upon Imamura Naiku, priestess of Amaterasu at Enryaku-ji. She'd shown her skills before in magic to locate certain objects or people. As Naiku patiently explained, however, it did not work the other way. Her magic couldn't find something as conceptual as the proposed spot for a castle. She could, however, help her lord by looking over some maps with him.   A bit of cartography later and Aotsuki was ready. This spot was just about between Echizen Province to the northwest and Hida Province to the northeast. It would serve well against either the Ikkō Ikki or the Ashikaga Shogunate, should either of them become a strategic problem. He handed the blueprints for the castle off to Alice of Hearts and asked that she use her trademark Dreamer ability to conjure it into existence. Of course, first, Aotsuki made sure to mention Saitō Dōsan's particular request. The big man wanted a temple large enough to accommodate his frame.   Although hesitant, Alice of Hearts did not shy from the task. She put all of her energy, all of her imagination into crafting a magical castle. The ground subtly shook as the thing took form. It was truly grand. he looked upon the fortress' walls, Aotsuki could immediately tell that something wasn't quite right. It looked defensible enough, and the quarters within were small but serviceable, and he could even see a towering temple spire somewhere near the rear courtyard. The pastel pink color across the entirety of its walls, though, was a bit...   Without wasting any time, Aotsuki mentally hailed Saitō Dōsan. To his relief, the giant was quite good-natured about the whole thing. A castle's color didn't matter much if it did its job of strategically securing the region around it. Even when Aotsuki described the stuffed animals he could spot within windows and manning the walls, Dōsan didn't complain. So there it was. Perhaps the fortress' color would serve as a warning; or sow confusion amongst the enemy troops at the very least.   It seemed that relying on Dreamers for such construction was not without its complications. Still, his goal had been accomplished and "Master's" blueprints put to good use. Now there was only the matter of the name.
The Caves of Life

????年??月??日 ??:?? (Afternoon?)

Caves of Life

Historical Entry: The Caves of Life

  Under the pervasive sound of running water, the Hashinara expedition took stock of their situation. Despite Matsumoto Ooawagaeri's best efforts, only five of them had made the transition into the Caves of Life. Those were the Black Blade himself, Hashinara Yoshitakatomo, Ryūzaki SanosukeOyama Hikari, and Umashiashikabihikoji.   What's more, a path of melting shadows in the corner of their entryway had just detached itself from the darkness and began speaking to them. This creature, for it did seem to be a humanoid form of some sort, claimed herself to be a steward of these caves, appointed by Omoikane. She first thought the interlopers to be thieves, then became disappointing when Yoshitakatomo asserted that they were not. Thieves, at least, would be something interesting. Mere acolytes of the Goddess would no doubt fail to hold this steward's interest.   It was her duty to help them find what they sought but, as bored by the centuries as she was, the guiding shadow would not give up her secrets so simply. Instead, she invited the Hashinara group to participate in a game. A riddle. Should they solve it, she would give them her aid without hesitation. This seemed perhaps unnecessary, but it was at least in line with the ways of the Goddess of Secrets. Yoshitakatomo agreed to the terms.   Delighted with this diversion, the patch of melting shadows gave out her riddle. Their task was simple, to find her true body somewhere in the Caves of Life.  
  At the edge of land and sea, you will find me where the two are tethered.
