
Somehow, they managed to take Avadian culture and native culture and mash it into something else; and then for good measure, cast out both religions and turned to the Elemental Gods. This is going to be quite a place to see.   -Elementalist pilgrim on his journey to Maganti.
  Maganti is a city-state on the northern coast of Calina. Originally an Avadian colony, it has since become its own independent city-state, and is one of the largest and most influential cities in Northern Calina.


The majority of Magantine residents are of mixed Avadian and Calinani heritage, making up their own distinct cultural identity as Magantines. In terms of faith, Maganti is heavily Elementalist, with a minority following the Avadian faith and Calinan Animism.


Maganti is an oligarchic republic, and is overseen by a Signoria, a body of elected heads of guilds, Elemental orders and influential organisations within the city. The Signoria was originally the advisory body to the appointed Avadian colonial viceroy, and after the withdrawal of the Avadian Sovereignty, the governing system was kept.


Maganti is defended by limestone walls enclosing the city from the west and east, dating back to the days of its colonisation under the Avadians. Guard towers supplement these walls. To the south, Mount Nabaran forms a natural fortification, and the narrow favelas can easily be sealed off with palisades and soldiers. A small defense fleet operated by the Mariners' Guild protects the port.


As a relatively recent city in comparison to the more ancient cities in the Calinan Sea, Maganti was built according to Avadian schools of town planning. The city is built on a grid plan, with a system of major and arterial roads throughout the town. A drainage and sewer system has been implemented through the use of clay pipes that connect premises to public sewers. The city also has a large port with warehouses and shipyards.

Guilds and Factions

The most prominent organisations in Maganti are the Orders of the Elements; the Tiderunners, Windsoarers, Firedancers, Earthbreakers and Thundercallers. The Orders serve as a de facto law enforcement body, deputised by the Signoria to keep the peace, and leaders of each organisation have seats on the Signoria. There are also a number of guilds and colleges who wield considerable mercantile and political power, such as the Mariners' Guild, Metallurgists' Guild, Engineers' Guild and others.


For most of its history, Maganti and its surrounding jungle were home to tribes and small states of Calinani, who settled the area. In 248 DoM, the region changed forever as the Sovereignty sent colonists to form a colony, settling in the shadow of Mount Nabaran. The Calinani presence in the area proved to be a challenge to the settlers, however, with the peoples more than capable of resisting Avadian settlement. After deliveration, the Calinani permitted the Avadians to settle Maganti, but in turn negotiated protections for their own lands and cultures.   Over time, Maganti became less and less of an Avadian colony as a kind of Calinani-Avadian fusion began to take hold over the city, enhanced by the arrival of Elementalist monks from Tanoron. Facing a potential revolt as the combined peoples requested a greater stake in their futures, the Sovereignty had no choice but to relinquish its control on Maganti. Through negotiation and acknowledgement of their shared heritage, the Sovereignty established firm alliances and trade agreements with Maganti.


As the traditional birthplace of the Orders of the Elements, and as a major waypoint on the road to the complexes of Kalor-Gai, Maganti sees a considerable amount of religious pilgrimages from both sides of the Calinan Sea. Due to its close trade ties and previous colonial history with the Avadian Sovereignty, it is frequented by Avadian traders and sailors as well. Visitors to the city can stay at inns and tavernas run by Avadians and Magantines, or can stay at guest houses operated by many of the locals.


Magantine architecture is a mixture of Avadian and Calinani styles. The older parts of the town are made up of whitewashed limestone houses and buildings, while the Temple District, traditionally a Calinani-inspired location, sees a lot of temple compounds and shrines accessible by ornately-decorated split gates, along with stupas and pagodas. Residences can vary from small square houses, to thatch houses, to family compounds.


Maganti is built on a shallow bay. The outer southern reaches of Maganti are dominated by Mount Nabaran, a large hill. Slums are built up along the slopes of the hill, with winding labyrinthine paths. The Temple of Shiereleya sits at the top of the hill.
Founding Date
248 DoM
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Vertixico


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