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Seekers of the Arcane

Written by Endrise

Oh I'm not his son, I'm still the same old elf your grandfather saw. Haven't changed a bit ever since. Can't say the same about you.
— Elven nomad

Known as the race of the arcane, Elves are one of the longest living people on all of Fabulae. Through generations perfecting their biology, they learned to defy aging and mortal problems.

However, the fall of their empire has thrown them back into a dark age. Now without a collective place to call home, they try to rebuild it elsewhere. Some cling to their past, while others try to adapt to a new society. But even a few might find a way to revive the old ways.

Basic Information


Elves are described as elegant looking, being a bit taller than the average person. While they come in many shapes and sizes, most are distinct by their long pointy ears.

What especially stands out is their smooth skin and unnatural hair and eye colours. Few Elves show imperfections on their skin, often compared to marble. As for their eyes and hair, they can have quite a hue of colours, ranging from bright orange to deep purple.

Biological Traits

Arcane Blood

Most Elves have some affinity towards magic, sharing some deep understanding of it. Such knowledge grants them an insight with the inner workings of arcana, both with spells and magic items alike.

Restless Souls

Tried sleeping tonight to get some rest, heard the couple down the street... Ugh.
— Elven Adventurer

Genetic enhancements make it so that the Elven body does not fall as deeply asleep as other races. Instead, they remain somewhat aware of their surroundings while asleep. Such trait benefits them especially against enchantments as it makes them hard to mind-control.



Commonly known as Half-Elves, they are the result of Elves mingling with other races. With smaller ears than their parents, they tend to struggle fitting in either culture. Whether it be the Elven ways of old, or whatever society their other parent comes from.


A particular species of plant-like Elves, Elvir are an indirect result of the Blazing War. Reborn through the tears of Avani, they roam around the regions of Silva mostly. In some regards, they might be one of the few races that are actually immortal.


After the Blazing War, some Elves fled down below, becoming what is known as Drow. A further evolution of the Elven race, gifted with better control of magic yet enforced in a propaganda-filled society. All of it driven by a belief they one day will reclaim the surface.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce in a similar fashion to most humanoids but have a longer pregnancy. On average, they carry their child around for almost a year. As such, it's rare for twins to happen at all.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves have a similar life cycle as that of Humans but due to genetic differences, they age way slower. Most only reach their maturity at age 40, showing very few signs of puberty. This tends to lead to many Elves having but minute differences between the sexes.

On average, an Elf stays in their prime for almost a hundred and fifty years. However, old age tends to hit the hardest for them, leading to rapid ageing around the end of their life. A middle-aged Elf can in the span of two years physically age twenty, if not more.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves are prevalent all across Fabulae, often in small societies of their own. Silva still remains though the most common ground for their kind to be found at.

There are records though of Elves getting spotted all across the multiverse. Many theorise this to be the result of dimensional travels, but the exact details remain unknown.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves perceive the world at a slower pace, allowing them to take in things better. Both visual and audial stimuli are received with ease, often seeing or hearing things others won't even pick up. As such, they make excellent security, knowing when something is off.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names: Caladrel, Heldalel, Lanliss, Meirdrarel, Seldlon, Talathel, Variel, Zordlon.
Female Names: Amrunelara, Faunra, Jathal, Merisiel, Oparal, Soumral, Tessara, Yalandlara.

Beauty Ideals

Elvenkind has a very strict look towards health, seeing it as crucial for their kind. Both physical and mental self-care are seen as important, as neglecting either can be frowned upon.

Gender Ideals

I never understood why things had to be divided between males and females. People are people, they are more complicated than just giving an entire world two choices.
— Elven mother

As they do not have any major differences between sexes, so do the genders. Many Elves are allowed to practice whatever they want. Such freedom also allows for nonbinary or genderfluid to be widely accepted amongst their kind, if not other genders as well.

Relationship Ideals

Most Elves are very much aromantic, seeing no direct need for intimate relationships. While couples do exist, marriage is rare and in many cases, a single Elf can have multiple partners at once.

As such, families are raised communally with children sharing several parent figures together. The biological father and mother do tend to stay around to ensure a proper development.

Average Technological Level

Scholars can agree that Elves are responsible for the roots of modern spellcasting. Their grasp on wizardry and sorcery are second to none, with many spells created by their kind. While most of it is lost during the wars, there is still a plentiful amount of their research left alive even today.

Such metaphysical understanding also makes them skilled with mental topics. Biology and psychology also have their roots amongst their kind, ensuring a clear understanding of most races. Some believe their knowledge about it made is how they became what they are today.

Common Etiquette Rules

Elves believe in one being allowed to voice their opinion with complete freedom from others. One does not have to agree though, as criticism is as important as being able to speak for yourself. To be neglectful of one's opinion also gets seen as a bad sport.

Common Dress Code

Most clothing designed by Elves have a very gender-neutral nature towards them. They tend to be light-weight, simple and rarely any more complex than they need to be. At best, silver gets added to accessories should an Elf want to show their wealth.




The oldest findings involving Elves date all the way back to prehistoria. Like many of the first races, their roots are with the Antomniae, but also with the Titan Avani. It is assumed that Elves evolved due to a mixture of her presence and also some Fae influence, leading to the basis for the modern race.