  Given the calf-deep water they all stood in now, that could be just about anywhere. Still, the steward did not seem eager to give up any further information. If they wished for her guidance, they'd need to solve the riddle and find her true body. That part, at least, confirmed that what they were speaking to was no more than a projection.   Sanosuke suggested that they split up and look. Hikari jumped on the opportunity. It had been longer than she liked without a treasure-hunting expedition with her favorite Silver General. Yoshitakatomo raised no objection. Her* attention was held, perhaps, by the scratching sounds coming from beyond a nearby door. They sounded like bone on stone. With the wooden portal as damp and rotted as it was, little served to muffle the unsettling noise. Those who looked upon it on the ki spectrum saw two humanoid figures, unnaturally thin, clambering about inside.   Although she* did not expect an answer, Yoshitakatomo asked the melting shadows if they were not alone in the Caves of Life. To her* surprise, the steward answered. Some things, she claimed, had been left here when Lady Omoikane sealed the place away. Over time, they'd bred and flourished.   That didn't sound good.   The group collectively decided not to open that particular door and instead set about splitting up to search the Caves. Sanosuke and Hikari headed north, while Yoshitakatomo and Umashiashikabihikoji stood their ground and allowed Ooawagaeri to do a little reconnaissance. This consisted of the Black Blade climbing inside one of the nearby pipes and swimming to its terminus.   Ooawagaeri's unnatural body moved like a fish in the water and he soon found himself surfacing somewhere else in the caverns. This was a spring of some sort, surrounded by vines and leaves. He hadn't traveled that far. Perhaps only a single wall separated him from his companions now.   The Black Blade considered using his linked senses to ask Zinnia the Traveler about the plants here. However, the spell didn't seem to be functioning quite right. While its magic held, maintained by his own inner supply, he couldn't establish a proper connection. Perhaps the shift through the obelisk to this area had cut them off.   Undeterred, Ooawagaeri continued around the nearest corner, then halted abruptly. In the darkness beyond, illuminated only by some sourceless luminescence, a creature stood. It was running its thin, clawlike hands over some carvings in the stone wall in front of it. From the exposed brain that seemed to serve as its head, a pair of beady black eyes stared unblinkingly in front of it. It hadn't spotted Ooawagaeri, which seemed good. For all its unnatural thinness, the same as the auras he'd beheld in the room before, the creature seemed to carry a certain sense of danger with it. Silently, Ooawagaeri moved back into the spring and returned the way he came. When he arrived, he described what he'd seen to Yoshitakatomo.   Meanwhile, Sanosuke and Hikari were slowly moving through the water. The Silver General was not feeling quite his usual confidence. Their trip to the Dreamlands, portal closed behind them, had robbed him of his usual cocktail of supernatural support. As such, he encouraged Hikari to keep a low profile. If they could avoid combat with any of these caves' denizens, they should.   Neither of the two were particularly skilled at stealth, but fortunately the cavern's low light lent itself well to such pursuits. So long as they did not make a ruckus splashing about water, they were unlikely to be spotted by anything not specifically keeping watch. Soon, the two arrived at a crossroads. Water drained away to the west here, but that direction didn't look passable. Instead, two paths led forward, one apparently to a cistern and the other onto land.   Keeping with his call for caution, Sanosuke focused on detecting any presences in either of the two areas. The rightmost path, that onto land, came back without signature. The cistern, however, showed four humanoid figures. Their auras were less powerful than his own; on par, perhaps, with Hikari's. Still, the way they stood unmoving, surely thigh-deep in water, was unnerving. They were in the Dreamlands, so nothing could be taken for granted. Sanosuke urged Hikari onto the rightmost path.   As they proceeded into a wider cavern, they indeed found no creatures of note here. There was, however, something arguably worse. On the far wall, a metal pipe broke through stone and exposed its sides before jutting into the wall opposite. Clinging to this metalwork were several heavy, white sacs. They glowed slightly and pulsated. Sanosuke was no biologist, but he could recognize eggs when he saw them. And these were far too big. They did have some kind of ki signature, although it was so faint as to be hardly noticeable. They could proceed in reasonably certainty, at least, that no monster would burst forth from the eggs to attack them on their way.   