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Wild Magic

Written by Endrise

The power of a word is stronger than any blade. Be wise with your words, for you might cut your own tongue with that language you use.
— Archfae

As a mirror to Fabulae, the Faelands have their own form of sentient life known as the Fae. Born from the very magic of existence, they are the focus of many tales and legends of days long gone. Both as benevolent to other beings as they can be malevolent.

Their close ties to the arcane make them sought after by some. But for those aware of their trickery, one must play it safe amongst their kind, for they are prone to play with others.

Fae Biology

Abstract Anatomy

Fae are beings of raw magic. Their forms are not bound to the physical laws, instead relying on their own conscious for as what a Fae believes itself to be determines their form. The only limitations being how they view themselves at any given moment.

This means that their appearance can be anything and change all the time. Fae take often humanoid forms, but fuse them with traits of nature and abstract concepts. Antlers like branches, hair made of leaves, or forms that appear both male and female at the same time. And all of that is what most people can see with their own five senses.

A Fae can, if it so desires, display metaphysical properties. Their size and mass mean nothing, as they may slip under a door or balance on a blade’s tip. The only consistency lies in that such traits show up more amongst greater Fae than the lesser ones.

Arcane Heritage

All Fae come with some supernatural abilities or knowledge of the arcane. Beyond their body's metaphysical properties, their senses can also pick up things others can't. Whether these are additional senses or extensions to the existing five is a debate amongst many scholars.

Whatever is true, they can sense abstract ideas. The smell of an emotion, the colour of a thought, or even the taste of a spell. It is most noticeable with magic, being able to feel its presence.

As Fae grow older, they learn to harness their own magic. This can give them the powers to shapeshift, cast spells, or change reality around them. Ancient Fae display such expertise in these abilities that they do it on a subconscious level, disrupting existence around them.

Fae Lifecycle

Most Fae are functionally immortal. Born from lakes found across the Faelands, their existence begins the moment they leave its shores and become a separate conscious.

As they get older, their forms grow and mature, gaining power and understanding of its own form. A normal Fae can live for centuries, while a select few have survived millennia. And with each year, their powers become stronger and their form greater.

Only when a Fae desires death, can they truly die. Their form breaks down, dissipating into raw magic. Their memories flowing back into the lakes, allowing new Fae to be born.

Killing a Fae instead only sends its conscious back to one of the lakes where it can reform. Doing so weakens them, losing power and memories upon each return. Continuous attempts at killing a Fae can cause psychological problems, which make each incarnation worse. With enough deaths, their mental state can break down, resulting in both physical and mental instability.

Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution

FaeFolk Society



The origins of Fae lie amongst the early days of Preshistoria. As the Titan War tore apart the early world, the Celestial Fasma could not sit back and let her children destroy her creation. To do so, she amplified the crude form of magic into a new realm, the Faelands. And from that empowered magic, she planted new life alongside it imbued with creation known as the Fae.

The first Fae wielded the words of Fasma in their soul, the magic to shape worlds. And with it, they taught the mortals its structures. Granting the first mages their spells and imbued the first magic in one’s blood. Giving people the power to fight back against the Titans.

Together, the Antomniae and the Fae brought down the opposing Titans, beginning a new age of gods. Once their troubles ended, both races parted ways, ruling separate realms: mortals ruling Fabulae, while the Fae would rule the Faelands.

Upon the birth of Angels and Demons, the Fae showed their support once more. As a sacrifice to save existence from both groups, the chaos of the Faelands became part of the new Elemental Pillars. Their domain grew smaller, with many Fae beings to these new planes to become Elementals and other native species. By the end of Prehistoria, the Fae had time to settle down and begin their own society.

The Old Lords

For a long time, the Fae did not rule in unison. Scattered communities existed in their corners of the Faelands, ruled by powerful Fae of dubious origins. Borders were ill-defined, with many powerful Fae going forgotten as time moved on.   That changed when the Old Lords emerged: Three powerful Archfae that rose up amongst the others, wielding magic greater than any before them. Each one ruled with an iron fist, leading to a bitter age

Culture & Etiquette

While many assume the Fae to be a nonsensical bunch that revel in trickery and pranks, the truth is that their culture is complicated. They follow rules that are ancient, bound to laws the old world run upon. And with their deep roots to magic, it allows them to understand these rules as clear as day. The problem is that few Fae share these rules to others, assuming everyone knows them.

Their etiquette is built upon five principles:

  1. Words hold power
  2. Names carry weight
  3. Lies defy meaning
  4. Promises are kept
  5. Debts are paid

Words hold power

Language is not just mere words for Fae. The tone and meaning behind them holds great power over others. It is why one needs to be careful with what they say, as anything can be used against them. Being literal is a common way Fae mess with people, stealing words right out of one’s mouth when you give your thanks or condolences.

Names carry weight

Understanding the potential of a True Name, many Fae go by titles and other names instead. To have one give its true name is to let others call upon them when needed. This goes both ways, as any Fae aware of one's True Name can summon them whenever they want. Some even state that knowing such names can give one complete control as well.

Lies defy meaning

To lie is to destroy the meaning of one's words. A Fae might hide the truth, keep things vague or sweeten their words, but none will ever lie. To do so means stripping the power of words, making them worthless when used once more. For a liar does not have dominion over another, as their words scream hollow and without weight.

