Avadian Sovereignty

The foremost power in southwestern Arikanda, the Avadian Sovereignty began as a collection of tribes inhabiting the Beyan Archipelago. Over the centuries they have unified under the branch of the Avadians, first becoming a island confederation, and then becoming the masters of the Calinan Sea itself. Today, they are one of the Great Empires of Arikanda, are the undisputed economic leaders of the world and have holdings on both sides of the Calinan Sea.


The flag of the Avadian Sovereignty is a white phoenix against a teal background.


The Sovereignty functions as an oligarchic republic with democratic aspects. There are no Archons, Overlords, kings or queens in the Sovereignty, with legislative power sitting with the citizenry of the Sovereignty.   Legislation is proposed in the Avadian Assembly and is voted on by the populace in special Assembly Houses throughout the cities in the Beyan Archipelago, with weighted votes given to the captains of vessels and major merchants. The execution of this legislation and the day to day administration of the state is carried out by the Avadian Admiralty, the organisational and military body of the Sovereignty.   The Avadian Colonies do not participate in the process due to their remoteness. Instead, diplomatic administrators known as viceroys are tasked with implementing the will of the Sovereignty and communicating the needs of the Colony to the Sovereignty.

Public Agenda

The Sovereignty's public agenda is the advancement of the interests of the Avadian peoples, both on the home islands and in their colonial holdings.


The Sovereignty is the richest nation in Arikanda, with vast reserves of gold and silver. It also has a fleet of hundreds if not thousands of warships.


The precursor of the Sovereignty in its current form was the Avadian tribe, one of the many tribes who had come to live in the Beyan Archipelago. The Avadians began to surge in influence and power in the early third millennium DoM with the advent of bronze technology, which the Avadians adopted early and used to develop more sophisticated ships and agricultural techniques. This cemented over time with the declaration of the city of Port Avadia as the largest and most important trade hub on the islands. By the turn of the second millennium, the Avadians had expanded over much of the Beyan Archipelago itself using a combination of technological superiority, diplomacy and control of commerce throughout the islands, with a powerful navy to deter contenders.   By the last third of the second millennium, the Avadians had expanded throughout the entire archipelago and had subsumed most of the other tribes. To formalise this control, the Avadian Sovereignty was formed and declared in 1279 DoM as a unitary state covering the entirety of the Beyan Archipelago, under the rule of a Sealord. The Avadians continued to expand their power, forming a colonial settlement in modern-day Kayor in 870 DoM. The colonial settlements continued into Barcelles in 843 DoM, and finally a settlement expanded into the Tondra Plain in 792.   In light of these new developments, the balance of power in Isla Avadia shifted to the mercantile class, resulting in reforms to the government that led to the role of the Sealord being diminished. The Captains who usually stood in the Admiralty now made their cases to merchants, and by 778 DoM, Avadian citizens as a whole voted on the resolutions presented by these captains.   From the 7th to 3rd centuries DoM, Avadian expansion continued on Arikanda, with more trade posts and settlements spreading across the southwest of the continent. By 282 DoM, the Avadian presence had solidified into definitive colonial presences in the southwest, with the Tondra Plain, Barcelles and Kayor all becoming individual colonial territories with their own Viceroys loyal to the Avadian Assembly. Most of the inhabitants of these areas assimilated in Avadian society, and Freemarket in particular bloomed into a powerful economic crossroads with the Heartlander and Tanorite city-states.   From 250 DoM onwards, the Sovereignty began to turn its eyes to the opposite side of the Calinan Sea. Individual Avadian adventurers and ships had visited the northern shores of the continent before, but no official presence had been placed there. In 248 DoM this changed forever as the Sovereignty sent colonists to form the colony of Maganti, settled in the shadow of a mountain on the northwestern shores of Calina. The Calinani presence in the area proved to be a challenge, however, with the peoples more than capable of resisting Avadian settlement. The Calinani permitted the Avadians to settle Maganti, but in turn negotiated protections for their own lands and cultures. While this happened, the Avadians advanced deep into the Calinan Sea, placing trade posts and ports on both sides of the Calinan Sea. While many Tanorite nations welcomed the trade, some more aggressive city-states did not take kindly to this and attacked the Avadians. This resulted in the Coastal Wars of 98-74 DoM, ending in a treaty allowing free trade but limiting the establishment of enclaves.   Meanwhile, Maganti grew less and less of an Avadian colony as a kind of Calinani-Avadian fusion began to take hold over the city, enhanced by the arrival of Elementalist monks from Tanoron. Facing a potential revolt and a second Coastal War, the Sovereignty had no choice but to relinquish its control on Maganti. Through negotiation and acknowledgement of their shared heritage, the Sovereignty established firm alliances and trade agreements with Maganti.   The early centuries of the Three Empires era were relatively quiet for the Sovereignty, with the status quo being the order of the day.

Demography and Population

The vast majority of the Sovereignty's population are ethnic Avadians tracing back their origins to the home islands. With the colonisation of southwestern Arikanda in recent centuries, a large percentage of Heartlanders have also become part of the population.   Geographically the Sovereignty is spread about 50/50 between the home islands and the Avadian Colonies.


The Sovereignty currently holds the entire Beyan Archipelago, considered to be the original home of the Avadians. They have also settled the southwestern corner of Arikanda, having set up colonies. The colonial holdings have somewhat assimilated the original inhabitants of these areas.


The Avadians have an extensive naval force; both a formal fleet under the command of the Avadian Admiralty and a citizen militia, the Merchant Navy, made up of various captains and their vessels. They by far outnumber any other naval force in Arikanda, and are technologically and strategically superior.   The land forces of the Avadians are split into the Avadian Marines, an infantry force trained to fight on islands and aboard vessels, and the Colonial Guard, a force of infantry and light chariotry charged with defending the Colonies.

Technological Level

Like the other Empires, the Sovereignty is firmly into the Bronze Age in terms of its technological development. Its naval forces are particularly advanced, with the development of multiple-deck galleys and ship-based artillery.


The most prominent religion in the Sovereignty is the Avadian religion, particularly on the home islands. There is also a small Elementist presence. There are no formal laws regarding religious practice among the Avadians, with religion considered a personal affair.

Foreign Relations

The Sovereignty currently holds a non-aggression pact with the Helikan League. While the two large empires eye each other with something of a rivalry, ultimately they have a common threat from the Kalriv Empire. They do carry out considerable trade together.   The Sovereignty used to hold Maganti as a colony, however they have long since gone their own way. They remain somewhat friendly however, and several trade arrangements are in place.

Trade & Transport

Sea travel is undisputably the primary source of travel into, out of and around the Sovereignty. Port Avadia is the largest seaport in the world, and the Avadians have a broad range of ports and outposts settled among the home islands, on the Colonies, and even a small number of outposts in the Helikan League and Northern Calina. As a result of this extensive network, products of just about any variety can be found transported by the Avadians, with some goods being transported from as far afield as Calina and Kas.
Founding Date
1279 DoM
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Copper / silver / gold hex
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Council of Peace
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations
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Articles under Avadian Sovereignty

Cover image: by Vertixico


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