Carefully moving further, Sanosuke became aware of a sound in the darkness to their right. Something had just scrabbled out of view. He looked on the ki spectrum once again. Nothing. That meant that whatever had just been there was either undead or very good at hiding its aura. Either way, they weren't alone. He kept a watch on that tunnel, but Hikari had spotted something herself.   The bakeoyama's nose had picked up a scent of something. Treasure! It was just beyond the northern wall of the chamber they stood in now. There was no passage that way, but perhaps if they continued to the east, they would find a way forward. This they did, still moving with great caution. It was not long, however, before both were disabused of this notion.   The path before them did not turn north, but rather south. It was leading precisely away from where they wanted to go, where the treasure was. That could only mean that the correct way to this mysterious reward was back the way they'd come, perhaps through the cistern. Yet all was not quite lost. Both Hikari and Sanosuke noticed it at about the same time. There was a dark corner of the room, between clutches of eggs, where the wall didn't quite meet the floor. Someone small, like Hikari, could probably wiggle through and get to the other side.   Reaching down, Sanosuke grabbed the lip of the small tunnel. He concentrated divine power into his hand and then lifted, bringing the very reality of this place with his hand. Even in a dreamlike place such as this, the world would only shift so far, but it was enough to change what had been a crawlspace into a passage tall enough for the Silver General to walk through.   On the other side, they found what they were looking for. A long-rotted wooden door was all that blocked their entrance to the room where, Hikari assured him, treasure awaited. The little hunter checked the door first for traps, but found nothing. Pushing on it did not open the portal so much as snap it under Sanosuke's strength. It might have been locked. Or perhaps not. It didn't matter; they were in.   This was no treasury, but rather a storeroom rank with the smell of mold. Old boxes and barrels slept beneath half-rotted fabrics. Some of them must have once contained food, but nothing edible had survived the passage of years. Indeed, it was a wonder Hikari could muster the courage smell anything coming from here, much less treasure.   Wordlessly, the two moved to either corner of the room and began searching. Sanosuke made their first discovery. From beneath a mass of misshapen wood, he extracted a worn brass decanter. The thing was tarnished with age, an engraving of a whale still just visible on its side. Although curious, it didn't seem to be magical. Uncorking the stopper, he found it to be empty.   Meanwhile, Hikari had found something of her own. This was a small box, like a jewelry case. It was black and smooth, fashioned apparently from metal and bone with a great black jewel on its top. Inside, worn red velvet held only a depression where a ring should be. Although treasure in its own right, this was not the treasure.   Soon, the two had exhausted most of the containers between them. All that remained was a single large wooden crate in the corner of the room. With some help from Sanosuke, Hikari levered it open. Her top half disappeared inside as she struggled to bring something forth. It was a piece of metalwork as large as she was, its edges bordered in a dull golden filagree. Although a piece of oddly untarnished white cloth covered its surface, both could easily tell that this was a mirror. Magic swarmed around its edges. Dream-magic. Both gazed upon it with a mixture of wonder and trepidation. This was no doubt the treasure Hikari had sensed. Their next task, then, was to decide whether to unveil the mirror's surface here or wait until an expert, Yoshitakatomo, could tell them more about what consequences that might have.   Unknown to Sanosuke and Hikari, said expert was just then in a bit of trouble. After splitting up with the treasure-hunting duo, Yoshitakatomo, Ooawagaeri, and Umashiashikabihikoji had begun exploring eastward. These passages were more like tunnels and less like caverns, their walls worn smooth either by intent or centuries of water passing through. As if in response to that thought, a great thud sounded from somewhere in the same direction they were headed.   Ooawagaeri thought about the smooth walls, the constant sound of water, and rushing currents sweeping them off their feet. He cast a spell to control the water around them and found that he could halt its passage. Although nothing happened immediately, he kept the magic active just in case.   