Promises are kept

To promise something to a Fae is to keep it, no matter what. Bound to a deal made between both, where the conditions are met no matter the situation. Should they break their end of the bargain, one needs to compensate for it. And a Fae may ask for anything as compensation, as many times as they wish and whenever they like.

Debts are paid

Like with promises, debts get paid regardless. If one accepts a gift of a Fae, they desire something back of equal value. It does not have to be of the same material worth, but can also be of emotional value or metaphysical worth. But should one give back more than a Fae offered, then that Fae needs to pay back the difference as well.

The Courts of Faekind

Fae society works under powerful courts, but not every Fae listens to one. They maintain and protect their communities, led by the oldest and wisest Fae known as Archfae. But they always rule with two or more, never by themselves.

Scholars believe there to be dozens of courts scattered across the Faelands and elsewhere, independent of one another. But above all of them lie two that act as the rulers of all: the Court of Moonlight and the Court of Sunlight.

They are neither good nor evil, but two sides of the same coin. Opposites as they are equal, ensuring balance across the entire realm.

Court of Sunlight

extroverted, social and affectionate in nature.
Court of Sunlight
Organization | Apr 9, 2021

Court of Moonlight

introverted, seclusive and gentle in nature.
Court of Moonlight
Organization | Apr 9, 2021

Fae and the Outside World

Fae are complicated entities for those who do not walk amongst their circles. Both their isolated existence and alien look towards reality make it difficult for many to understand them. Whether it be their biology, abilities, or even culture and etiquette.   But difficult does not mean impossible. Across the ages, both Fae and mortals made contact with one another for numerous reasons. Sightings became legends amongst folklore and people sought them out amongst their domains. Coming with questions and requests, offering anything in return. And with so many seeking them out, a few learned to take advantage of an opportunity.   Hence came the tales of Fae taking abstract payments for their services. From the name one holds to the children they bear, nothing is too low for them to consider a price. What each one does with their payment depends on the story, but few mortals ever gain them back.   Be wary of what one is willing to pay a Fae to aid them.

Beyond the Faelands

Multiple instances of Fae living on Fabulae exist across the globe. They find refuge amongst the outskirts of the world, deep within nature or places not touched by mortals. These domains can remain hidden for centuries, only getting spotted when people trespass.

While it begins with one showing up, it does not take long for entire communities to form. In return, it turns the surrounding area into a piece of the Faelands, causing anomalies like aetherical hot spots to show up. Given enough time, space and time become malleable enough for Fae to change it as they please. Which can distort one’s perception of both.

If given the chance, Fae do form communities with settlements bordering theirs. People who respect the Fae etiquette and help their homes find themselves aided by the fair folk from time to time. Whether it be house cleaning or protecting towns from malicious forces. But the opposite is also true, as those that disrespect Fae may find ill fate fall upon them.

Dealing with Fae

With centuries of knowledge gathered from all corners of the world, there are ways to handle Fae. Both in manners that please them and those that force one to obey. For as chaotic as the fair folk may be, they do have rules they follow no matter what.

  • Use their True Name: If you can grab hold of a Fae’s true name, you can force it to obey, or at least listen. Though few go by their true names, requiring one to first seek it out. So try to make them either spill out their name or find out if it is somewhere written down.
  • Be careful with your words: Every word you speak towards a Fae can be used against you. Be wary of what you say or how you say it. The less a sentence has a double meaning, the less power they have over you.
  • The Bane of Cold Iron: One of the most well-known weaknesses for Fae is Cold Iron. The dull metal harms their arcane nature, making it ideal for weaponry. Though one can also use it to keep them away, as the mere presence makes many sick.
  • Fae never die: Be wary when killing a Fae, as a supposed death is not permanent. They will try to retreat to the lakes they come from and will remember who killed them. So make sure that if you try killing one, you won’t cross their paths again in the foreseeable future.

Fae and other Outsiders

Being a race not originating from Fabulae lends Fae the title of an Outsider, even if the Faelands exist within the inner sphere. Few Fae appreciate such title, preferring instead to go by other names. What it does mean is that they are amongst the other Outsiders that walk across the material plane, leading to interactions between the groups. Some of it more accepting of others, others bitter rivalries as old as time.


Demons and Fae often share their idea of freedom, but not in their approach. For as similar they might think, they oppose one another. Seeing the fiendish outsiders of the lower planes as unstable threats, Fae find them too dangerous to associate with.

While this makes any Fae-ruled domains safe from demonic corruption, it lures fiendish troublemakers to their borders as well. Making it easy for other groups to end up in the crossfire between both outsiders.


Angels and Fae do not go together well, as Fae find the laws and rules of the upper planes are too restrictive. Hence why the angelic outsiders try to force obedience out of the fair folk, often against their own will.

Throughout the millennia, they attempted to claim power in the courts of Fae, but to no avail. No Angel ever had control amongst a Fae’s domain, nor will they in the foreseeable future. Either the Fae see through their plans or know about their presence.


As distant cousins of the Fae, Elementals are one of the few outsiders that they cooperate with. Even with their realms being far from one another, it is not uncommon for the two to be seen near one another.

Similarities in their traditions are common, as a few factions are actively trading. But not every Elemental is as sapient as a Fae, making less intelligent ones get treated like animals. Even if that is done with the utmost respect for the embodiments of the elements.

Articles under Fae

Cover image: Myth/Legend Cover by Endrise


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