The Faelands also might have sparked the interest in the arcane for Elves. Ever since the first encounter, they began expanding their research into Fae, magic and so on. By the end of the Titan War, the first spells got written down and taught to fellow Elves.

By the time the Tri-Realm War ended, Elves did end up losing their deity in battle as Avani was slain. From then onwards, the earliest signs of their kingdom came to being.

Early Civilisation

As the wars ceased and early civilisation began, Elves began theirs in Silva. They took what they understood from the Fae and perfected it, leading to a golden age of arcane studies. Things like the eight branches of magic and Magitech became prevalent, as did body modification.

In only a few generations, their lifespans tripled, ageing became a non-issue and sleep was barely needed. Their influence spread across the continent, often as far in as Nexu itself. Although the expansion had to be cut short early due to a competitor.

When the Great Sangfroid Empire set ashore on Sichelan, a peace treaty had to be made to avoid a power . Both groups decided to split the continent between them, taking either half of it.

Blazing War

A notorious turning point in the lives of Elves was the Star Plague. As the new disease spread across the land, nobody knew how to prevent it. As such, the Elves were forced to barricade, leading to issues with the Great Sangfroid Empire.

Under the rulership of Velda Sangfroid, a war commenced between the two nations. Sangfroid tore through Silva's borders and caused a genocide, occupying Elven land with no mercy. Blood got spilled, homes destroyed and the Elven kingdom fell into shambles.

Under her rule, Velda stole and destroyed a lot of Elven culture, further dividing the Elves. What remained of their kingdom was under Sangfroid's control, until it was given back by Aulek Sangfroid.


After the war, most of Elvenkind got divided in splinter groups. Some fled to the Subterrane as Drow, others tried recovering the old kingdom, while many moved across the world. What remained before the war was in shambles, with not much surviving afterwards.

It also didn't help that Velda's propaganda led to widespread discrimination. Even with Aulek's help, many Elves still remained demonised by the masses. Some hate-mobs even rose up, leading to a hostile environment for Elves to live in.

Great Sangfroid War

At some point it stopped being about defending the remnants of our culture. It became about the delusional thoughts you all worship like faith. To believe the truth of a genocidal empress and call a whole race your enemy.   Even in death do you let her words dictate you.
— Elaith Patoris, Ambassador of the new Elven society

Things only got worse with Caesar Sangfroid, as all things escalated into the Great Sangfroid War. After numerous attacks from extremists of both sides, the conflict turned heated. All of Sichelan turned into a battle zone as the Elves fought back against the Great Sangfroid Empire.

The few Elves that still held onto their past tried to hide the knowledge they shared. Many records of their kind were buried across the continent, both high and low. Events such as the Wormrot Plague devastated their homelands only further, as their numbers dwindled.

But in the end, they prevailed. Even with the massive losses, a declaration of defeat and the Empire's collapse were enough to confirm a victory.

Present Day

Nowadays Elves are still trying to recover the kingdom wherever they could, but many have moved on instead. The impact of two left the remainder of the kingdoms in shambles, with little to recover.

Most Elves that maintained some semblance of their culture turned nomadic, while others went on to begin new lives. In the end, the old ways were dead, unsustainable in the dark ages of Fabulae.

Common Myths and Legends

  • Pinching an Elf's ears causes a sensory overload: While they are more sensitive, they aren't so sensitive they can shut down an Elf. It's still adviced not to touch them.
  • Elves are immortal: Due to some people growing up with an Elf not showing any signs of age, it's common to believe they're immortal.
  • Elves can't grow beards: They actually can, often styling them to be long and thin.
  • Elves are an one-gender race: Due to the lack of differences between the sexes, it's a common misbelief to assume they don't have a gender.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Elven race has always had an issue co-existing with other races for as far people know. Due to their longevity, forming proper relationships can be hard, if not impossible. On average, a regular Elf easily can outlive three generations of Humans with ease.

Such complications show with Syrinxs, who seem to have a jealousy against the Elves. As such, they often form bitter rivalries in the studies of magic.

With other races it tends to be hit or miss with how they interact. Many times have they been able to put aside their differences, causing the birth of Half-Elves. Other times, they're discriminated against often for rumours from several centuries ago.

They are not without their own issues though. Elves have a long history of their own mistakes, both big and small. The centuries of discrimination also have made some hostile to intermingling with other races as well. Hence why they are a few Elves that still try to be "pureblooded" at all costs.

Elf by Endrise

Elf Players

Elves are not the most social individuals, but they are the most curious. Many seek to journey the world, explore where they can, learn what they can find. Some do it to better understand the world around them, others to fill their long lives. And in some cases, they just do it for the fun of it.

Spoken Languages
Common, Elven
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Nobilis
±250 years
Average Height
5'6" - 6'10"
1.7 m - 2.1 m
Average Weight
88 lbs - 156 lbs
40 kg - 71 kg
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Often white, but can also be darker skin tones
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Elf

Cover image: Species - Humanoid Cover by Endrise


Type Humanoid (Elf)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution
Size medium
Speed 30 ft.
Language Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.

Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.


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Jul 21, 2020 09:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really detailed and interesting article. I really liked the section on common myths and legends. :)   Also I found the section on their growth and life stages fascinatin, particularly the bit about rapid aging once they get elderly. A bit confused by this, though: 'going through puberty and eng included'. What is eng?   Great job! :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 21, 2020 09:11

Oh, just an error in writing, nothing to worry about!