There were a few more springs in this direction and plenty more pipes. It seemed almost like a labyrinth, although glimpses through the walls to their south revealed some kind of natural grotto. The water was deeper there and extended to the limits of their sight in the darkness beyond. Both tunnels and grotto seemed deserted. They'd spotted not a glimpse of those creatures that Ooawagaeri had encountered before. That thudding sound was growing steadily louder, however.   Soon, the trio came upon a landmark of interest. In the middle of a crossroads, a section of wall bore an intricate mural upon its surface. Seemingly unworn by time, it represented a great sprawling city. Standing above the buildings was a figure of godlike stature. It held a spear in one hand, with a crescent-moon adorning its haft, and an opaque veil obscured the features of its face. The mural itself was not detailed enough to tell whether the figure was male or female, human or other. Still, Yoshitakatomo felt something familiar about it. Or perhaps familiar about the city. She* could swear that she'd* been to a place with just that style of architecture not long ago...   Such musings were interrupted by a bellowing roar. It came from close by, too close, and was followed by more thudding and the sounds of combat. Near them, the shadows came to life again and revealed the steward. She didn't know what was happening either. Something unfamiliar to this place had made its way in. Perhaps they'd brought it with them?   Heedless, Ooawagaeri broke away briefly to explore a tunnel to the south while Yoshitakatomo and Umashiashikabihikoji continued eastward. The Black Blade's journey brought him to a door, as rotted as the others. Beyond it he found an old wooden dock. A few boats were still lashed to the posts and seemed seaworthy enough, but nothing else of interest stuck out here. He turned back and made to return to the group.   Back in the tunnels, Yoshitakatomo and Umashiashikabihikoji had found the source of the thudding, roaring noises. In a wide cavern slightly removed from the main tunnels, an enormous four-armed monster faced off against six smaller but no-less-horrifying humanoids. Yoshitakatomo recognized the bigger creature immediately. It was a Gug, a servant of the Great Ones of Kadath. She'd* fought one not long after their first arrival in the Dreamlands and now kept its corpse in Queen's Landing.   The other creatures, with their exposed brains and grasping claws, could only be the same kind of monster Ooawagaeri had described. More than that, Yoshitakatomo recalled seeing their discomforting visage somewhere once before. It had been in The Abyss, at Nodens' pitch abode. The great monster-slaying God of Dreams had grasped a brain just like this in one of his hands before crushing it. An abomination. A Son of Oukranos.   Fortunately, the Sons were too busy attacking the Gug to pay Yoshitakatomo's appearance any mind. Their prey, too, was fully engaged in striking away its attackers. Although its wounds were shallow, they were many, and Yoshitakatomo could tell that the monstrous beast was not long for this world. Perhaps in a show of kinship for a shared foe, the Princess-Daimyō offered silent aid in the form of a spell.   She'd* meant to simply cast a mending weave over the Gug and then depart, but something strange happened as the magic left her* fingertips. Energy stretched and condensed, warping itself into complex geometric shapes which watered the eyes. As the phenomenon settled over the Gug, its wounds did heal, but that had been no spell. It was a psychic matrix.   The Sons had taken note too. Beady eyes watching the matrix as it jumbled through the air, two of the beasts traced its origin back to Yoshitakatomo and screeched in unison. She* and Umashiashikabihikoji had joined the battle, whether they liked it or not. The latter did like it, as it happened. Uma had been bored out of her undead mind for most of this trip, so when an opportunity for actual combat showed itself, she leapt in with gusto. Literally.   As her powerful leap carried her through the air, Umashiashikabihikoji landed on the nearest Son with her claws flashing. The other answered in turn, blocking her strikes with its own long talons. They exchanged two strikes, but when they separated, it was the Kyonshi and not the Son who was wounded. Ooawagaeri came into view then and took in the situation, but Yoshitakatomo was already acting. Drawing blackness from the shadows around her*, the Princess-Daimyō formed them into a hard shell of armor. Encased in inky darkness, both Uma and Yoshitakatomo herself* would now be all but impossible for the monsters' claws to reach.   