History of the Pereqaian Alliance

Before the Treaty of the Tribes

... 288552 UTD

Fêd Gelòixo Zaxoxtib

After the Treaty of the Tribes

288553 UTD and beyond

Tù Gelòixo Zaxoxtib

  • 1016 PN, Vésólun 12
    Destruction of Davecómar
    Military action

    After a bloody siege, the settlement which formed around the remains of the Dawn Seeker is burned to the ground.

    More reading
    Dawn Seeker
  • 135 TGZ, Mu Shulòri 17
    The Distraction south of Hegaros
    Military action

    A Pereqaian navy patrol is attacked by three Nimýric battleships and needs to call a second one for support. Later it turns out that this attack was merely a distraction, allowing a single Fireball Frigate to sneak into Pereqaian territory.

    More reading
    The Incident of 135
    Additional timelines
  • 135 TGZ, Mu Renifi 12
    The Incident of 135
    Military action

    A single Nimýric battle ship slips past the Pereqaian patrols between Parona and Hegaros. It reaches a major Pereqaian port town and opens fire, causing a high number of casualties and serious damage to the infrastructure.

    More reading
    The Incident of 135
    Additional timelines