Still, something seemed wrong. The spell had functioned as intended, but it was a matrix, not a magical weave which left Yoshitakatomo's fingers. Nearby, a Son of Oukranos was crafting a plan of its own. Running from its exposed mind-flesh down into its claws, the energy it wielded was more like an inversion of a matrix than a true psychic power. The impossible thing shot into Umashiashikabihikoji and, blind to all but ki, the kyonshi did not dodge. Expanding, unfolding, and tangling itself into the Armor of Darkness matrix, the Son's power bloomed. Like a flower, it spread out and away before vanishing entirely. The black shell covering Uma was gone with it, leaving her exposed once again.   Not far away, several of the Sons were ganging up on the newly-healed Gug. One, however, cast a matrix onto the creature's head. Gugs are not known nor valued for their mental prowess. With the utmost of ease, the Son of Oukranos bent this one's mind to its will. The beast turned, its burning eyes now pointed straight at Yoshitakatomo. It seemed the other Sons understood what had just happened, as they moved well out of the monster's way.   With the Sons able to effectively nullify magic and Umashiashikabihikoji fighting a losing battle, the situation did not seem to turning in the Hashinara Clan's favor. Ooawagaeri saw this and, rather than engaging immediately, he sped around the fight to the opposite wall. There was a wall here, but it was so water-worn that he could see a chamber beyond. With one hand pressed up against its surface, the Black Blade channeled destructive ki into the barrier until it fell away.   Beyond, a darker room lay filled with heavy stone sarcophagi. The figures carved on these coffins' lids seemed human, at least to a cursory inspection, but now was not the time to look more closely. Ooawagaeri continued until he reached a crossroads. Paths diverted to the north and west here, and there were some stairs leading upwards. None of these was an obvious way out, however.   Turning back, the Black Blade leveled Hakujitsumu. Wielding the blade from afar with magic, he launched its point at the nearest Son of Oukranos. It was a well-aimed attack and passed through the creature's raised claws. Without his own strength behind it, however, Ooawagaeri's strike failed to penetrate the thing's ki barrier. Although their specialty was obviously mentalism, it seemed that these creatures were no strangers to the martial arts either.   Not seeing any solutions here, Ooawagaeri attempted to teleport back. He'd learned that this was a risky move in the Dreamlands. Sensations of endless falling, cosmic orbs, and a greater presence watching him had fraught every other attempt so far. Now, however, the spell went off without any interruption. Did that mean, perhaps, that they weren't currently in the Dreamlands? Such would explain why his connection with Zinnia had cut as well.   As Ooawagaeri reappeared behind her*, Yoshitakatomo was weaving a spell to steal control of the Gug. Like before, it manifested as a matrix, but the effect was real enough. The monster stopped its advance and instead turned, reaching all four of its massive arms downward and pulling a Son of Oukranos half-apart. The creature was horribly wounded, but still seemed alive, if its continued chittering were anything to go by.   Another Son lashed out and scored a direct hit on Umashiashikabihikoji's exposed flesh with its claws. The Kyonshi went down, splashing inert into the water. Fortunately, undead of her type were a renewable resource. Yoshitakatomo need only infuse her talisman with ki once again. The Son's next actions were more worrisome, however. It crouched down and, with a care belying its sharp claws, gripped Uma's head in its hands. Turning it this way and that, the thing seemed to be looking for something. A way in, perhaps. It tapped the top of Uma's head with its claws.   That certainly couldn't be allowed to continue. The Sons of Oukranos, apparently, felt the same way about Yoshitakatomo's control of the Gug. Rather than seize its mind back, one unleashed a deadly psychic matrix straight into the monstrosity's skull. The fire left the Gug's eyes as its intelligence dwindled to nothing under the mental assault. It swayed, then fell. Although still breathing, there was nothing behind the Gug's gaze now. It seemed incapable of taking any sort of conscious action.   This gave the other Sons free leave to break away. One dashed over and slashed its claws at Yoshitakatomo. Although her* Armor of Darkness soon met a similar fate to Uma's, the Princess-Daimyō was pleased to find that her* Perfect Shield remained intact. This curious phenomenon of matrix-conversion only seemed to affect spells cast in the Sons' presence. Anything brought in from outside remained magical in nature. As the monster's claws raked against her* shield with no purchase, Yoshitakatomo thought that perhaps there might be a way to use that new piece of information.
Struggle at the Docks

1159年11月16日 16:00 (Afternoon)


Historical Entry: Struggle on the Docks

  The call for recruits had certainly brought in all sorts. Knight Commander Maxim idly wondered just what kind of unique individual would show up on his doorstep next. For now, he had business with someone more level-headed. Making his way through the narrow halls of Ago Manor, Maxim knocked and entered the office of Tanahase Muramatsu.   In truth, he'd come to discuss the matter of his new castle. The pensive expression on his Bugyō's face stopped Maxim short, however. He hesitated but a moment, then asked instead how things were going in a general sense.   It was nothing serious, according to Muramatsu. The ports of Ago had recently been inundated with a variety of bizarre goods; things like monstrous bones, hides from strange creatures, and pottery displaying unearthly vistas. None of it was illegal, as such, but this many unknown items suddenly arriving in his town made Muramatsu understandably anxious.   For Maxim's part, his mind went directly to that big Matsumoto Black Galleon moored in their port. With all the activity about the Dreamlands lately and Matsumoto Ooawagaeri's own eccentricities, the two could hardly not be connected. Indeed, Muramatsu shared the same view. There was someone, a trader aboard the galleon, whom he was supposed to meet. He couldn't even pronounce her name, however, and the Matsumoto Group hadn't made any overtures toward setting up a meeting.   In that case, suggested Maxim, perhaps they should go take a look themselves. The ship was anchored in their port, after all. They could call it a routine inspection. Muramatsu was more hesitant. Such an action could be seen as aggression against an allied group. Although the Matsumoto Scion had, admittedly, forfeited many of those rights when he separated from the Hashinara Clan. After some consideration, the Bugyō agreed.   Maxim called for Kashirin, who was never too far away, and asked her to collect Shishikura Makiko and Ōgon no Hakuhen. Those two would accompany him for this "inspection." If any of them caused a scene, there would be punishment for all. This request seemed to surprise Kashirin. At least, the last part did. Hakuhen was...well... With an unpleasant laugh, Kashirin vanished to do Maxim's bidding.   Some short time later, the Knight Commander and his Bugyō proceeded down the winding roads to Ago's port. There, they found Makiko waiting for them. The masked former Tea Bucket was withdrawn as ever, but loyal to a fault. As for the other one... There was no sign of Hakuhen's shimmering golden bulk.   Maxim felt an ill sensation creeping up his spine. As if in answer, a commotion suddenly broke out further up the docks. It was difficult at this distance to determine what was happening, so the Knight Commander bid his companions to stay at the galleon. He proceeded alone (or as alone as Kashirin ever left him) toward the ruckus.   As Maxim drew closer, he heard what sounded like a physical fight; flesh on flesh and the thud of a body hitting the ground. Then there was a high-pitched scream. A damsel in distress? Maxim's knightly training kicked in and he quickened his pace. Pushing his way through the wall of gawkers, he arrived at a bizarre and unfortunate tableau.   On the ground was, not unexpectedly, Ōgon no Hakuhen. In his arms, pinned to the wood of the dock by four powerful limbs, was none other than Netabi Shigehisa. The gentleman tactician screeched once again. Apparently it was his voice, and not a damsel's, which Maxim had heard. With a roll of his eyes that could have capsized the nearby ships, Maxim told Hakuhen to break it up.   The golden man did not obey immediately. Instead, he welcomed Maxim, his Brother. This weakling had been professing his task of teaching Maxim how to be a man, so Hakuhen had put it to the test. How such a flimsy sort could every pray to teach anything about manliness, the ninja simply could not fathom. Maxim repeated his order. This time, there was an edge to his voice which brokered no hesitation.   Hakuhen released Shigehisa, whose head bounced against the wood before he scrambled to his feet. Beneath the shining mask that served as the ninja's face, he was perhaps blushing. Maxim was most obviously not pleased. The Knight Commander first told Shigehisa to go wait at the Black Galleon. He'd join them for their inspection. With a bubbling of gratitude, the other took his leave.   That indignity gone, Maxim turned his attention back to Hakuhen. That had been a test, the Knight Commander explained, and Hakuhen had failed. Badly. Hadn't he been told not to make a scene when Kashirin fetched him? In response, the big ninja could only rub his golden hands together. Where he was from, that wouldn't really have been considered a scene. It was a ninja's duty to vet those who would aid their master, after all.   Maxim shook his head. What kind of shinobi were the Kōga Ninja training? Hakuhen would have to learn the customs of this land, and quickly, if he didn't want to incur his master's wrath. Sheepishly, the big four-armed man agreed. He'd be more cautious in the future. At Maxim's order, he headed back to the Black Galleon to fall in line with the others.

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05 Nov 2021
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